
2023 - 2024年本科 & 研究生目录




副教务长:Jeffrey Potteiger




Support and advance excellence in graduate education and the scholarly and professional activities associated with it, 在促进多元化的同时, 包容, 连接的社区.


Refer to the Graduate Information section of this catalog for a listing of all graduate degrees.


研究生院 位于Richard M. 德沃斯中心,罗伯特·C. 皮尤大急流城校区位于密歇根州大急流城市中心. The Pew Grand Rapids Campus is the primary location for most of 大峡谷州立大学's graduate degree programs. Many graduate programs and courses are offered in Grand Rapids so that they are more accessible to adult learners living or working throughout the Grand Rapids metropolitan area. 另外, many graduate programs offer classes in outlying communities throughout northern, 中央, 和密歇根南部.

The associate vice provost for 研究生院 works on behalf of all graduate students to ensure that Grand Valley's graduate programs are of the highest quality, that faculty members teaching graduate courses are well-qualified to teach at the graduate level, and that university policies and procedures are applied appropriately to graduate students. The associate vice provost for 研究生院 and staff members work closely with the Office of the Provost, 研究生委员会, 博天堂官方博天堂官方办公室, 学术院长, 部门的椅子, 研究生项目主任, 成人和继续教育中心, 书记官长办公室, 包容与公平司, 学生事务处, and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to advocate on behalf of graduate students and to provide leadership and vision for graduate education at Grand Valley.

Currently enrolled graduate students or those interested in graduate studies at Grand Valley are welcome to visit 研究生院 in DeVos Center for assistance, advice, 或者对他们研究生教育的任何方面提供反馈. 电话号码是(616)331-7105. For general questions about the admission process for graduate students at Grand Valley, students should contact the associate director for graduate admissions at (616) 331-2025. 有关特定研究生学位课程的问题, 联系该项目的研究生项目主任. Contact information for 研究生项目主任 may be found on 研究生院 网站.


研究生院学术卓越引文: The associate vice provost for 研究生院 presents awards to outstanding graduate students recognized for their academic achievement. 该奖项的提名提交给 The 研究生院 由学生所学领域的研究生项目主任负责. Awards are presented twice per year at the 研究生院 Citations for Academic Excellence Ceremony, held at the end of the fall semester for students who graduated the previous spring/summer and in the fall semester, and in April for students graduating at the end of the winter semester. Awardees receive a certificate and an honors cord, which can be worn at Commencement. 研究生院 Citations for Academic Excellence include university-wide recognition for excellence in the following categories:

  • 学位课程学术卓越奖
  • 优秀博士论文奖
  • 优秀硕士论文奖
  • 优秀最终项目奖
  • 杰出出版物奖
  • 对社区或专业服务卓越奖
  • 颁发卓越领导及服务大奖予博天堂官方
  • Award for Excellence in Promoting Inclusion and Diversity at Grand Valley
  • 可持续发展卓越奖


The 研究生院 is responsible for the overall administration of the university's graduate assistantship (GA) program and policies. 助教奖学金为研究生提供兼职, paid work experiences in their field of study and allow them to expand and apply the knowledge and skills they learn in the classroom in a work setting. 研究生助理通常每周工作10到20个小时, 取决于他们的任命条款. 在GA计划下, 教职员工也从中受益, 他们在研究活动中得到协助, 特殊项目, and assignments that require the advanced skills that graduate students possess. 学生获得学费支持和津贴, which may help them lower the overall cost of attending graduate school.

学生 interested in a graduate assistantship should first discuss their interest with their academic advisor or graduate program director, 因为学生经常在他们的项目中找到助学金. Other academic and nonacademic units may have assistantship positions available as well. While 研究生院 administers the policies and makes the final determination as to the students' eligibility for an assistantship appointment, the advertisement of positions and the selection process are performed by the hiring unit. More information on graduate assistantships may be found in the 费用和财政援助 and Graduate Information sections of the catalog or on 研究生院's 网站.


研究生院 provides administrative support to 研究生委员会, 哪些是大学教师管理的一部分. The 研究生委员会 is responsible for oversight of university policies relating to graduate education, 研究生学术项目审查, 以及研究生课程的审核和批准. The 研究生委员会's voting membership is made up of elected faculty representatives from each college and the university library, along with two graduate students who are selected by the 研究生会.


研究生院积极支持 研究生会 (GSA), the university-wide organization for graduate students at Grand Valley. 这包括共同主办许多专业发展活动, 推广社交活动, 并为GSA提供指导. The GSA appoints two graduate students to serve as voting members of 研究生委员会, a university governance body that provides graduate program review and develops graduate-level academic policies. The GSA also appoints graduate student representatives to serve on the following University Standing Committees: Academic Standards and Policies Committee, 公平及共融委员会, 教职员薪酬及预算委员会, 学院教学与学习中心咨询委员会, 学院设施及规划谘询委员会, 在线教育和微证书委员会, 及大学评核委员会. Each year at the 研究生院 Citations for Academic Excellence Ceremony, the GSA recognizes outstanding faculty in three categories: inclusion, 指导, 和教学. The collaboration between 研究生院 and the GSA provides all graduate students with opportunities for success beyond the classroom.

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