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Strategic Plan for Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies


Modeling interdisciplinary education in action: we apply liberal education that cultivates engaged global citizens and supports lifelong learning.


The Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies serves as a regional and national model for integrative and global learning, innovative teaching, and sustainable, inclusive practices that empower students and expand access to higher education. The faculty and staff of Brooks College are deeply committed to not only advancing equity, inclusion and diversity, but in leading Grand Valley State University in these values.

Values Statement

We value:

A collegial and collaborative student-centered environment where we support each other and work together, bridging fields and disciplines, both within the college and across campus, in an open and transparent manner.

Equity, inclusion, and diversity across our curriculum, faculty and staff, and the students and communities we serve.

Integrity in our student-first worldview, and integrity in our actions.

Shared, democratic principles of self-governance and decision making.

Global perspectives that support critical analysis of and engagement with complex systems and legacies across our teaching, scholarship, and community engaged work.

Action-oriented educational initiatives, high impact practices, and experiential learning.

Interdisciplinary research and teaching that challenges disciplinary and field boundaries, expands how we understand and define knowledge, and generate results-oriented work that can be applied to real-life wicked problems and challenges.

Risk-taking and innovation that encourages alternative approaches to scholarship, teaching, and learning.

Academic freedom to ask the questions that need to be asked, and approach the answers, however that might unfold.

Social, environmental, and financial sustainability in all that we do.


Planning Process

Growing out of the presidential “huddles” organized through AY2019-2020, Brooks College launched a strategic planning process beginning with a series of college Town Hall meetings convened by Dean Mark Schaub. Units held department/program-level conversations, relaying their priorities to the Dean’s Office by April 2021. Externally facing units consulted with stakeholders via their Advisory Councils. All college faculty and staff were invited to contribute to and refine the College’s mission, vision, values, guiding principles through Winter 2022, in tandem with the finalization of the university’s Reach Higher 2025 planning effort. The College published its first updated, strategic plan in March 2022.

 As the Division of Academic Affairs works to finalize its strategic planning process, our college will continue to refine its aims focusing on the three strategic priorities: empowered educational experiences, lifelong learning, and educational equity.


Collaboration is at the center of our guiding principles as a college. Our interdisciplinary research and teaching efforts are fundamentally integrative. We invite in faculty, staff, and students from across the university to author and develop innovative work that embraces action-oriented, global perspectives, challenge interdisciplinary and field boundaries, and generate results-oriented work that can be applied to real-life wicked problems and challenges. Specific examples of this work are highlighted across our strategic priorities.

Building Capacity

In alignment with its mission and vision, in AY2022-2023, Brooks College reorganized its academic unit structure, merging its academic majors and minors into a single School of Interdisciplinary Studies. This new structure supports our ability to transcend disciplinary siloes, free faculty to teach where they are most needed and in ways that best connect with students and support collaborative scholarship with a particular eye toward working models that support ongoing, sustainable opportunities for undergraduate student research and kindred high-impact practices. It has also supported the hiring of faculty “clusters” with expertise that is aligned with strategic efforts within the college and at GVSU.


Lifetime of Learning (25+ Enrollment)

Key Performance Indicator

New Adult Student Enrollment




(25 years old or older, new undergraduate and graduate students)

Progress - Fall 2023


In Fall 2023, BCOIS launched two new Bachelor of Applied Science degree programs designed to attract transfer students who have previously earned an applied associates degree or the equivalent: Professional Innovation, B.A.S. and Leadership & Business Fundamentals, B.A.S.. BCOIS also houses the BAS- prefix, including core courses shared by these degrees and another two Bachelor of Applied Science programs that also launched this fall in the Padnos College of Engineering & Computing (PCEC), supporting collaboration between our colleges. Those programs include: Technology Project Management, B.A.S. and Web Design & Development, B.A.S.. There are currently 7 students majoring in Professional Innovation and 4 majoring in Leadership & Business Fundamentals. We anticipate enrollments to steadily increase as more students learn about these programs.

Culture of Educational Equity (CEE)

Key Performance Indicator

Students of Color




% Students of Color (Afr Am, Hispanic, Nat Am, Asian, Pacific Islander, excluding nonresident international)

Progress - Fall 2023


Although Fall 2023 saw a slight decline in our overall percentage of students of color enrolled in BCOIS programs (from 20.9% in Fall 2022), matching the university's BIPOC student percentage, the real number of BIPOC students pursuing majors and minors increased slightly from 158 to 167 students since Fall 2022.

Key Performance Indicator

Faculty of Color




% and # Tenured/Tenure-track/Affiliate Faculty of Color

Progress - Fall 2023


BCOIS currently has the highest percentage of tenured/tenure-track/affiliate faculty of color at GVSU, nearly twice the overall percentage of employees of color in the Division of Academic Affairs as a whole (16.6%). We attribute this increase to our cluster hiring and recruitment/retention efforts, launched in Fall 2021.

Key Performance Indicator

Sense of Belonging




% of faculty in college who responded to confidential survey indicating “the extent to which you experience a sense of belonging or community at GVSU” as “very satisfied” or “generally satisfied”.

Progress - Fall 2023


Per the campus climate survey, 56.4% of BCOIS faculty reported feeling "satisfied" or "very satisfied" in Fall 2023. This is a significant increase from the 30% response in January 2023 and a slight improvement from the 54.5% response in 2021. At the college level, specific action steps we have taken to identify needs include creating a college DEI-AB Task Force in Winter 2023. The Task Force was charged by the Dean with creating, administering, and analyzing a survey instrument for Brooks faculty and staff that aimed to get richer information on how our colleagues see the climate for DEI-AB (diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging) at GVSU in general and the college in particular. They were also charged with creating and administering a qualitative set of interview questions (in parallel with the quantitative survey) to help gauge specific needs and problem areas that the college can/should address.

Additional Commitments

Key Performance Indicator

New Student Enrollment




Number of new FTIAC, Graduate, and Transfer students entering in fall.

Progress - Fall 2023


We continue to see a increase in new student enrollment into BCOIS programs. We attribute this growth to a combination of factors including the addition of two new degree programs (the Bachelor of Applied Science majors in Professional innovation and Leadership & Business Fundamentals) launched Fall 2023) as well as faculty supported recruitment into the Meijer Honors College and Brooks' majors and minors.

Key Performance Indicator

1st Year Fall to Fall FTIAC Retention




1st Year Fall to Fall FTIAC Retention

Progress - Fall 2023


The percentage of first year FTIACs enrolled in Brooks College majors and minors in Fall 2022 who returned to those programs in Fall 2023 declined slightly (4.4% overall). As is frequently the case with BCOIS metrics because our courses and programs heavily serve university-wide efforts, this mirrors the overall decline in FTIAC retention at GVSU. Despite this slight decline, BCOIS stil has the highest FTIAC retention numbers of any college at GVSU and exceeds the university's overall retention rate by 7.4%. We will continue to bolster our strategies and programs that support student retention efforts.

Key Performance Indicator





Net Promoter Score

Progress - Fall 2023


Our Net Promoter Score (students only) increased to 38.5 over the past year, as reported to the university via a student pulse survey. This slightly exceeds the university's overall satisfaction rate of +37.2.

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