

  • 高层领导团队





SLT 6.33


第一节.0.  定义


a. 授权服务车辆: 是指那些 学校拥有、租赁或经营的车辆,或由……使用的车辆 vendors or contractors with proper authorization by the University.

b. 校园:  除非本条例另有注明, 校园系指大山谷州立大学拥有或控制的财产 大学(GVSU或大学).

c. 人行横道上:  道路上的那一部分 交点内包括的连接线的侧线 the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs, or in the absence of curbs from the edges of the traversable highway, and 2) Any portion of a highway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or 表面的其他标记.

d. 公共安全部:  指GVSU 公共安全部门,这是一个全方位的执法部门 agency charged with responsibility for enforcing University ordinances, rules, and regulations, and state and local law.  的 部门包括警察、保安和应急管理单位.

e. 行人:  指任何行走的人. Pedestrian includes an individual with a mobility disability who is using a power or non-power driven mobility device.

f. 警察局长: 指的是GVSU警察 公共安全处处长.

g. 警察/警察: 指宣誓的法律 enforcement officer(s) employed by the GVSU Department of Public Safety or any other sworn law enforcement agent(s).

h. 私人道路: 指私人拥有和 养护道路,允许进出1个以上的住所或场所 业务,通常是对公众开放的,并在其上的人 other than 老板s located thereon may also travel.  所有道路 owned and/or controlled by the University are private roads. 

i. 交通控制信号: 是指任何 device whether manually, electrically or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed.

j. 车辆:  Shall mean every device in, upon, or by 任何人或财产被或可被运输或提款 道路,移动设备或人力移动设备除外.

If any word or phrase used is not defined above, but is defined in 密歇根州车辆法规,PA 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923,或者 Michigan Uniform Traffic Code for Cities, Townships, and Villages, 则适用车辆法规或交通法规之定义.  

部分02.  交通管理和权威

a. 执行:  这应是警察的职责 处长及警务主任执行本条例的条文 和国家车辆法律适用的交通,进行逮捕时 authorized by law, to assist in the prosecution of 人s charged 对违法行为,要调查事故,要配合其他法律 enforcement and University officials in the administration of the traffic regulations, and to develop ways to improve traffic and 大学财产的行人条件,并执行这些 本条例及日后修订特别征收的关税.

b. 交通工程师:  这是……的一般责任 the Police Chief to collaborate with other University officials to 确定交通的安装、适当的时间和维护 control devices; to plan and direct the operation of traffic on roadways on the Campus, to establish parking areas, designating limitation and use; and to certify the installation, removal, and/or authorization of traffic control devices and signs.  警察局长 is responsible for establishment, development and maintenance of 大学交通管制令. 

c. 访问或使用限制:  它应该是 警察局长有责任限制进入或 使用大学拥有或控制的道路、人行道、停车场 大学的地段或其他财产或其部分 被认为是安全、合法和有效的必要的或可取的 conduct of the affairs of the University; provided that the Police Chief or the Police Chief’s authorized representatives shall make 使用标志、设置路障、派遣警察或 other authorized 人s possessing official identification, or 建立不允许未经授权人员越过的界线 通过

d. 警察指挥交通管理局:警察 警务人员及/或由警务处处长指派的警务人员是 特此授权以语音,手或信号指挥所有交通 遵守交通法规,如果发生火灾 或其他紧急情况或为加快交通或保障行人安全, 警务人员可视情况需要指挥交通 交通法规的规定. 

e. 委任指定雇员的权力:  的 Police Chief is hereby empowered to authorize the employment of 学生或其他指定员工将被分配到控制 and direction of traffic in/out of parking lots and at crosswalks.  在指挥交通和佩戴反光安全装置时 apparel, devices, and emblems distinctively identifying them as authorized employees of the University, no motorist or pedestrian shall disregard the directions of such employees while they are 指挥或控制交通. 

部分03.  司机的权利和责任

a. 任何机动车辆 driven, parked or possessed 在大山谷州立大学的场地上 给所述机动车辆一个或多个已发出的车牌 by the State of residence of the registered owner. 任何机动车辆 停放或拥有在大山谷州立大学的处所 哪辆车没有当前的车牌附在上面 motor vehicle shall be presumed to be abandoned, and the Police Chief/Director of the Department of 公共安全 is authorized to arrange to have the said motor vehicle removed from the premises of 大峡谷州立大学 at 老板’s expense. 

b. 的 driver of any vehicle shall obey the instructions of any 官方的交通管制装置,按照交通规则放置 交通管制令或交通条例,除非 在其他方面由警务人员指挥.

c. No 人 shall operate a motor vehicle over or upon property 由大学所有,除非该物业已被指定为 道路,或停车场.  授权服务车辆,警察 vehicles, and emergency 车辆获豁免. 

d. 第03条规定的除外.c),没有 vehicle shall be driven on a sidewalk, unless the driver has been 由警务人员或指定雇员作出指示 02.e)). 授权服务车辆,警察 vehicles, and emergency 车辆获豁免. 

e. When any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any 十字路口的无标记人行横道,允许行人通过 道路,任何从后面驶来的车辆的司机 shall not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle.

f. When traffic-control signals are not in place or are not in operation, the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian 在人行横道内过马路时,行人在人行道上 half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the 道路似乎处于危险之中.

g. Any driver of a vehicle who approaches within 一个完全或部分失明的人10英尺外,他带着 白色手杖一种白色的手杖或手杖,或有红色尖头的手杖 被一只戴着挽具的导盲犬牵着走,在其中之一上行走吗 盲人的侧面,或稍前面,应立即走过来 完全停止,并在可能进行之前采取预防措施 必要的避免事故或伤害的全部或部分失明 人.  A 人 who violates this rule is guilty of a misdemeanor.

h. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, every driver of a 车辆须小心避免与行人相撞 on any roadway, shall give warning by sounding the horn when necessary, and shall exercise proper precaution upon observing any child or any confused or incapacitated 人 on a roadway.

部分04.  移动设备

No 人 shall operate a skateboard, bicycle, roller skates, or roller blades in University parking structures or buildings. In addition, no 人 shall operate roller skates, roller blades, a 赛格威,电动滑板车,悬浮滑板车,自平衡滑板车, 自行车或电动自行车以任何方式构成威胁 对行人造成伤害或损坏大学财产和建筑物; 包括但不限于,未能让出…的通行权 任何行人,与行人或其他行人保持安全距离 道路或人行道使用者以不安全的速度驾驶此类车辆, 以及表演技巧或特技.

部分05.  停车

的 department of Facilities Services – Grand Rapids and Regional Centers serves as the University parking administrator.

部分06.  Impound and Abandoned 车辆s and Other Items

a. 警察局长和警官们 特此授权公共安全部门移除车辆 from property owned or controlled by the University, in accordance 密歇根车辆代码. 

b. 的 reasonable cost of removal and storage shall be borne by 老板. 

c. 除车辆外,物品视同 abandoned by the Department of 公共安全, such as bicycles, skateboards, and scooters, are subject to impound by the University.

d. It shall be unlawful for any 人 to remove, without the 警务处处长/公共安全处处长的特别授权或 警察局长的指定人员、任何车辆、拖车或其他物体 被关在停车场,仓库,或者自行车栏里 即已指定和张贴,直到规定的费用有 支付.

部分07.  执法及罚则

A violation shall constitute a civil infraction unless noted 否则,并通过密歇根州的密歇根州车辆法规强制执行 统一交通规则,和/或通过大学政策裁决 和程序. 

部分08年.  其他适用法律

本条例所载的任何条文均无意限制 any governmental unit or law enforcement agency to enforce on Grand 谷州立大学财产任何法律,条例,或法规 which otherwise would be enforceable on such property .

部分09年.  可分割性

如本条例的任何部份或若干部份因任何理由被视为 invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the 本条例其余部分的有效性或合宪性.