
GVSU requires all students participating in an approved credit-bearing overseas activity to be covered under the Chubb International Insurance Plan. Accident and sickness insurance is something that most of us don’t spend a lot of time thinking about until it is needed, 但这是规划过程中非常重要的一部分. 如果您的申请状态为“已接受”, Conditional, or Completed, 您将自动注册此保险范围,并通过您的GVSU学生帐户计费.



学生的健康和安全是我们的首要任务. 许多保险单没有为国际旅行提供足够的保险. Specifically, 大多数国内保险计划不提供24/7国际紧急援助计划. 在紧急情况下, GVSU wants to ensure that students have access to emergency assistance and adequate insurance to cover them while they are abroad. 虽然我们理解省钱的愿望, we have made it a top priority to find an affordable policy that offers a wide-range of coverage that will benefit students. 此外,此策略还提供隔离优势.



Students participating in international credit-bearing programs who are registered in our application system are automatically enrolled. This policy is also available to students who are participating in GVSU supported international activities that are not-for-credit (有关如何注册的详细信息,请参阅注册部分). Faculty and staff who plan to travel internationally on university-related business may also enroll in this program for the same low cost. 如果你对你是否有资格注册有疑问, 请联系帕德诺斯国际中心.

Questions? Contact Ehren Kuzekov ([email protected])


如果你已经被我校录取出国留学, 不通过此页面注册保险.

You will be automatically enrolled in the health insurance by the Padnos International Center and billed through your GVSU student account.




  • * * *如果你已经被GVSU录取, 不要通过本页登记投保. You will be automatically enrolled in the health insurance by the Padnos International Center and billed through your GVSU student account.
  • 参加GVSU支持的活动的学生是 not-for-credit 是否可使用以下表格登记投保. A PIC staff member will review the purpose of the trip to confirm the activity is eligible for coverage prior to final registration. 个人旅行不属于本计划的承保范围. 凡参加此保险的学生,均为与大学有关的旅行 是否包括14天的个人偏差 before or after the official university-related travel dates.
  • 如果您对您的旅行是否符合投保条件有疑问, please contact Ehren Kuzekov at [email protected].
  • 要注册此保险计划, 填写以下注册表格.

Faculty and staff

  • 此计划对于出国旅行的教职员工是可选的 university-related business. This policy is not available for personal travel.
  • 凡参加此保险的学生,均为与大学有关的旅行, 是否包括14天的个人偏差. The personal deviation coverage allows for up to 14 days of coverage at the before or after the official business-related travel dates.
  • 对于那些目前在GVSU高免赔额计划下的人来说,这个计划是一个很好的选择. 该计划将作为主要保险,并有零美元的免赔额. GVSU保险计划将作为共同保险,并可用于补充Chubb的政策.
  • 教师和工作人员将被要求在注册时支付该政策. Spouses and dependents who will be traveling with the faculty or staff member are eligible for coverage and should register using the form below.
  • 要注册此保险计划, 填写此注册表格.


Students, faculty & 员工可以使用上述表格登记参加GVSU旅游保险计划. 如果你已经有一个被接受的申请,请不要完成这个注册, conditional, 或向帕德诺斯国际中心提交完整的OASIS申请.




The cost of coverage is $1.91 per day. 我们的政策每年一月一日更新. Rate changes may apply.


# of Days Abroad


  • 14 Days/ 2 weeks - $26.74
  • 30 Days/ 4 weeks - $57.30
  • 45 Days/ 6 weeks - $85.95
  • 60 Days/ 2 months - $114.60
  • 90 Days/ 3 months - $171.90
  • 100 Days - $191.00
  • 120 Days/ 4 months - $229.20
  • 150 Days/ 5 months - $286.50
  • 240 Days/ 8 months - $458.40
  • 270 Days/ 9 months - $515.70
  • 300 Days/ 10 Months - $573.00


安达福利计划(2021年7月1日- 2022年12月31日)
Chubb Claims Form *索偿必须在受伤或首次患病之日起90天内提出.
Letter of Verification


1. Review the 安达国际旅游保险手册 (密切关注排除条款)
2. Verify your dates of travel (教师主导的课程或独立注册本计划的课程不需要)
3. Print the 国际SOS会员身份证 并在你的移动设备上保存电子版.
4. Register with International SOS and download the app 
5. 如果您直接支付医疗费用,请保存所有账单和收据. 当您提交报销申请表时,将需要收据. 如果你有能力在寻求医疗护理之前联系国际SOS, 他们可以安排预先支付医疗服务费用,并自动向丘伯保险付款.


不包括但不限于: self-inflicted injuries, off-road motorcycling, scuba diving, jet, snow or water-skiing, 使用绳索和向导的登山运动, ski-diving, bungee jumping, white water rafting, surfing, parasailing, automobile racing, spelunking, routine physical, routine dental, cosmetic surgery, 战争或任何战争行为,无论宣战与否, commission of, or attempt to commit a felony, 或驾驶或担任任何飞机的机组人员. CAREFULLY READ the full policy 被告知所有的例外情况.



GVSU将根据具体情况考虑豁免购买政策要求的上诉. Only students participating in external programs where an international travel insurance policy is already included in the program fee may be eligible to request an exemption.


  • 24/7 emergency assistance
  • 既存状况的承保范围
  • 意外和疾病保险25万美元或以上
  • Less than $100 deductible
  • Mental health coverage
  • 紧急疏散:25万美元或以上
  • 安全疏散:5万美元或以上
  • 遣返遗骸价值10万美元或以上
  • 紧急家庭团聚5000美元以上
  • 意外死亡和肢解$10,000或以上

不符合上述保险限额的保单将不予批准. GVSU审查了受欢迎的留学机构提供的保险计划. View Provider Program Exemptions 查看预先批准豁免的项目列表. 注意:即使一个项目是预先批准的, 学生仍然必须完成上诉程序,以确保免除GVSU的保险范围.


豁免申请表格- GVSU旅行保险


Complete this form to request an exemption of the GVSU mandatory accident and sickness insurance program with 24/7 travel assistance through Gallagher Global Assistance. Students who receive accident and sickness insurance coverage as part of their study abroad program fees may apply for an exemption from purchasing the mandatory policy through GVSU. 并非所有保单都能获得豁免. 

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Beginning August 1, 2022 GVSU将与国际SOS (ISOS)签订合同,作为我们的24/7旅行援助服务 



从轻微的健康问题到重大的医疗事故, 您可以在全球范围内获得广泛的医疗服务:

  • 旅行前博天堂官方网页旅行健康问题的信息和博天堂官方网页所需免疫接种的信息
  • 紧急和日常医疗建议
  • 找到合格的医疗保健提供者进行医疗或牙科转诊
  • 住院病人的入院和接收医生的识别
  • 多语种援助协调员和医疗专业人员
  • Prescription support
  • 轻微医疗问题的门诊转诊
  • 与丘伯保险公司协调理赔协助
  • 在发生事故时协调与亲人的沟通
  • 旅行前:ISOS可以帮助研究可以在东道国开特定药物的医生, 并研究对将药物带入东道国的任何限制.
  • 旅行期间:ISOS可以帮助您在国内找到可以提供处方的医生. 如果一种处方在东道国被禁止,ISOS可以帮助确定合法的替代品.
  • 协调医疗后送或遣返


  • 具体国家的报告,将使您更了解的旅行者
  • 850个城市和239个国家的安全和旅游信息
  • 在发生安全事件时,通过电话或聊天获得安全专家的即时帮助和建议
  • 及时发送邮件提醒和指导,以应对重大的旅行安全事件
  • 在安全事件后协调汇报和咨询
  • 在发生事故时协调与亲人的沟通


  • 根据需要提供翻译和口译服务
  • 在文件丢失时提供支持和建议

国际SOS与他们的客户学校密切合作,为旅行者提供支持. When you call one of the telephone numbers below you will be greeted by the ISOS team and you will be connected to the appropriate expert best suited to handle your question or concern. 

通过呼叫GVSU学生,教职员工的专用线路联系ISOS 24/7旅行援助.

专线:+1 (215)942-8478 

Download the ISOS app. 在你出国旅行之前, you should prepare yourself by logging onto the ISOS website where you can sign up for health and security email alerts or review country specific reports that will make you an informed traveler.

1. Visit www.internationalsos.com 并进入旅游情报门户网站.

2. 中列出的订阅服务器 membership card.

3. Review the FAQ's:


          FAQ's for Parents

While abroad, iso将帮助找到合格的医疗保健提供者, arrange for you to receive a prescription or simply answer any general medical or security concern you may have so you get quality medical care and advice.

In an emergency, ISOS can ensure that you get immediate care whether it requires evacuating you to a center of medical excellence or closely monitoring your condition with local doctors. Keep in mind that ISOS can also take care of all the details associated with your situation such as making travel arrangements for family members so you can focus on getting better

Payment for Medical Services

许多医院或医疗中心可能要求在服务时付款. 如果您住院或希望提前安排医生预约, please contact ISOS so that they may contact the hospital on your behalf and try to arrange for direct payment to the hospital.

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CFAR/IFAR Insurance (Optional)

GVSU建议所有旅行者考虑购买取消 & 任何原因中断(CFAR/IFAR)国际旅行保险. 该保险不由GVSU提供,但可以独立购买. CFAR/IFAR insurance can help protect your investment in your trip in the event you need to cancel or interrupt your trip for any reason, 包括对COVID-19的威胁或恐惧. 网上有几种CFAR/IFAR保险可供选择. GVSU recommends a CFAR/IFAR insurance policy that provides at least 75% reimbursement coverage for CFAR/IFAR benefits.  

One option for a CFAR/IFAR insurance policy that provides at least 75% reimbursement coverage for CFAR/IFAR benefits is available below. 而您可以自由地从任何供应商处购买CFAR/IFAR保险, 我们首选的供应商是国际旅行保险公司. 你可以在 Gallagher website. 以下信息是针对上面超链接中列出的CFAR/IFAR保险选项的特定信息. GVSU已经通过我们的经纪人Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.,作为一个全面的解决方案,为CFAR/IFAR索赔提供75%的报销.


  • 课程费用的一定比例, housing, 如果你因为任何原因取消或中断你的计划,这些费用是不可退还的.
  • CFAR/IFAR保险不包括:任何项目费用, housing, 或者通过你们的计划退款的航班, housing, 或航空公司由于旅行中断或取消.


  • What is and is not covered – specifically in relation to COVID-19 and pandemics since not all CFAR/IFAR insurance policies cover COVID-19 or pandemic diseases
  • 您的航空公司航班取消退款政策
  • 您的计划的取消和退款政策
  • 你的住房合同条款, the cost of housing, 当你欠下住房的押金和费用时

Gallagher CFAR/IFAR Flyer

Gallagher CFAR/IFAR在线注册摘要

Gallagher CFAR/IFAR FAQ's


Travelers must enroll themselves into this plan within 21 days of their initial non-refundable trip deposit; or within 21 days of their initial non-refundable program charge. Also, you must insure within 21 days of the deposit/payment the cost of any subsequent travel arrangements added to your trip. 旅行者必须投保全额预付的、不可退还的旅行费用 

对于Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., travelers must enroll in CFAR/IFAR insurance within 21 days of receiving a non-refundable bill for a coverable expense. Make sure you know when important payment due dates for your program are including any potential program deposits, program fee payments, housing deposits, 机票费用也会支付.

Enroll here


Contact 旅游保险国际客户服务 -请让客户服务代表知道您是从Gallagher客户学校打来的. 

Other options:

Please note GVSU is providing this information to help students in researching options for CFAR/IFAR coverage for those who are interested in this coverage. 这不是一个详尽的列表和GVSU不认可所列的任何程序. 您不需要购买旅行取消或中断保险. 如果你决定购买旅行取消保险, 你应负责保险费用. 



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