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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Traditional

Undergraduate Nursing Admission


Direct admission to the traditional B.S.N. 该计划是基于在高中优异的学习成绩.

有资格直接进入传统的B.S.N. program the student must:

  • 有资格成为一名新生,高中毕业后直接进入GVSU
  • 高中累计平均绩点达到3分.6 or higher
  • ACT综合成绩达到30分或以上,SAT综合成绩达到1400分或以上
  • 提交所有完整的申请入学文件, including ACT or SAT score, 在申请人高中最后一年的12月31日前寄到GVSU博天堂官方办公室
  • 在GVSU入学申请上注明护理专业
  • 在高中最后一年的5月1日之前安排一个新生迎新会
  • Declare a nursing major at New Student Orientation

To retain direct admit status to the traditional B.S.N. program the student must:

  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0
  • Earn a minimum 3.入学前提课程平均成绩5分
  • Remain a declared nursing major. 请注意,更改专业将导致失去直接录取资格.
  • Adhere to the KCON course repeat policy; a student may repeat three prerequisite courses and two of those courses can be BMS, CHM, or BIO. No required course may be repeated more than once

进入传统B型临床部分.S.N. program the student with direct admit status must:

  • 在申请前完成所有入学先决条件课程
  • Complete the additional traditional B.S.N. program prerequisite courses
  • 提交入学申请到传统的B.S.N. program by the stated deadline

Prior to beginning KCON clinical courses, 学生必须完成全面的健康合规要求,包括, but not limited to, a criminal background check, fingerprinting, and drug screening. 请注意:所有州护理委员会审查所有完成护理课程的毕业生的记录,以确定是否有资格参加全国委员会执照考试- rn (NCLEX-RN)。. 所有州护理委员会都保留拒绝授予B级的权利.S.N. 如果被判有罪,允许研究生参加NCLEX-RN执照考试.


已获得其他学科学士学位的学生不符合此计划的资格. Please see the B.S.N. Second Degree section.

大学录取的大多数预科学生是非直接录取身份,必须完成二次申请. An eligible applicant must:

  • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (including transfer credits)
  • 成功完成所有必修课程(成绩为C或更高)
  • 坚持KCON课程复读政策,该政策规定学生可以复读三门入学先决课程,其中两门课程可以是BMS, CHM, or BIO
  • No required course may be repeated more than once

KCON admits two cohorts into the traditional professional nursing program on an annual basis; one cohort in the fall semester and one cohort in the winter semester. 该课程的入学竞争非常激烈,如果只满足最低要求,学生可能不会被录取. 博天堂官方网页博天堂官方过程的其他信息, including application deadlines, can be found on the KCON website at

Prior to beginning KCON clinical courses, 学生必须完成全面的健康合规要求,包括, but not limited to, a criminal background check, fingerprinting, and drug screening. 请注意:所有州护理委员会审查所有完成护理课程的毕业生的记录,以确定是否有资格参加全国委员会执照考试- rn (NCLEX-RN)。. 所有州护理委员会都保留拒绝授予B级的权利.S.N. 如果被判有罪,允许研究生参加NCLEX-RN执照考试.

以下列出的所有课程必须以C(2)的最低成绩完成.0). 继续学习护理专业要求最低成绩为C (2).0) in corequisite courses. 所有护理专业的必修课程必须修满学分.

Admission Prerequisite Courses

Other Required Courses

以下必修课程必须以C(2)的成绩完成.0) or better before the start of nursing program.

Corequisite Courses in the Nursing Program


Transfer Students

计划从其他学院或大学转学到GVSU的学生应该与当地的学术顾问密切合作. As a transfer student, 请务必在入学时仔细检查您的GVSU成绩单评估.

To be considered for the B.S.N. program, 学生必须首先被GVSU录取,并在申请之前宣布护理专业.

Eligible applicants must:

  • 获得最低累积平均绩点3.0 (including transfer credits)
  • 成功完成所有必修课程(成绩为C或更高)
  • 坚持KCON课程复读政策,即学生可以复读三门必修课程,其中两门课程可以成为BMS, CHM, or BIO.
  • No required course may be repeated more than once.

KCON admits two cohorts into the traditional B.S.N. program on an annual basis; one cohort in the fall semester and one cohort in the winter semester. 该课程的入学竞争非常激烈,如果只满足最低要求,学生可能不会被录取. 博天堂官方网页博天堂官方过程的其他信息, including application deadlines, can be found on the KCON website at

Prior to beginning KCON clinical courses, 学生必须完成全面的健康合规要求,包括, but not limited to, a criminal background check, fingerprinting, and drug screening. 请注意:所有州护理委员会审查所有完成护理课程的毕业生的记录,以确定是否有资格参加全国委员会执照考试- rn (NCLEX-RN)。. 所有州护理委员会都保留拒绝授予B级的权利.S.N. 如果被判有罪,允许研究生参加NCLEX-RN执照考试.


First Semester (credits: 14)

Second Semester (credits: 15)

Third Semester (credits: 17)

Fourth Semester (credits: 14)

Fifth Semester (credits: 16)

Sixth Semester (credits: 16)

Seventh Semester (credits: 15)

Eighth Semester (credits: 13)

Total Credits: 120


To progress in the B.S.N. program, a minimum grade of C (2.在必修、必修、同修和所有护理课程中都需要0).

A grade less than a C (2.0) is considered a failure in all required B.S.N. courses. 超过一门必修课不及格的学生将不被允许继续学习. 如果“成绩不佳”,无论何时退课,都将被视为课程不及格.


If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.