
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录


职业科学 and Therapy - Program Description

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网站: www.博天堂官方.edu/ot




The 职业治疗 (OT) traditional program and the OT hybrid program are accredited by the Accreditation Council for 职业治疗 Education (ACOTE) of the American 职业治疗 Association (AOTA), 位于蒙哥马利巷4720号, 200套房, 贝塞斯达, MD 20814-3449. ACOTE's phone number is (301) 652-AOTA and its web address is www.acoteonline.org. Graduates of the program will be able to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapist, 由认证机构管理, National Board for Certification in 职业治疗 (NBCOT), 800 S. 弗雷德里克大街., Ste. 200,盖瑟斯堡,马里兰州20877-4150. 在顺利完成这次考试之后, the individual will be an occupational therapist, 注册(OTR). Most states require licensure in order to practice. However, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination.


The mission of the GVSU 职业科学 and Therapy Department is to educate and empower students to have a positive impact on the health of individuals and groups in our society through innovation and leadership in occupation-based practice.


Occupational science is an interdisciplinary field in the social and behavioral sciences dedicated to the study of the daily activities (known as occupations) of human beings. The word "occupation" refers to the goal-directed activities that are part of daily human life as well as the 习惯 and patterned routines of purposeful activity that occur over the lifespan. The study of occupations includes how these various purposeful and productive patterns, 习惯, and activities affect health and well-being.

Occupational science began as an effort by several scholars in different disciplines, in order to understand better how people used their time, and how they made decisions about time use. The field was named and given additional credibility in 1989 by Elizabeth Yerxa, a visionary leader of 职业治疗 and her team of faculty at the University of Southern California (USC). 博士的愿景. Yerxa was that occupational science would be the unique scientific and research base for evidence-based practice in 职业治疗. USC offers the premier Doctor of Philosophy degree in occupational science.

Occupational science now includes many other university-based academic programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees in the field. The disciplines that incorporate occupational scientists include architecture, 教育, 市场营销, 心理学, 社会学, 人类学, 经济学, 职业治疗, 休闲科学, 公共卫生, 和地理. 有几个国家, regional and international societies dedicated to promoting the continued evolution of occupational science, and several academic journals devoted heavily to occupational science including the Journal of 职业科学, 职业治疗 Journal of Research: Occupation, 参与与健康, 《博天堂官方》, 幸福研究杂志, 生活质素研究, 生活质量的应用研究, and numerous international journals of occupational science and therapy.


学习, 日益增长的, 玩, 工作, 管理我们的家园, and caring for our families are among the occupations of life. 不幸的是, 物理, 情感, or other challenges often prevent people from fully participating in the job of living. 疾病, 受伤, or developmental problems can make it difficult for people to do everyday tasks or be active and independent.

Occupational therapy uses meaningful and purposeful activity as a therapeutic intervention to help an individual with 受伤 or disabilities to reach his/her highest level of independent functioning. These meaningful and purposeful activities are referred to as occupations. 职业包括工作技能, 播放/休闲活动, 休息, and self-care activities such as preparing a meal or taking a shower.

Occupational therapists provide clients with services ranging from prevention/wellness to full rehabilitation, directed toward achieving maximum functional independence in daily life occupations. Occupational therapy may include the use of devices such as, 但不限于, 适应银器, 计算机访问增强器, 环境的修改, and writing aids to assist individuals to achieve a desired level of independence in any given occupation.

Occupational therapists interact and practice in collaboration with a variety of health professionals. They also educate the public and advocate for the clients. Occupational therapy makes it possible for people to achieve full participation in life. By choosing a career in 职业治疗, 你会有所作为的, 改善人民生活, 从新生儿到老年人.


Master of Science in 职业治疗

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