
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录


Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics

The program requires a total of 36 credit hours of coursework.






学生 have two options for their culminating experience in the program: the master's thesis option or the master's Capstone option.


The master's thesis option is designed to give students experience designing and conducting empirical research. This option is strongly recommended to students planning to pursue doctoral work. 学生 must take a total of six credit hours of 695年英格 毕业前. Preparing a thesis is a multistage process that involves the following (see M.A.-A.L. program materials for more detail):

  • Forming a Committee: You need to form a thesis committee, comprised of a chair and two additional graduate faculty. If you wish to select a faculty member from outside of the program as chair, you should consult with the program director for prior approval. The outside committee member must have relevant expertise in the thesis topic.
  • Writing a Prospectus: You will write a prospectus for your proposed thesis project.
  • Holding a Prospectus Meeting: After your chair approves your prospectus, you will share it with the committee, 在召开会议之前, 你会得到反馈. If the prospectus is approved, you begin research; if not, you will need to revise and resubmit.
  • 研究 & Writing: You will research, write, and revise the thesis, under your chair's supervision.
  • Defending the Thesis:You will defend your thesis to your committee in a meeting that is open to faculty and students. Your committee may require further revision of the thesis as a condition of graduation. 学生 have 30 days in which to complete the revision, at which time the committee will decide whether to accept the final thesis. No further oral defense is necessary, unless the committee votes no on the final thesis, in which case the student has the option of writing a new thesis or dropping the program.

Prerequisite: 学生 who choose the thesis option must complete 18 credit hours of coursework prior to registering for 695年英格 论文学分.


The master's Capstone option offers students the opportunity to take additional coursework in applied linguistics, and to engage in the kinds of professional activities they will be expected to undertake in the field following graduation. 学生 who choose the Capstone option for their culminating experience will take the following courses (instead of six 论文学分):

在本课程中, students will design and develop an independent project in applied linguistics, which they will present publicly at a departmental conference.

Prerequisite: 学生 must complete 27 credits in the program prior to taking 693年英格.


Other electives to be determined in consultation with graduate advisor.


The program can typically be completed in two academic years by students enrolled full-time. 学生 who wish to enroll on a part-time basis should consult with the program director to determine a viable plan of study. All students must begin their study in fall semester.

The following is the suggested course sequence for full-time students.







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