
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录



Requirements for a Major in Therapeutic Recreation

The curriculum for the bachelors degree in therapeutic recreation is designed to provide the essential competencies and skills related to professional practice in therapeutic settings. 学生 desiring a major in therapeutic recreation must complete the following:

1. 大学学历要求

As identified in the General Academic Policies section of the 大峡谷州立大学 Undergraduate and 研究生目录

2. 治疗性娱乐核心

3. 选修课


4. 同源词

5. 学术标准

To embark on the fieldwork and internship placements, students must show academic competence. The criterion for competence is 80 percent (B-) in each REC designated course. 另外, students should be aware that prior to the beginning of the fieldwork and internship placements, they must complete comprehensive health compliance obligations including but not limited to a criminal background check, 指纹识别, 药物筛选. It is the responsibility of the student to comply. If there is illegal activity in the background check/指纹识别 or if there is evidence of one or more prohibited substance in the drug test, the clinical sites have the right to refuse a student's placement which may negatively impact a student's ability to progress in the therapeutic recreation program. 除了, 被指控犯有, 或者被判有罪, may not be eligible for national certification by the National Council on Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC). 学生 to whom this may apply are strongly advised to work with NCTRC for preapplication review of eligibility for certification. NCTRC联系方式: www.nctrc.org; email: (电子邮件保护); telephone: (845) 639-1439; fax: (845) 639-1471.

6. 认证

  1. First aid/CPR certification and other health compliance certifications must be current before registering for REC 390 -实地工作,或者 REC 490 ——实习.
  2. 水上安全指导员.S.I.) certification is often an internship requirement in a clinical rehabilitation setting. 学生 interested in physical rehabilitation or aquatics should consider pursuing this certification.

7. 凭证

National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) 凭证: It is the students' responsibility to be sure that they comply with NCTRC standards during their course of study. The certification process can only be pursued by the graduate. Universities and colleges are not permitted to enter into this process. Grand Valley's therapeutic recreation faculty can only advise the student on which courses to take to meet the qualifications for sitting for the credentialing exam. 在应用程序, the NCTRC board has the sole responsibility of reviewing the academic program and ascertaining whether a graduate is permitted to sit for the National Certification Examination. All decisions regarding certification are determined by the NCTRC Board.

Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in Therapeutic Recreation



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