
以下是与技术相关的信息,可能会证明是有用的. 如果你有问题没有得到解答, 或者没有提供有问题的项目的联系电子邮件, 请联络教务长办公室((电子邮件保护)).


如果教师对他们的课程有特定的技术要求, 这一点必须在教学大纲中明确说明. 对于参加在线/混合课程的学生,请确保他们已经阅读了 在线/混合课程的技术要求 网页. Students who do not have the necessary technology should make their professor aware as soon as possible. 在某些情况下,大学可能有设备/技术来帮助学生. 除了, a ‘special circumstance 和 financial hardship request’ is available; students are encouraged to contact the 财政援助办公室 了解更多信息.

Following are a variety of resources that may be useful to students 和 low-income families who need a computer or internet access. 这些资源列在 从政府那里得到一台免费笔记本电脑的21种方法(用于上学、工作……) site.

  • 有原因的计算机
    如果学生和退伍军人有经济上的需要,他们可以得到一台免费的笔记本电脑, 并符合一定的资格要求.
  • 全球联合劝募协会
    This non-profit organization provides assistance on a range of topics through its 2-1-1 program, 并将人们与当地资源联系起来. 2-1-1服务是免费的,并且是保密的. 学生们可以利用这项服务找到免费或廉价的笔记本电脑.
  • 个人电脑
    Some people ask online whether there’s a way to get free internet 和 a laptop from the government – while there is no such program available from the government, 这个非营利组织可能会提供便宜的互联网和一台免费的笔记本电脑. 个人电脑 is a non-profit organization that gives complimentary laptops 和 low-cost internet services to qualifying recipients.
    它提供翻新的个人电脑. 对于人们来说,pc的伟大之处在于它是一个微软注册的翻新商. 该公司捐赠的电脑都带有Windows 10的授权版本. In order to be eligible to receive a PC, students will need to meet certain requirements.
  • Freecycle network
    人们可以在当地捐赠物品和接受捐赠物品, 学生们可能会发现有人提供免费的笔记本电脑. 学生也可以在Freecycle network上索取物品.g. 一台笔记本电脑).
  • 学生笔记本
    This site was created by students, 和 helps students find laptops at deep discounted prices.

    ***Note: The 2022 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes a provision so that college students who receive Pell grants are eligible for a $30 monthly discount on internet services, 还有一次性100美元的电脑折扣. 细节: 白宫的“上网”页面.


教师应该意识到,所有的教师和学生都参加了一个 在线/混合取向 黑板课程. The Orientation is designed to help students be successful in online learning; faculty teaching online or hybrid courses often request that students complete the Orientation 和 submit the associated Certificate of Completion as verification. Any faculty utilizing Blackboard in their courses are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the Orientation 和 refer students to this resource. 

Blackboard、协作和盟友支持 为学生和教职员工提供全天候服务吗. 支持还提供了各种 科技教学 资源,例如 Panopto响应锁定浏览器/监视器. 此外,电子学习和新兴技术团队提供 数码影像工作室 资源和Fall一起 在线研讨会 博天堂官方网页各种技术主题的教学.


Most software available in on-campus computer labs will be available virtually for use by faculty 和 students through WinLab 和 MacLab. 您可以向WinLab提问: (电子邮件保护) 或MacLab: (电子邮件保护).

Adobe Creative Cloud Suite

Adobe Creative Cloud Suite will be provided only for students in courses where the software is required.

  • GVSU is still working through the contract with Adobe to add named licenses for all of the students in the identified courses
  • 一旦合同签订,许可证被授予, 我们可以测试和记录学生如何访问Adobe Creative Cloud Suite
  • The documentation will address different scenarios to help students 和 faculty troubleshoot setting up the software. 这些场景是:

当我们 授予新许可证:


  • The documentation will be emailed to all students who are registered in a course that was designated to use Adobe CCS. 文件的副本也将发送给教师分发.
  • The Adobe software that was in the physical labs will no longer be available for generic use. 您的驾照一定是有名字的, 这是由注册相应的课程决定的.
  • The students will be registered to access the Adobe CCS for the length of the semester 和 then will be de-enrolled at the end of the semester to get ready to load the next group of students for the next semester.
  • We anticipate this being completed 和 communicated to faculty 和 students by the first Friday of classes.


教师在课堂上使用HyFlex教学法, whereby some students meet face-to-face during regularly scheduled meeting times 和 the rest of the students join the course online synchronously, 可以使用 提示教学HyFlex和交错混合课程与远程学习者 网页,为您的课程设置技术提供帮助.


Respondus LockDown Browser 和 Monitor are available for conducting student assessments remotely. 审查 Repondus锁定浏览器和监视器网页 了解更多信息. 请注意,学生必须具备最低的技术要求(例如.g. 不支持chromebook), 所以请在你的课程要求之前和你的学生一起复习. 此外, 残疾支援资源 能否协助监考,为在校学生提供支持.


If a faculty member needs voice amplification support in the classroom due to wearing a face covering, 请通过电子邮件提出要求 (电子邮件保护). 教师 will be assigned a device that they are responsible for 和 would need to bring to the classroom each day - devices will not be left in the classroom 和 cannot be shared.

请注意,由于需求和时间, the equipment may not be available to start the semester if it has not yet been requested. If equipment was already requested through the call put out by your unit head/college during the past two weeks, 请不要通过上述电子邮件地址申请设备. 您的设备已订购,到货时将提供给您.

Voice amplification equipment includes the following (or equivalent technology based on availability):





有关第三方工具的信息, recommendations to support student learning 和 ensure consistency 和 clarity across courses, 以及GVSU IT不支持的技术/工具的使用指南, 访问网络学习的 社交媒体和第三方教学工具 site.


LanSchool is a commercially produced 和 easy-to-use software solution for teaching 和 training using networked computers. It helps instructors manage multiple student GVSU lab computers in classrooms from the instructor console. 使用此工具,教师可以远程控制,监控,共享,限制等. 实验室环境中的学生工作站. 该工具将在秋季学期安装在GVSU所有it管理的计算机实验室中.

GVSU has purchased enough licenses to cover the seats designated as in-use based on social distancing in the computer labs (both Windows 和 Macs). 安装完成后,IT部门将为Windows和Mac实验室提供教员指导.

我们预计安装工作将在第一天上课前完成, but with a goal of everything being in place 和 communicated by the first Friday of classes at the latest.


If the recording of live online class meetings will be shared with students in other sections of the course, 同意是必要的. 教师 和 staff can obtain consent to record live online class meetings by using the FERPA Recording Consent form (located on the Registrar's site under 学生形式). Please retain a copy of this form for your records as long as you maintain the recording. 如果您有问题,请博天堂官方 Pam井,注册.


  • 变焦
    • 云存储每月没有限制. 在30天内自动删除,并可以在设置变焦会议时更改.
    • Recordings under 变焦 should be saved to the cloud (refer to proper recording policy) 和 directed by faculty to the 变焦 cloud storage location for viewing.
    • Please remove recording as soon as possible to ensure adequate cloud storage is available for GVSU community.
  • Panopto讲座/屏幕录音
    • 如果不需要现场授课,建议使用Panopto作为录制工具.
