Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • Senior Leadership Team

Responsible Office
Pew Campus Operations/ Allendale Facilities Services


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Space Heaters and Personal Appliance Policy

SLT 6.16

  1. Policy Statement
  2. Procedures

Policy Statement

The following policy language is intended to promote the safety of the campus community, improve the comfort of faculty/staff, prevent physical damage to university facilities and conserve energy at Grand Valley State University. 


Space Heaters:

The use of electric space heaters (or those fueled by other means) is strictly prohibited in any GVSU facility. Electric space heaters pose a safety risk and fire hazard by overloading building electrical circuits. They are also a very inefficient means of providing heat and often result in the discomfort of occupants in nearby offices or work areas.

Individuals who believe their work area is too cold (or hot) may contact Facilities Services (Allendale Campus) at extension 1-3000, or Operations at extension 1-6700 (Pew Campus & Regional Centers). A work order may also be submitted online at webtma.plant.dftractor.com to request that their space be evaluated for temperature adjustments. 

Other Personal Appliances:

The following appliances are also prohibited from being used in offices or other non-designated common areas at GVSU:

  • Air conditioners
  • Grills
  • Coffee makers
  • Crock-Pots
  • Toaster ovens
  • Toasters
  • Mini Refrigerators
  • Other small kitchen appliances
  • Microwaves 
  • Other appliances that do not meet the intent of this policy

Many of these appliances are available to faculty/staff in designated break kitchens and lounge areas. If your department wishes to add an additional shared item to a break/lounge area, please contact the Operations Manager or Facilities Supervisor for your designated building to discuss its placement. 


Operations and Facilities Services will work to accommodate medical necessities, departmental events or other special conditions that may warrant an exception to this policy.


Enforcement of this policy is the responsibility of departmental supervisors. Facilities Services and Operations staff will report unauthorized space heaters and other appliances discovered in the course of their work. The supervisor, chair, dean or director that is responsible for the area will be notified.