Hidden Wounds of War Conference 2023

Thursday, May 11, 2023

How can we better serve those who serve and have served us? This 这个问题促使我们去思考那些付出了很多的人和那些 who gave all to serve our communities and our nation. Recently, our 退伍军人、医疗服务人员和急救人员都面临着 increased stress. Often, the psychological trauma experienced is suffered in silence. The aftereffects of service bring the hardship home to our families and communities. By embracing honest discussion 建立强大的支持网络,赢得对抗 these harrowing challenges is possible. The Hidden Wounds of War 会议由霍恩斯坦总统研究中心主办 in partnership with Grand Valley State University’s Peter F. Secchia 军事和退伍军人资源中心,西密歇根退伍军人 Coalition, and the Kent County Veteran Services Office.

Event Schedule

May 11, 2023

7:30 AM - Breakfast & Registration

8:15 AM - Welcome & Panel Discussion

“A Communal Intervention for Military Moral Injury”


10:00 AM - Breakout Sessions

1. 《博天堂官方》

2. Kent County Veterans Resources

3. 应激和倦怠对创伤后应激障碍急救人员的累积效应

4. 创伤对医疗保健的影响:支持治疗者的治疗考虑

11:30 AM - Lunch

12:30 PM - Keynote

"When Work Wounds: Addressing Professional Trauma"

with Lea Didion

大多数生活在美国的人在他们的一生中至少会经历一次创伤性事件,而特定的职业也越来越多地经历创伤和压力,这是他们工作的直接结果. Given this, 为什么创伤治疗通常被认为是一种“专业”治疗, when trauma experiences are so ubiquitous? In this keynote address, Dr. 迪迪昂不仅将强调需要更多的创伤知识培训作为一种标准做法,而且还将讨论某些职业(如记者)面临的越来越大的压力, first responders, and healthcare professionals. Dr. Didion将讨论创伤知情护理及其实施,以及与创伤退伍军人相比,这些人群中创伤和创伤治疗之间的异同. 

2:15 PM - Vet Collaboratory



What is a Collaboratory?  这是一个参与者驱动的会议,与会者决定议程, discussion topics, and workshops. 这种形式为来自不同学科的与会者就共同感兴趣的主题进行协作提供了绝佳的机会.

Learn more here!

4:00 PM - Community Healing Ceremony

社区康复仪式是退伍军人和非退伍军人的和解服务,由退伍军人事务部牧师领导, community clergy, and Veterans.

6:00 PM - Community Healing Ceremony Reception

Video Recordings

"When Work Wounds: Addressing Professional Trauma"

Lea Didion:“当工作受伤:解决职业创伤”-活动视频

with Lea Didion

“A Communal Intervention for Military Moral Injury”

“A Communal Intervention for Military Moral Injury”  克里斯·安塔尔、彼得·约曼斯、勒罗伊·恩克和汉尼拔·科利克 - Event Video


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Lea Didion headshot

Lea Didion

Dr. Didion (她/她)在佩珀代因大学完成了博士学位,并于2009年在华盛顿特区退伍军人事务医疗中心实习. Dr. Didion completed a PTSD postdoctoral fellowship at the Salem, 她第一次学习DBT并成为DBT咨询团队的成员. 然后她搬到了德国,在Landstuhl地区医疗中心与现役军人及其家属一起工作. Dr. 迪迪安随后在坦帕退伍军人事务部工作了一年,然后从2014年至2021年回到华盛顿特区退伍军人事务医疗中心,在创伤后应激障碍诊所担任心理学家. During those years, Dr. Didion开发并创建了一个全模型DBT团队-这是DCVA的第一个此类团队-并领导团队和临床服务以及共同领导小组,并为学员和同事提供监督和咨询. In 2021 Dr. Didion left to pursue private practice full time. Dr. 迪迪安现在与人共同拥有一家私人集团,致力于为创伤提供文化肯定的循证治疗和培训, supervision, and consultation. In private practice Dr. Didion has developed specialties in working with journalists, members of the AAPI community, and those who have experienced intergenerational trauma. Dr. Didion认为自己是混血儿(亚裔和白人),并努力将博天堂官方网页身份和交集的对话带入她的临床工作、培训和咨询中.

Chris Antal

Chris J. Antal, D.Min., M.Div., has worked as a clinical chaplain at the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center in Philadelphia since 2015. 安塔尔牧师写过博天堂官方网页道德伤害的文章并讲授过他在退伍军人事务部共同领导了一个博天堂官方网页道德伤害的小组. 他曾是一名会众牧师和一名军队牧师,这些经历影响了他的临床工作. Rev. 安塔尔是由一神论普世教会协会任命并认可的.

Chris Antal
Peter Yeomans headshot

Peter Yeomans

Peter Yeomans, Ph.D. M.Ed., has worked as a clinical psychologist at the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center in Philadelphia since 2009.  他目前是创伤后应激障碍门诊临床小组的组长,之前他花了很多年的时间来研究PTSD和药物使用障碍作为门诊成瘾服务的一部分. 他写过博天堂官方网页道德伤害的文章,也教过博天堂官方网页道德伤害的课程他在退伍军人事务部共同领导了一个研究道德伤害的小组.

Leroy Enck

Leroy Anthony Enck 作为海军陆战队第5团第1营的一名步兵,他在伊拉克服役了三次,这是美国海军陆战队中获得荣誉最多的步兵单位. LA has lived in Alaska, graduated law school, worked for the US House of Representatives, and coached high school wrestling on two national title teams. Currently, 他是一名作家和演说家,和他七岁的女儿住在费城南部.  

Leroy Enck headshot
Hannibal Collick headshot

Hannibal Collick

Sgt. Hannibal Collick 是2002年至2017年在美军服役的退休民政专家. During his career, 他曾两次被派往伊拉克,担任训练协调员,负责为海外士兵做准备. Since retiring from the military in 2017, Sgt. Collick has been active in his community, 特别是在解决退伍军人的道德伤害问题上. Sgt. 科利克获得的奖项和奖章包括陆军嘉奖奖章, the Army Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.



Page last modified June 2, 2023