
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录



For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of 社区 and Public Service section in this catalog.

网站: www.博天堂官方.edu/grad/mpa

M.P.A. 毕业生是领导者. They lead their communities and organizations on the basis of advanced administrative skills with a dedication to democratic values and public service. In today's global society, such leadership takes many forms and occurs in a variety of settings. The mission of the master of public administration is to develop both the general knowledge and specific abilities needed for professional careers in public service organizations. The curriculum is designed to prepare students to act ethically and effectively in public management, 城市和区域政策与规划, 非营利组织管理, 刑事司法, 以及医疗保健管理.

作为一所城市背景下的专业学校, 公共学院, 非营利组织, and 卫生行政 is actively involved with the community in professional service activities and applied research. The program offers flexibility and innovation in curriculum design to meet the diverse educational needs of part-time and full-time students, 包括晚间和周末的课程和工作坊, 和互联网强化学习. Because careers in administration are varied and include the public, 私人, 非营利部门, the curriculum is designed to develop advanced executive abilities through a combination of core competencies and specialized areas of concentration. Satisfactory completion of the program of study leads to the award of the M.P.A. 学位.


National Association of Schools for Public Affairs and Administration.

毕业最少学时数: 39(就业前学生42)


  • 本科平均绩点不低于3分.0对4.0 scale calculated on the last 60 credit hours of undergraduate coursework
  • 来自消息灵通人士的三封推荐信
  • 详细的简历
  • An essay on career and educational objectives (250-750 words)
  • A demonstrated commitment to community and public service
  • 提交ting a GRE score is recommended for applicants who have neither a 3.0 undergraduate GPA or five years of professional experience. The GRE is also recommended for applicants applying for a graduate assistantship with SPNHA.


A maximum of 12 semester hours of transfer credit will be given for appropriate graduate courses completed within the previous five-year period with a grade of B or better at another college or university. These transfer credits may be substituted for required courses or given general credit as determined by the faculty.

M的要求.P.A. 学位

M.P.A. 学位 consists of a minimum of 39 credit hours of coursework. Precareer students must take three credit hours of internship in addition to the 39 required hours of coursework for a total of 42 credit hours. 学生 must meet with an advisor upon entry into the program to develop a program of study.



学生 Must Select One Concentration of 15 Credit Hours.








At least nine credits must be selected from other graduate courses, including PA courses in other concentration areas (preceding) and nonconcentration PA courses and workshops (following). Note that a maximum of three workshop credits may be applied to the 学位. The number of elective credits is reduced by three if the student does a second three-credit internship.

  • 以上所列的任何PA课程.


All precareer students are required to take at least three internship credits (in addition to 39 hours of coursework). They may take a second internship for a total of six credits:


学生 must take a three-credit 顶石 at the end of their studies.

大多数学生都会选择 PA 619 作为他们的顶点体验. They must have completed 30 credits of coursework before registering for PA 619. 作为对 PA 619, students may opt for a research project 作为他们的顶点体验.


如果你需要帮助,请 提交任何问题或意见.