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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training

Requirements for a Major in Athletic Training

申请博天堂官方运动训练课程的学生必须遵守博天堂官方本科生和研究生目录中规定的所有通识教育要求. 转学生应参阅本节末尾的转学生政策.

这个项目只适用于申请并通过正式录取的学生, competitive admission process. 该计划的入学申请每年两次:秋季和冬季. 一旦被录取,学生需要至少花五个学期完成他们的临床经验.

Prerequisites for Admission



  • Current first aid and CPR certification
  • 疾病预防控制中心为卫生保健工作者定义的当前免疫证明
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher
  • 在大峡谷州立大学上了一个学期课

Admission Eligibility

Once the above criteria have been met (or in process), 该学生有资格申请入读该课程. Admission is competitive and is based on:

  1. 笔试(学生必须达到70%或以上才有资格参加面试)
  2. 实践测试(学生必须达到70%或以上才能获得面试资格)
  3. Admission application
  4. Interview
  5. Recommendations
  6. 完成犯罪背景调查和10组药物筛选
  7. Technical standards



  1. 想要进入大山谷州立大学运动训练课程的转学生必须与运动训练课程顾问会面,讨论可能的转课程.
  2. 转学生必须符合大山谷州立大学本科和研究生目录中的所有入学标准.
  3. 转学生必须满足所有大山谷运动训练计划的先决条件和入学标准.
  4. 申请委员会将在个人基础上评估预录取标准和课程转移到该计划.


Athletic Training Major B.S. Course Requirements (credit hours: 10)

Coursework (credit hours: 77-83)


GPA Retention Policies

Athletic training majors are required to maintain a 3.所有必修课的平均绩点为0,成绩不低于C. Once formally admitted to the program, 学生还将被要求保持累积GPA为2.8 or higher. In addition, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 for the semester. 未能达到先前列出的GPA要求的学生将处于一个学期的试用状态. 连续第二个学期未能保持先前列出的GPA要求将导致从该计划中被解雇.

Program Costs

学生将负责与所需的免疫接种相关的费用(身体检查的初步测试), blood titers, and tuberculosis testing = $120; Annual TB test = $15/test), background checks and drug screenings ($72), BLS face mask ($13), 往返于临床地点(因任务而异), Grand Valley Athletic Training Polo ($33), 国家运动教练协会的学生会员(第一年35美元), 第一年之后每年75美元)或每年订阅ATrack (NATA会员提供ATrack会员资格), 以及每门课程所需的所有课本和补充材料. First year (preadmittance to program and first semester in program) cost = $273; second year (second and third semester in program) = $90; third year (fourth semester and internship in program) = $90. Total costs equal $453.

所有运动训练实验课程均需额外收费. Total cost for all courses equals $300.

在参加运动训练项目期间的总估计费用(学费和项目费用)= 753美元加上旅费和教科书费用.



First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fourth Year

Athletic Training Program Description

Click here for the program description.

Movement Science Program Description

Click here for the program description.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.