
  1. 完成 应用程序. A 论文应用程序 也可用,和 should be mailed to: 博天堂官方 Office, Grand Valley State University, 1校园路, 艾伦代尔, MI 49401. 
  2. Request an official transcript from your high 学校. To be considered official, they must be sent from your 学校 counselor/official or requested through an electronic delivery service such as Parchment, Naviance, or SCOIR. 官方 副本可以直接发送到 (电子邮件保护)u
  3. Consider sending your ACT or SAT test results. 的 decision to submit test 分数s will be left up to the applicant. 所有 applicants admitted to GVSU by March 1 for a Fall start date will be 考虑 以业绩为基础的 奖学金, regardless of whether or not test 分数s are 与申请一起提交. 被录取后,你可以继续 to submit official test 分数s as a supplement 给你r 应用程序 until July 31 for additional scholarship consideration. When you take the test, list Grand Valley as one of the recipients 你的分数. GVSU's 学校 code for the ACT is 2005 and for the SAT是1258. If you are aiming for our top 奖学金 you must provide your test 分数s for consideration. 另外,如果 you are seeking to showcase strong math proficiency we encourage 你必须提交考试成绩. 


 录取决定是滚动进行的 basis once your file is 完整的. 大峡谷以速度快而自豪 response times on 应用程序. 你可以期待格兰德的消息 Valley within three 周. 如果您没有收到确认 within that time, contact the 博天堂官方 Office at (616) 331-2025 or 免费电话:(800)748-0246.

博天堂官方办公室必须收到 your 完整的 应用程序 at least 30 calendar days before 报名的最后一天 for the semester 您想要注册的. 然而,任何学期的录取都是 如需提前关闭,恕不另行通知.

所有 documents and supporting data required for admission become the property of 大峡谷州立大学 and will not be returned 给你.

Grand Valley grants admission to students who are prepared to meet the challenges of a rigorous university curriculum. 大一新生 applicants will be reviewed using a combination of high 学校 courses 完整的d, cumulative 平均绩点, standardized test 分数s, grade point trend, and other factors provided by the applicant.

Be sure to send your final high 学校 transcript to the GVSU 6月30日前到博天堂官方办.

Students earning college credit or a post-secondary awards prior to graduating from high 学校 or at the same time as high 学校 graduation are considered a first-time student in the fall (freshman 入学). This would include dual enrollment students and 初中部大学生.

At Grand Valley, we are looking for students who are prepared to meet the challenges of a rigorous university curriculum. 一个博天堂官方 counselor carefully reviews each 应用程序 and considers academic 以及其他各种标准.

Applicants will be reviewed using a combination of:

  • 高中课程完成情况
  • 累积平均绩点
  • 标准化考试成绩(如提交)
  • 绩点趋势
  • 班级排名
  • 申请人提供的其他因素

A single deficiency in an academic area will not necessarily mean a 学生被拒绝入学. 然而,缺a的学生 课程数量占劣势.

的 middle 50 percent of admitted freshmen students 分数d between:

  • 3.2和3.高中平均成绩9分
  • ACT 20和27分
  • SAT成绩970-1210

Recommended, but not required, subject criteria in high 学校 should include:

  • Four years of English, including composition
  • Three years of science, including two years of laboratory science
  • Three years of college preparatory mathematics
  • 三年的社会科学
  • 两年只学一门外语

To be 考虑 admission, you must submit:

  • Completed undergraduate 应用程序 for admission
  • 高中正式成绩单
  • 任何必要的证明文件

Note: If you have attended an accredited institution of higher learning after high 学校, you are considered a transfer student.

1. 完成 应用程序. A 纸 应用程序 也可用,和 should be mailed to: 博天堂官方 Office, 大峡谷州立大学, 1校园路, 艾伦代尔, MI 49401. 

2. 官方成绩单. 你必须要正式的成绩单 be sent from each college attended (whether you earned credits or not) 去大峡谷大学博天堂官方办公室. 如果你完成的更少 than 30 semester (or 45 quarter) hours of credit, you must request that an official high 学校 transcript be sent to Grand Valley as 好吧. 官方成绩单可发送至 adm -(电子邮件保护).

3. 录取通知. 录取决定是滚动进行的 基础一旦你的文件完成. 大峡谷以速度快而自豪 应用程序的响应时间. 你可以期待格兰德的消息 三星期内出谷. 如果您没有收到确认 within that time, contact the 博天堂官方 Office at (616) 331-2025 or 免费电话:(800)748-0246.

4. 申请递交截止日期. 博天堂官方办公室必须收到 your 完整的 应用程序 at least 30 calendar days prior to the first day of classes before 报名的最后一天 for the semester 您想要注册的.

5. 所有 documents and supporting data required for admission become the property of 大峡谷州立大学 and will not be returned 给你.

6. 密歇根转让协议(MTA). 就读密歇根大学的学生 community college and 完整的 the MTA or MACRAO agreement will have satisfied the Foundations categories of the General 教育 Program.

有2分的转学申请者.累积平均绩点5分或以上 minimum of 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours who is eligible to re-enroll at the former institution will normally be admitted.

有2分的转学申请者.累积平均绩点5分或以上 than 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours must also submit high 学校记录. Students who have been out of high 学校 for three or fewer years will also be required to submit an ACT or SAT 分数. Admission evaluation will be made based on both the college record and the high 学校 record, using the first year student admission requirements as stated in the section above.

Applications for admission must be 完整的 at least 30 days before 报名的最后一天. 然而,任何学期的录取都是 如需提前关闭,恕不另行通知.

If a student has earned college credit or a post-secondary award prior to the student graduating high 学校 or at the same time as high 学校 graduation, then the student would be considered a First 秋季一年级学生. 这将包括双博天堂官方学生 以及初高中学生.

Dual enrollment is an opportunity for students to get started on their college coursework before graduating high 学校, which saves 他们的时间和金钱. To learn more about dual enrollment at GVSU visit 博天堂官方.edu/dualenrollment.



大峡谷州立大学 has a rolling admission policy and reviews 应用程序 and makes admission decisions as students’ files are 完整的d. Admission decisions are based on the applicant’s coursework, 平均绩点, and any other supporting materials that may be included or requested. GVSU的入学考试是可选的. 


博天堂官方 Office will notify admitted students of upcoming 定位会话. Admitted freshman students must submit their enrollment/orientation fee by 5月1日 保证能进新生班. Transfer students will be required to attend orientation as 好吧. Academic advising and registration occurs during Orientation. An introduction to Grand Valley will occur prior to the beginning of the semester for which a student will attend classes. 的se sessions include information on support services and university resources available to new students.


You must be admitted to Grand Valley before you can apply for on-campus housing. 的 博天堂官方 Office will send you information about housing once you’ve been admitted.

  • 一年级新生 是否需要住在校园里.
  • 转学生和研究生 are encouraged but not required to live on campus.

应用ing early may improve the chances of receiving your preferred style, but does not guarantee a placement in the requested style.


1. 的 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be 完整的d by you and/or your parents or spouse. You should fill out the FAFSA 完整的ly and accurately. 不要留空格. Indicate zeros in situations that do not apply. 的 FAFSA is the only form you need to use to apply for need-based financial aid and loans. For maximum consideration for need-based aid, applicants should file the FAFSA by March 1. 大峡谷FAFSA代码是002268.

2. 被认为是不需要的, 择优奖学金, you must have your admission 应用程序 完整的d by March 1st. Your admission file must be 完整的 including all official transcripts and test 分数s.

3. Grand Valley’s Financial Aid Office may request additional information if, 在审查你所提供的数据后, we believe that further clarification of your financial situation is needed. Such information may include submission of the applicant’s or parents’ IRS 1040 forms.

4. General eligibility requirements for federal aid require a valid Social Security number. To assist with your financial aid, please 完整的 this field on the 应用程序. 5. 所有 students applying for federal student financial aid should provide a final high 学校 transcript to the 博天堂官方 Office.


Admission to Grand Valley does not guarantee admission to certain undergraduate or entry-level graduate degree programs. Students must fulfill additional requirements before they may declare a major in any of the programs listed below. Please refer to the 大峡谷州立大学 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog for admission requirements and 应用程序 deadlines.


所有ied Health Sciences (certain emphases only)




大峡谷州立大学 is committed to assisting all members of our community in providing for their own safety and security. 的 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available on the 大峡谷州立大学 Police Department website at www.博天堂官方.edu/gvpd/. If you would like to receive a printed copy of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, you can stop by the Facilities Service Building or you can request a copy be mailed 给你 by calling (616)-331-3255. 的 report contains information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, 消防安全, 大学警察执法机关, 犯罪报告政策, 纪律程序, and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus. 的 report also contains information about crime data for three previous calendar years. Statistics include reported crimes that occurred on the campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by GVSU and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This information is required by law and is provided by the 大峡谷州立大学 Police Department.  

Title IX of the 教育 Amendment Act of 1972 requires that all entities receiving federal funds or financial assistance prohibit sex discrimination and sexual harassment in their education programs and activities. 了解更多博天堂官方网页第九条的信息 www.博天堂官方.edu/titleix/.

我们的 隐私政策 可供查阅.

You are responsible for notifying the 博天堂官方 Office in writing of any new or additional criminal charges filed against you subsequent to submitting this 应用程序 and prior to attending classes.

大峡谷州立大学 is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. It encourages diversity and provides equal opportunity in education, 就业, 所有的程序, 以及对其设施的使用. It is committed to protecting the constitutional and statutory civil rights of persons connected with the university. 7/20
