历史悠久的黑人学院/大学(HBCU) /西班牙裔服务机构(HSI)联盟

You Belong at Grand Valley State University!


历史上的黑人学院/大学(HBCU) /西班牙裔服务机构(HSI)联盟的目的是合作, not compete, 与hbcu和hsi合作,为少数族裔学生创造更多的机会,让他们找到真正的自我, 有意义的职位,同时扩大西密歇根州的人才管道.

GVSU offers several articulated course pathways 在HBCU和HSI合作伙伴之间,为学生找到符合他们学术目标的学位. 

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捐赠给HBCU / HSI管道财团奖学金基金

The HBCU/HSI Consortium Scholarship 的成立是为了帮助那些从大峡谷州立大学之间有合作衔接协议的机构转学或毕业的学生支付他们的教育费用. 这项奖学金将帮助学生为成功的职业生涯做好准备, 并为西密歇根州的雇主提供多元化的人才渠道.


Institutional Research
The Princeton Review

(2021 Best Colleges: Region by Region)




1. 学生们在HBCU或HSI开始他们的学术生涯 receive a strong educational foundation.

2. 学生可以获得更广泛的学位途径组合 通过与大峡谷州立大学的衔接协议.

3. 学生通过沉浸式学习获得真实世界的专业经验 在当地行业,为他们毕业后进入劳动力市场做准备.

Student smiling on GVSU campus


我们致力于提供一个支持性的,全面的方法 学生的成功,建立在合作伙伴的优势hbcu和 HSIs. 在大多数情况下,学生将完成两所大学的学位 HBCU/HSI and GVSU. Students who choose to attend GVSU will be eligible for financial support, mentoring, and academic assistance. GVSU 与当地产业的合作为学生提供了机会 for professional learning and growth.

Student smiling


学生可以转到GVSU完成本科学位, 追求清晰的协作式早期参与(ACEE) 本科/研究生学位,或开始他们的GVSU学习 graduate level.

Prospective Students

HBSU/HSI Pipeline Consortium Benefits to Students Wheel

Benefits to Students

  • 加速你的博天堂官方网页轨迹,在竞争中领先一步完成你的学位.
  • Respond to emerging job markets.
  • 充分利用为你的具体目标量身定制的创造性学术课程.
  • Meet the growing national need for more B.S. and M.S. educated professionals from diverse backgrounds.
  • 通过行业合作获得宝贵的实习和职业机会.
  • 入学前参观GVSU校园的机会.
  • 访问各种支持机制,如专用支持和保留资源, potential internship/co-op prior to transfer, mentoring, and fraternities or sororities.
Fort Valley Students and Staff Pose with the GVSU Logo

Discover What's Next!

博天堂官方的指导教师将与每位学生合作 参加HBCU/HSI联盟的学生定制一个 transfer plan that meets their educational objectives. Students are 被鼓励与他们的母校和GVSU见面 在他们的学术生涯早期和整个学习过程中担任顾问.

HBCU/HSI Higher Education Collaborators

  • ASU B.S. Computer Science / GVSU M.S. Applied Computer Science
  • ASU B.S. Computer Science / GVSU M.S. Cybersecurity
  • FVSU B.S. Electrical Engineering Technology / GVSU M.S.E. Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • FVSU B.S. Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. (Engineering: All disciplines)
  • FVSU B.S. Computer Science / GVSU M.S. Applied Computer Science, Cybersecurity, or Data Science & Analytics
  • FVSU B.S. Biology / GVSU M.S. Cell & Molecular Biology
  • HCU B.S. Chemistry / GVSU M.S.E Engineering
  • HCU B.S. Electrical Engineering / GVSU M.S.E Engineering
  • HCU B.S. Biochemistry - Molecular Biology / GVSU M.S. Cell & Molecular Biology
  • JCSU B.S. Computer Engineering / GVSU M.S.E. Engineering
  • JCSU B.S. Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E Engineering
  • JCSU B.S. Public Health, Minor Sports Medicine / GVSU M.S. Athletic Training
  • SAU B.S. Computer Information Systems / GVSU M.S. Applied Computer Science
  • SAU B.S. Computer Information Systems / GVSU M.S. Cybersecurity
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Mechanical 工程或生物医学工程,重点是生物力学
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Electrical and 计算机工程或生物医学工程与电气 Engineering Emphasis
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Manufacturing Operations Engineering
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Mechanical Engineering with Thermo-fluid Sciences Emphasis
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Mechanical Engineering
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Manufacturing Operations Engineering
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering
  • SAU B.S. Engineering Mathematics / GVSU M.S.E. Biomedical Engineering
  • SSU B.S. Criminal Justice / GVSU M.S. Criminal Justice
  • SSU B.S. Communications / GVSU M.S. Communications
  • SSU B.S. Computer Science Technology / GVSU M.S. Cybersecurity 
  • SSU B.S. Electronic Engineering Technology/ M.S.E. Engineering 
  • SSU B.S. Biology / GVSU M.S. Biomedical Science
  • TC B.A. Elementary Education / GVSU M.Ed. Instruction and Curriculum
  • TC B.A. Elementary Education / GVSU M.Ed. Higher Education
  • TC B.A. Elementary Education / GVSU M.Ed. School Counseling 
  • TC B.A. Elementary Education / GVSU M.Ed. Educational Leadership
  • TC B.A. Child Development and Instruction / GVSU M.Ed. Instruction and Curriculum
  • TC B.A. Child Development and Instruction / GVSU M.Ed. Higher Education
  • TC B.A. Child Development and Instruction / GVSU M.Ed. School Counseling 
  • TC B.A. Child Development and Instruction / GVSU M.Ed. Educational Leadership
  • Pathway to Michigan Teacher Certification 

Collaborator Opportunities

Become a Higher Education Collaborator

GVSU will partner with your HBCU or HSI to:

  • Identify curriculum equivalencies
  • 建立衔接协议,帮助学生完成课程要求,尽快进入职场
  • 通过带薪行业实习将学生与机会联系起来, co-op, or graduate assistantships
  • Assist students with identifying financial resources
  • Coordinate campus visits

Become an Industry Collaborator


  • 提供带薪实习或带薪实习(本科水平)
  • 提供业界赞助的研究生奖学金(研究生水平)
  • Giving to the GVSU HBCU/HSI Consortium Scholarship Fund
  • Participating in campus visitations
  • Hosting facility tours

Questions? Contact:

B. Donta Truss, Ed.D.

Vice President for Enrollment Development & Educational Outreach

Grand Valley State University

(616) 331 - 2500

[email protected]

Paul D. Plotkowski, Ph.D.

Dean, Seymour & Esther Padnos College of Engineering & Computing

Grand Valley State University

(616) 331 - 6260

[email protected]

HBCU/HSI Pipeline Consortium News


GVSU和萨凡纳州立大学之间的协议提供了通往 master's degrees for SSU students

这是格兰谷公司与一家美国公司签署的第四份协议 Historically Black College or University.

Aug 30, 2022

两幅肖像的合成照片:左边是道格·金斯基,右边是威廉·皮卡德. Both men are standing

GVU基金会表彰Pickard, Kindschi对 philanthropy, service

William Pickard and P. Douglas Kindschi were recognized May 3 by the 感谢他们对慈善事业的贡献, service and the university.

May 4, 2022

曼特拉总统站在讲台后面,向观众做手势. Two people seated at table to her left.


来自大河谷州立大学和阿拉巴马州立大学的领导签署了一份协议 4月25日的衔接协议,建立学位的途径 对于有兴趣攻读硕士学位的亚利桑那州立大学学生 degrees at GVSU.

Apr 25, 2022

B. Donta Truss, left, and Kevin James sign papers while seated at a table; a banner from GVSU is behind them

GVSU,莫里斯布朗学院签署备忘录,开始学生的途径 enroll in GVSU master's degree programs

格兰德山谷大学和莫里斯布朗学院的领导签署了一份备忘录 3月15日的谅解,作为一个明确的开始 协议,为莫里斯布朗大学的毕业生提供了入学的途径 Grand Valley master's degree programs.

Mar 18, 2022



博天堂官方校董会成员威廉·比尔 皮卡德发起了两项基金,旨在支持和帮助学生 diversity West Michigan's talent pool.

Jan 20, 2022

View More HBCU/HSI Pipeline Consortium News

Page last modified June 5, 2024