
每个获得的学位都有一个独特的个人故事 behind it. 以下是四名湖人球员对夺冠的感想 their goals. Fall Commencement is Dec. 9 .

Sophie Beechnau探索了从写作到声音工作的交流方式 to the percussion section

Sophie Beechnau将获得传播学学位.
Image credit - Lauren Seymour

在进入大峡谷大学之前,索菲·比奇瑙是一名 dedicated saxophone player. Yet, as a member of the Laker Marching Band, Beechnau was in the cymbal section.

她成为军乐队成员的途径是 顺便说一句,她说那些行军钹比你想象的要重 Think -的特点是乐于尝试不同的东西 这些可能性也帮助定义和丰富了她在大峡谷的时光.

他将获得传播学学位 研究,说这些不同的经验和教师的支持 成员们已经为她的职业生涯做好了准备——最初和未来 the future – go in multiple directions.

"One of the things I really like about 传播学是一个非常广阔的领域 比奇瑙说,并补充说,她很感激老师们 提供实习或工作机会的会员 fellowships. "A lot of my professors really want to help and want to let us know what our options are."

Beechnau在毕业前研究了几个不同的专业 和Monica Johnstone一起上演讲课,她是 communications and advancement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, sparked Beechnau's "aha" moment, leading her to pursue the communication studies degree.

这些研究因为工作时间超过100年而得到加强 four years with University Communications. The work with colleagues 履行从写作到摄影和 录像对公共关系有着统一的影响 university, she said.

比奇瑙说,她能够稳定地接受更多 职责,从做研究到协助拍照 shoots. 她对能有机会和 UComm将在专业上帮助她:在视频中完成语音工作 and motion graphics.

“我有官方公布的材料 my voice is in. I can make a demo reel for future voice ”比奇瑙说,她说自己长期以来一直有一个目标 doing voice acting.

另一个有意义的校园经历是她在 the marching band. 对比奇诺来说,这是一个将她的长 有乐队和音乐的历史,有机会建立牢固的友谊.

And then there's the exhilaration of game day.

"There is so much anticipation, with the march 到球场去——这对我来说很困难,我要拿着两个大号的 整个过程都是金属碎片,然后休息一下, 但我的感觉是,‘我想上场,’”比奇瑙说 said. “让LMB如此值得的事情之一是 recognition. People loved us."

These experiences, along with her studies in 此外,比奇诺还辅修了西班牙语 她说,要成长,要全面发展,要对未来开放.

"As I'm getting toward the end of my college 但我意识到还有很多东西需要学习。” Beechnau said.

-- By Peg West


Sam Jacobs将获得公共管理硕士学位.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

山姆·雅各布斯承认,当他第一次来到格兰德时 在硅谷的校园里,他并没有完全接受这所大学所提供的一切. 

“回想起来,我希望我能更多地参与其中, 但我可能不会改变任何事情,因为我现在在这里。” he said. 

但从第一年开始,雅各布斯充分利用了 他的时间,体现了大学对学生的承诺 engagement and community service. Jacobs said he found a university in Grand Valley that matched his ideals.

“作为湖人队,我们无论如何都努力为他人服务 degree you are graduating with,” Jacobs said. “This university 激励我们用所学的知识为他人服务. I truly do believe that.”

在19个月的时间里,雅各布斯将获得两个学位 degrees from Grand Valley. He obtained his bachelor’s in public 2022年4月,他获得了公共管理学硕士学位 administration on December 9. 

“Grand Valley真的让我们说,‘你好吗 用你的学位回报你所生活的社区 in?’” Jacobs said. 

“无论社区是什么:它都可能是你的 家乡,可能是你搬去的新社区. Grand Valley 灌输你必须回馈社会,也应该回馈社会的观念.”

当你的日程像雅各布斯一样排得满满的时候 很容易看出他在大峡谷的时间过得飞快. 

他在湖人军乐队里吹大号 从大一开始,从本科到研究生 作为一名学生,他积极参与校园学生生活办公室的工作 活动委员会,学生会,校园选举活动 项目,豪恩斯坦中心,并在杰拉德·R. Ford 还有格里夫斯·惠特尼,前者 executive director at the Hauenstein Center. 

而且,他作为研究员的第三年也即将结束 in the Peter C. 库克领导学院,甚至帮助举办活动 a student assistant. He is everything the Cook Leadership Academy 学院的项目经理艾比·萨克斯(Abby Sachs)说.

“对山姆来说,服务和伟大之间的关系 Valley is very strong,” Sachs said.  

雅各布斯认为他在CLA的时间不仅仅是 塑造自己的领导技巧和哲学,同时也不断拓展 his vision of what a leader can be. 

“The CLA was a great experience to get to meet community leaders,” he said. “It had a profound impact on my leadership thinking and style. I consider myself a servant leader because of the CLA. They really focus on serving others and empowering others to do their best.” 

Along with his classwork and extracurricular 活动,雅各布斯也是行政主任 nonprofit, Officium|616Service ,该网站帮助其他非营利组织寻找和 connect with volunteers. 

萨克斯说:“萨姆是理想的学生领袖 said. “He has the desire to engage. He’s caught that service bug. He 已经看到了社区参与的好处,并非常相信 in that.”

-- By Brian Vernellis

阿毛里·麦金托什(Amauri McIntosh)在接受了博天堂官方、志愿服务后,准备好迎接下一个篇章

Image credit - Amanda Pitts

阿毛里·麦金托什的日程安排使他无法参加 最近的活动,比如黑人男性学者会议. He does, 不过,我计划参加12月的那次特别会议.

"I want to be sure to get there," said 他将获得职业安全学士学位 and health management. "I want to thank them for the role they 在我这里玩的经历,为我介绍了不同 老师们和我分享资源."

他喜欢OSHM项目,该项目位于 帕德诺斯工程与计算机学院,说这个项目 学校的规模让学校很容易与充满激情的教员建立联系 博天堂官方网页他们的工作领域和当地雇主的介绍. 

麦金托什住在密歇根州拇指地区的皮格, 而他完成了环境,健康和安全实习 休伦铸造,生产壳型铸钢件. McIntosh 他说他在公司担任过各种职务,从检查 追踪其有毒物质释放清单.

莫娜海岸高中的毕业生将会是 first in his family to graduate from college. McIntosh said he's 准备好迎接劳动力,无论以何种形式出现.

"I've got applications out there," he said. “我参加过招聘会,也接触过雇主. 我已经准备好学习书本和课堂无法教给你的东西了."

无论麦金托什在哪里工作,他都会带着一份全面的简历 of volunteer opportunities. He served as a teaching assistant for 大急流城公立学校的“积木为孩子们”项目,是一名 经常在PCEC为K-12学生举办的活动中担任志愿者.

“最近,我帮助孩子们构建了一些可以工作的小虫子 that were powered by solar panels," he said. "When I think 博天堂官方网页回馈,我现在考虑将它与OSHM联系起来,做一些事情 something about teaching safety to kids."

麦金托什是在秋天来到大峡谷大学的校园的 of 2019. 他说他带来了父亲的几句至理名言.

"My pops told me to be approachable. I learned a 很多博天堂官方网页我自己和人际关系的第一年,我 found my way," he said. "I used to be very analytical but I find myself going with the flow right now."

-- By Michele Coffill

“你必须跳出你的壳”:Grand Valley如何帮助Mayra Sedano-Rodriguez grow

Image credit - Amanda Pitts

当玛雅·塞达诺-罗德里格斯回忆起她的早期生活时 在格兰德谷,她说她从来没有想象过自己会来到这里 – and who – she is now. 

Her family has played a significant role in her decisions. 她有一个上过大峡谷大学的表亲,这对她影响很大 我决定去参加,还有两兄弟作为急救人员, 她觉得自己被召唤去追求公共服务的生活,希望能有所创造 positive change as a criminal justice major.

“我的兄弟们都致力于公共服务,他们 inspired me to also pursue that. There are so many injustices in the 在刑事司法系统,所以我想追求一个 在我的职业生涯中担任行政职务,”她说.

塞达诺-罗德里格斯已经做出了改变并离开了 她在校园里通过像“湖人家族”这样的拉丁裔团体留下了印记 学生会和她创办的舞蹈俱乐部叫做Monarcas Ballet Folklorico. After struggling her freshman year to adapt to 在大学生活中,她希望像她一样的学生能找到自己的位置 to belong on campus. 

“大一的时候,我感到非常孤立,因为它 was the peak of COVID,” she said. “And in high school, I lacked community.”

作为一个害羞、安静的人,她也是一个挑战 said. “I don't always like calling attention to myself. But coming here, I found that community in these groups. It was more welcoming. There were other people like me.”

While it was worth it, it wasn’t always easy. 塞达诺-罗德里格斯在大峡谷的岁月充满了故事 打破她的舒适区,走出她的壳,追求 opportunities that she never thought she would. Her advice to 现在和将来的学生走出你的壳是她的一个教训 当她有机会当 担任拉丁裔学生会主席一学期. 

“I felt like I wasn't capable enough to be the president,” she said. “I was comfortable with being secretary (her 之前的角色),但这是我必须强迫自己去做的事情 do. That was 100% stepping out of my comfort zone. I never would 四年前我有过这样的经历吗.”

她的学业和参加俱乐部并不是唯一的原因 parts of college that she will miss. Sedano-Rodriguez is a familiar 从那以后,她一直在大峡谷星巴克当咖啡师 her second semester on campus. She feels a deep sense of pride in 她是那里服务时间最长的学生雇员之一. 

“人们很惊讶,因为学生们通常不会这么做 在他们的学生工作岗位上工作那么长时间,”她笑着说. “I'm kind of a veteran. 我总是期待见到我的同事和一切.”

至于毕业后的生活会是什么样子, 塞达诺-罗德里格斯不太确定,但她对此并不介意. As she 探索未来的机会,她是依靠她悠闲的生活 外表和她的自律和动力一样重要.

 有趣的是,从我年轻的时候起,我就更像一个 go-with-the-flow type person,” she said.

-- By Sarah Dudinetz

