Cardiovascular Sonography & Diagnostic Medical Sonography Application Information


Application Opens: October 1st
Application Deadline:  FEBRUARY 1st

GVSU的心血管和诊断医学超声项目是竞争性的,需要完成二级申请材料. 申请人必须在课程开始前完成先决条件和所有GVSU通识教育课程(不包括Issue课程). 学生可以在2月1日申请这个项目,如果他们能证明先决条件和通识教育课程将在8月项目开始时完成. There are no waiting lists.


Course verification is required - form coming soon!


Admission & Application Requirements:

  • GVSU Admissions Undergraduate Application (仅适用于目前不是GVSU学生的学生).  Students must be admitted 在项目申请截止日期前递交给格兰谷州立大学
  • Secondary Admission Application (link at top of page) for Cardiovascular Sonography & Diagnostic Medical Sonography 
    • Plan to fully complete and submit 此在线应用程序一次保存,因为它不能保存以供以后返回.
  • Statement of Professional Goals 
    • (1 - 2 pages) - Why are you interested in this career?  What are your plans?  What influenced your decision to choose this career field? (attach to application)
  • Two electronic recommendations are required:
    • 申请人将在申请中提供其两位推荐人的全名和电子邮件地址.
    • 卫生专业学院学生服务(CHPSS)办公室将发送“推荐人”到我们的电子推荐表格的链接. Once the "Recommender" completes the form, CHPSS办事处会将推荐信上载至申请人的档案.
    • 在我们收到这个完整的申请之后,推荐链接才能发送出去, 因此,我们鼓励您在2月1日申请截止日期前两周内提交申请. 
    • 所有电子推荐回复应在2月1日申请截止日期之前提交.
    • 这是你的责任和专业礼貌提前通知你的“推荐人”,他们将收到我们办公室的链接,并迅速作出回应.
    • 如果您有任何问题,请通过电子邮件联系CHPSS办公室的Emma Plummer [email protected] or by calling 616-331-5683.
  • Resume - (attach to application)
    • 在简历的一个特定部分列出所有医疗保健经验.
    • Please include the total number of hours, days, and visits, and whether the health care experience was volunteer, paid and/or job shadow.
  • Grade of "C" or 2.0 higher for the following prerequisite courses (courses in parenthesis are GVSU equivalents)
    • Anatomy & Physiology I & II (BMS 250 & 251 or BMS 208 & 290 & 309)
    • Medical Terminology (AHS 100)
    • College Algebra (MTH 122)
    • General Physics I (PHY 220)
    • Introductory Psychology (PSY 101)
    • Social Problems (SOC 105) 
    • Applied Statistics (STA 215)
    • 介绍医疗保健研究(AHS 301或BMS 301或PSY 300)
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA in the last 45 credit hours completed
  • Healthcare Experience...16小时的带薪或志愿者经验,包括2-3小时的工作见习,强烈建议(如果在申请截止日期前未完成,最多扣除5分)
  • Verification of Course Completion Form. (see link above) 
  • Ability to complete all prerequisite courses, 在秋季课程开始之前的通识教育课程(问题除外).  
  • Official and updated copies of ALL non-GVSU transcripts need to be sent directly to the Admissions Office at:
    • Grand Valley State University, Attn: Admissions Office, 1 Campus Drive - 150 STU, Allendale, MI 49401, 
    • or by email to: [email protected]
  • For those applicants not currently enrolled at GVSU or have not yet taken GVSU classes, 您应该尽快与CHP学术顾问会面,以审查您的转学课程等效性和项目资格.  Go to our CHP Student Services Office website 或致电我们的办公室(616)331-5900,以建立一个潜在的学生咨询预约.

All program application materials must be submitted by February 1, preferably attached to the electronic application.  

如果需要邮寄材料,材料必须加盖邮戳 February 1.
College of Health Professions - Student Services
Grand Valley State University 
301 Michigan St NE, Suite #113
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3314

Questions about admissions and applications? 
致电卫生防护中心学生服务办公室(616)331-5900或电子邮件Emma Plummer [email protected]


Admission Considerations:

  • Academic grade point average from prerequisite courses (40%)
  • 前两个日历年的平均学业成绩(10%)
  • 在卫生专业学院现场完成面试和写作评估(30%)
  • Health Care Experience -至少16小时的志愿者或带薪经验,强烈建议有2-3小时的工作见习(5%)*
  • Recommendations (5%)
  • Additional leadership considerations (10%)
  • Physical Performance Requirements and Technical Standards  

Two SWS courses are required for graduation. 学生有责任选择能满足所有写作要求的课程.

There are no waiting lists for this program. Program class size limit is based on clinical availability. 

Once admitted to the CVS, DMS or RT program, 学生必须在所有专业课程中取得B-或更高的成绩才能继续学习.



答:医疗经验小时数占申请人入学分数的5%. 因此,在申请截止日期前完成的学时越多(最少16小时),获得5%积分的机会就越大.   

Q:  Will students lose points if they don’t have the hours?
答:医疗保健经验小时数占申请人入学分数的5%. If the applicant does not complete healthcare experience hours, 不会因此扣分而降低他们的整体录取分数.

答:医疗经验小时数是入学分数的一部分,除非申请人至少完成了其中的一部分,否则不会在这一类别中获得任何分数. 在新冠肺炎疫情后,找到工作影子的机会并不那么容易,因此,该项目建议申请人不要选择工作影子,而是从国家协会那里了解更多有关该职业的信息: or watch this SDMS video





卫生专业学院(CHP)学生服务办公室(SSO)与CHP教职员工合作提供学术建议, admissions, 以及其他学生服务,为未来和现在的本科生和研究生提供学术支持, 在校园和更大的社区内的专业和个人发展.


Grand Valley offers an excellent education at a reasonable cost. See tuition, fees, and financial aid information below.


Page last modified September 16, 2024