
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录

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Dean: Kanpol






Mission: 民主社会中的教学、领导和学习.

Philosophy: Believing that schools function as social and political entities as well as for the growth of individuals, the 教育学院 prepares teachers and leaders a) to enhance the academic and personal potential of their students, and b) to evaluate the social and ethical implications of educational policies and practices.

Values: 教育学院重视 expertise 指导我们的实践, equity 为了指导我们的互动, 博雅教育 引导我们的观点,以及 社会责任 指导我们对民主教育的承诺. 我们在准备候选人时重视这些理想, 我们师资队伍的发展, 以及我们与我们所服务的更大社区的关系.


The 教育学院 offers programs leading to initial certification (密歇根标准教学证书) both at the undergraduate and graduate level. Certification is available at the undergraduate level in elementary and secondary general education 特殊教育. Candidates complete a teachable major in one of the content areas and a second major in education. 研究生水平的初始认证计划, 研究生教师证书(GTC), is for candidates who already possess an approved baccalaureate degree.

The teacher preparation program reflects a belief in strong backgrounds in the liberal arts, 熟悉学习理论, 以及在不同环境下的实践经验. 教育学院 faculty members teach courses and seminars in educational philosophy and psychology, 方法与材料, 学校组织管理, 技术和评估. Faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences teach content area courses.

Graduate level programs offer the Master of Education degree (M.Ed.), 密歇根标准教学证书, 管理员认证, 学校辅导执照及背书, 证书更新, 以及获得批准的项目, endorsements, 专业发展.

The major function of the graduate program is to create opportunities for professional renewal and development. The graduate program attempts to increase knowledge and understanding of the learning process and the repertoire of teaching methods and skills. 研究生项目提供硕士学位.Ed. 7个主要领域的学位:教育技术, 高等教育, 教学与课程, 教育领导, 读写能力的研究, 学校心理咨询, 特殊教育.

在研究生项目之外, the 教育学院 offers the Educational Specialist degree in leadership (Ed.S). This degree program builds on the master's degree and develops leadership practitioners for school and/or central office administrative positions. The program provides district leaders with meaningful clinical experiences, 案例教学法, and pragmatic curriculum geared to the specific knowledge and skills required by district leaders and superintendents at different career stages. See the Education section under Academic Programs in this catalog for specific program requirements.





Dean's Office


Upward Bound

所有的办公室都设在理查德M. 德沃斯中心在罗伯特C. 皮尤大急流城校区, with the exception of the 教育人才寻访 office which is located at the Depot on the Robert C. 皮尤大急流城校区.


The 教育学院 is an upper-division and graduate unit. Programs are approved by the Michigan Department of Education and follow the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) guidelines.


For specific graduate 教育学院 admission requirements, 见研究生教师教育项目说明.


For specific undergraduate 教育学院 initial certification admission requirements, 见本科教师教育项目说明.


The 教育学院 学生信息和服务中心 (SISC) provides advising and information that supports undergraduate and graduate students through a variety of transitions within the 教育学院. The service center offers centralized services for admissions, placement, advising, 和认证. A full service professional staff is available for advising and assistance. Contact (电子邮件保护) 或致电(616)331-6650.


Graduate assistant positions are available in the 教育学院 to assist with research, writing, 数据收集和分析, 拨款建议的发展, 学生服务, 电脑项目, 并在研究生委员会任职.

Refer to byxtdi.dftractor.com/gs/policies-and-procedures-58.htm or 研究生院 section in this catalog for additional information on 研究生助教奖学金.


Each year, the 教育学院 assists students through the generosity of individuals and organizations dedicated to the preparation of educators. All scholarship awards require formal admission to the 教育学院. 请参阅大学的奖学金网站 byxtdi.dftractor.com/scholarships for more information or to apply through myScholarships, the online application database.

  • 鲍德温基金会奖学金捐赠基金
  • 格蕾塔和阿瑟·德隆教师教育奖学金
  • Kenneth and Irene Fridsma Endowed Special Education Scholarship
  • Faculty 教与学 Center Scholarship for Minority Students in Education
  • 麦克-杰克逊非裔美国教师奖学金
  • Joe E. 里德纪念奖学金
  • 美国电话先锋奖学金
  • J. 帕特里克·桑德罗教育奖学金
  • 研究生教师资格证 Scholarship
  • The David G. and Mary L. 安妮教育奖学金
  • 保罗81届和帕梅拉80届施韦策奖学金
  • 教育学院未来教师奖学金
  • PNC幼儿教育奖学金

Refer to byxtdi.dftractor.com/financialaid or the 费用和财政援助 section in this catalog for scholarship details.


Kappa Delta Pi (KDP): Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education that fosters excellence in education and promotes fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. The Grand Valley KDP Student Chapter provides service opportunities in schools and throughout the community to positively impact the education of all children.

Student Chapter of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA): The Grand Valley NSTA Student Chapter provides professional opportunities for students wishing to pursue careers in K-12 science education.

Phi Delta Kappa is Teachers of Tomorrow (TOT): The Grand Valley Student Chapter is under the umbrella of Phi Delta Kappa's Future Educators Association. Monthly meetings concentrate on topics of interest for future educators and service-learning/volunteer opportunities. GVSU is recognized as a Phi Delta Kappa International member with all the opportunities afforded by that organization.


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