
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录



Human rights have become the moral language of today in fields as disparate as philosophy, 国际政治和医疗保健, 以及其他服务行业. This program provides students with both intellectual and practical opportunities to engage with human rights in preparation for encountering a wide variety of 21st century political issues, 社会问题, 就业机会.

The human rights curriculum is distinctively interdisciplinary, 反映当今世界的人权状况. Completing the minor will equip students with key concepts and opportunities within this world, 如:

  • 的政治, philosophical and legal development of human rights concepts within academic scholarship and political practice
  • The role of human rights in international relations and law
  • 人权机构的发展, 法院, 法庭, and the emergence of human rights law as a profession
  • The explosive growth of humanitarian organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to human rights activism and practice.
  • The incorporation of human rights concerns in the corporate world regarding job relocation, 人力资源, 国际投资.


Anyone admitted to GVSU as a degree-seeking student can declare the human rights minor.


学生必须修满19个学分, including the introductory and capstone courses, 核心课程列表中的两门课程, 另外还有三门选修课. A maximum of three of the core and elective courses may be from the same prefix.



选修两门课程(每门三学分), one each from core courses list A and B; each course must have a different prefix.




Take three courses (three credits each) from elective courses list, with no more than two courses from a single major/designator. 课程 from core courses lists A and B may also be counted as elective courses, but a single course may not count both as a core course and an elective.

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