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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Public Health - Program Description

College of Health Professions (CHP)

Department of Public Health

Degree: Master of Public Health


The Master's of Public Health (M.P.H.)计划侧重于课程作业和基于社区的高影响力服务学习,以提供包括健康促进在内的高级服务和护理, disease management and education, or epidemiology to communities and groups across the life span. The M.P.H. program emphasizes evidence-based practice, 批判性思维和解决问题的能力,通过严谨的研究调查和项目为基础的工作. 该方案旨在发展预防和管理复杂健康问题所需的知识和技能. 该课程的毕业生准备直接在公共卫生领域发挥作用,并通过包括当地在内的多个行业的各种角色,成为改善人口健康的领导者, state and national sectors, non-profit organizations, government, and research.

The M.P.H. 该计划包括51-54学分的课程,在多样化的学习环境中,包括混合选择和需要积极和沉浸式的校园面对面课程, community based learning. 学生完成200小时的实习经历,可以在各种环境中完成,包括当地, state, national and global settings. In addition, 学生完成一个个性化的研究项目(或论文选项)作为该计划的高潮.

该课程的亮点包括全日制学生20个月的高效完成时间, 提供两个重点领域选择的综合方案:健康促进或流行病学, 在公共卫生课程的每一门课程中都100%以社区为基础的学习.




Advancing health by empowering future leaders, enhancing preventive practices, and promoting social justice.



  • Community engagement
  • Interprofessional practice
  • Professional and ethical behavior
  • Cultural humility and inclusiveness
  • Respect for diversity
  • Excellence in teaching, scholarship, and practice


The M.P.H. GVSU的项目正在通过公共卫生教育委员会(CEPH)的认证. The estimated goal date of accreditation is Spring 2019. CEPH认证向那些提供公共卫生学位授予项目的高等教育机构的学生保证,这些项目已经达到并保持了严格的教学标准, research, and service. CEPH认证要求GVSU严格的自学过程,以确保其拟议的M.P.H. program will meet, monitor, and evaluate its adherence to providing quality teaching, research, 并为其课程和核心课程领域提供服务. 此外,CEPH保证未来雇主从认可的硕士毕业生.P.H. 这些课程的毕业生已经达到了在公共卫生职业范围内寻求有报酬的就业所需的能力.*

*Council on Education for the Public Health. (2011). 公共卫生项目认证标准(2011年6月修订). CEPH: Washington, D.C. Retrieved from:

Minimum Number of Hours in Program: 51

Admission to the Master of Public Health Program

Students will be chosen for acceptance into the M.P.H. program by completing the following program requirements:

  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate coursework is required. 本科学历,健康相关专业优先.
  • 至少两名有职位的人的书面推荐信,以证明申请人成功完成了该计划. 学术参考以及医疗保健专业参考是首选.
  • Resume or cover letter.
  • 一份书面声明,回答以下问题:什么会使你成为大峡谷州立大学公共卫生硕士项目的优秀候选人? What are your expectations for a future career in public health?
  • Formal interview process with the Program Admissions Committee.


  • 申请审查委员会保留要求提供其认为适当的额外信息的权利, including GRE test scores.

The following university requirements must also be met:

  • 获得认可的高等教育机构的学士学位
  • GVSU Graduate Application
  • $30 application fee. 注意:以前向GVSU支付本科或研究生申请费的学生不需要再次支付此费用.
  • 以前就读过的所有高等教育机构的正式成绩单复印件, 直接从这些机构寄到GVSU博天堂官方办公室. Note: We do not require official transcripts from Grand Valley.
  • Test scores from the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), 或雅思(国际英语语言评估电池)对于母语不是英语的申请人. Only original score reports will be accepted

Retention and Termination

Grounds for Probation

  1. A final course grade below a 2.7 (B-) in a 500, 600, or 700 level course
  2. A final grade below a 2.0 (C) in a 500-600 level course
  3. A cumulative graduate level GPA less than 3.0 (B)完成12小时的研究生水平课程(i).e., at the end of semester one)
  4. 作为M学生入学时不道德或非法行为的证据.P.H. program

Practicum Experience

如果有理由相信学生对这种类型的经验没有准备,学生将不被允许参加实习经验. Sufficient reasons include:

  1. Probationary status
  2. 博天堂官方网页学生在卫生保健领域安全工作能力的问题
  3. Evidence of unethical or illegal behavior
  4. 有可能危及学生或其所委托病人安全的医学或心理状况, 或者阻止学生充分参与实习体验
  5. 专业能力方面的问题可能会导致教师认为学生没有准备好实习. With the assistance of faculty, 学生必须在实习作业之前解决问题.
  6. If a student does not satisfactorily complete the core coursework, he/she may not progress to the thesis/project or practicum courses.

Dismissal from the Program


  1. Failure to complete required remedial work at the required level.
  2. Failure to complete items required in a remediation contract.
  3. 连续两个学期被留校察看的最终成绩.
  4. 未能证明过去课程内容的“持续能力”.
  5. 作为M学生入学时不道德或非法行为的证据.P.H. program.
  6. Cumulative graduate GPA of less than 3.0.

Program Location

Practicum experiences can be within Michigan, other select states, or globally during the final year of the M.P.H. curriculum.


The following programs are available:

Master of Public Health

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.