
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录



For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies section in this catalog.

学生 enrolled in an environmental studies major will explore multiple dimensions on human-environmental interactions: sociocultural, 科学, 技术, 政治, 和经济. They will also develop an understanding of sustainability concepts, acquire experience in interdisciplinary collaboration, and become familiar with basic field research focused on local environmental issues.

Requirements for a Minor in Environmental Studies

The environmental studies minor will require a minimum of 21 credit hours including the following courses.

A. ENS 201(3学分)

B. One course from each of the following categories (9 credits)

Sociocultural Perspectives on Environment

Physical Life Science Perspectives on Environment

Political and Economic Perspectives on Environment

C. 选修课(6学分)

Any two upper-level electives (300 or above) from two different disciplines from the list of all environmental studies electives (socio-cultural, 物理与生命科学, and 政治 和经济) listed previously. ENS 490 - Internship in Environmental Studies (1 to 5 credits) (up to 5 credit hours) can be taken as one of the two upper-level electives.

D. ENS 401(3学分)

Environmental Studies Program Description

Click here for the program description.

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