德沃斯跨专业健康中心将帮助满足不断变化的需求 of health care industry

A group of GVSU and community leaders cutting a ribbon.
GVSU官员,社区领袖和捐助者在11月的一个剪彩仪式上 为丹尼尔和帕米拉·德沃斯中心举办的庆祝活动 Interprofessional Health.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

大峡谷州立大学新的丹尼尔和帕米拉·德沃斯中心 跨专业卫生(DCIH)正在解决不断变化的问题 needs of health care education, said President Philomena V. Mantella during a dedication ceremony for the new health building.

大约400名社区成员和捐助者参加了11月3日的活动 庆祝DCIH于5月在Grand Valley的健康校区开幕 on Medical Mile in downtown Grand Rapids.

GVSU President Philomena V. Mantella giving remarks at a podium.
GVSU President Philomena V. Mantella.
Image credit - Valerie Hendrickson

曼特拉说,这次奉献是对GVSU合作伙伴关系的庆祝 with the community and the state.

“因为你们的支持,我们可以更好地为学生做好准备, increase the number of graduates and keep up with the many 卫生保健系统的规划需求,”曼特拉说.

除了支持健康专业的学生,曼特拉说 与健康相关的项目,如社会工作、刑事司法、 生物医学工程,酒店和旅游管理 also learn and collaborate in the new health building.

“我们的行业合作伙伴也有广阔的合作空间 计算机科学研究生和教师在GVSU应用 Computing Institute,” said Mantella. “And, there is new space to 支持彼得·塞基亚家庭军队的学生退伍军人 Veterans Lounge.”

Dan and Pamella DeVos join others cutting a ribbon.
Image credit - Valerie Hendrickson

丹尼尔和帕米拉·德沃斯是该中心的主要捐赠者 another 700 donors providing more than $20 million. The State of Michigan provided $29 million for the $70 million project. 

 丹·德沃斯感谢了支持该设施的捐助者,并表示会的 对博天堂官方大学的学生和学生的质量产生了重大影响 care for the broader community.

“我们很高兴有机会帮助Grand Valley带来更多的财富 more high-caliber talent to the region,” he said. “We were also 被跨专业培训的理念所吸引 学生在以病人为中心的团队中工作,这显然是 future of health care.”

帕梅拉·德沃斯说,担任艺术顾问是她的荣幸 committee for the center. “From the beginning, Dan and I have 支持并对这座新建筑的许多方面感兴趣, 从先进的学习技术到美丽的艺术 走廊和教室都安装了。”她说. “We 我们特意挑选了一些我们认为会引起学生共鸣的作品 并在他们的学习过程中为他们提供灵感.” 

Katie Branch, director of Simulation.
Katie Branch, director of Simulation.
Image credit - Valerie Hendrickson
内科助理研究项目的学生Zoie Hulst在讲台上发言. Nursing student Jared Gordon stands beside her.
Zoie Hulst, a student in the physician assistant studies program, gives remarks, along with nursing student Jared Gordon, right.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

DCIH拥有国内最大的跨专业、综合性、 state-of-the-art simulation centers in Michigan. Highlights include 人体及其器官的电子三维建模和成像, 塑化标本,虚拟解剖桌和教室 interactive walls and floors.

凯蒂·布兰奇,模拟主任,说,自DCIH开业以来,GVSU 是否收到了全国各地机构的参观邀请. She said students from more than 20 health-related academic 学科来到模拟空间来完善他们的临床, therapeutic, communication and physical assessment skills. 

“这需要GVSU领导层、教职员工、 社区成员,捐助者,尤其是学生来创建一个设施 激发好奇心,促进创新,”布兰奇说.

内科助理研究项目的大四学生佐伊·赫尔斯特说 DCIH提供了一个建立跨专业关系的环境 with a diverse group of future medical professionals. She said she is learning the most in the simulation center.  

“这些模拟的一切都是真实的,直到我 adrenaline,” said Hulst. “Simulation provides the space to work 通过我的肾上腺素和我的批判性思维能力的工作 非常高风险的案子,而且没有人有生命危险.”

学院拥有17间教室和12间互动实验室 创造跨专业的团队环境,鼓励合作.

护理专业学生贾里德·戈登(Jared Gordon)表示,很明显学生们被关在了家里 mind during the designing of the health building. 

“模拟实验室为我们提供了一个安全而真实的测试环境 我们作为护士将会遇到的情况下的知识和技能,” he said. “The soundproof study rooms and giant whiteboards are great 我喜欢把它们保存在我的 nursing friends before a big exam.”

Nathan Kemler,画廊和收藏总监,在 the podium.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

More than 400 works of art are on display inside DCIH, with contemporary glass artworks on every floor. The highlight of these works is a piece by world-renowned artist Dale Chihuly. The glass piece, entitled Laker Blue and Opaline Persian Chandelier, is representative of the artist’s Persian series. 

GVSU的画廊和收藏主任Nathan Kemler说 community, empathy and innovationwere some of the central themes identified for artwork in the building. 

“从整体的角度谈论健康是很重要的. 从弗林特水危机到青少年无家可归,再到性别认同 系统性的种族主义,这些故事提供了重要的视角 帮助我们的学习者在移情和理解心理和 physical health,” he said. 

DCIH是健康校区的第三栋旗舰楼 the Cook-DeVos Center for Health Sciences and Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall.

