Admitted International Students

Congratulations on your acceptance to Grand Valley State University! 我们期待着更好地了解你,并在校园里与你见面. 作为一个 international student, 在美国的这段时间里,你会有一些奇妙的新经历, and we are excited to be your host. 你的到来极大地增加了我们的校园社区,我们希望从你身上学到的东西和你从我们身上学到的一样多!

现在你已经被录取了,你可以找到成为湖人的下一步了.  如有任何问题或指导,您可以发送电子邮件至博天堂官方办公室 [email protected].



博天堂官方 & Recruitment Office
phone: (616) 331-2025
电子邮件: [email protected]

Padnos International Center
phone: (616) 331-3878
电子邮件: [email protected]
网站: Padnos International Center

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Getting Your I-20


In order to get your I-20, 您将需要填写一份财务证明表格,并提交您的护照和财务文件 湖人的门户,点击页面顶部的“查看国际学生信息”链接. 你也可以为任何将要加入你的家属上传信息.

As part of the I-20 process, 所有国际学生必须有足够的经济支持来支付学费 estimated costs of academic and living expenses for one academic year. 

What are acceptable financial documents?

  • 个人银行对账单,以流动资产形式提供所需的最低金额的资金支持.
    • 现金存款, certificates of deposit, savings accounts, 定期存款, investment accounts, and checking accounts are acceptable.
  • Business accounts are not accepted.
  • Graduate assistantship award letter
  • Athletic 奖学金 letter from a GVSU athletic team
  • Government funding
    • 信件中必须有提供资金的组织的联系方式.
  • Education loan confirmation letter

What information does my bank statement need to have? 

  • 所有财务文件必须有至少三个月的交易历史或证明该账户已活跃超过三个月.
  • 所有定期存单和定期存单都必须注明到期日.
  • 所有财务文件必须是英文的,或者包括官方的英文翻译.
  • 所有财务文件必须打印在正式的银行信笺上,并必须由相应的银行官员签署. 只接受财务文件原件或PDF格式的扫描件. 
  • We are not able to accept screenshots, photographs of bank statements, or bank statements scanned with smartphone apps.
  • 所有的银行对账单都需要包括账户持有人的信息.




Check Documents: 
在申请学生签证之前,请确保I-20是正确的. Pay special attention to the spelling of your name, 出生日期, program of study, and funding source (family support, 奖学金, graduate assistantship, 等).

所有F级和J级学生在签证面试前都必须支付一笔强制性费用. You will pay your SEVIS fee at either online or through Western Union. 

  • F students: $350
  • J students: $220

Visa Appointment:
一旦你收到收据,表明你已经支付了SEVIS费用,你应该访问美国.S. Embassy website in your country and apply for a visa appointment. You can find the closest embassy on the U.S. Embassy website.

Visa Application Questions:
To help you with the visa interview, we have some helpful visa 面试技巧

Point of 联系:
When you are asked for your point of contact in the U.S., please use the following information:

  • 利比Jawish
    Director of International Students 
    Grand Valley State University
    130 Lake Ontario Hall
    艾伦代尔, MI 49401
    Phone: (616) 331-3898
    电子邮件: [email protected] 

Your GVSU Student Number, Username, and Password

每个注册或被大峡谷州立大学录取的学生都会收到一个网络帐户,您可以使用您的用户名和密码访问该帐户. Your network account allows you access to GVSU computer labs, your GVSU email account, Library resources, Blackboard coursework, your student information in Banner Self-Service, and network disk space. 换句话说,所有这些系统都需要您的GVSU用户名和密码. 你的网络帐户保持活跃,当你注册为一个学生在大峡谷. 所有这些资源都可以在GVSU的每个计算机实验室中使用,也可以在校园内外的个人设备上使用.

要设置您的GVSU用户名和密码,请访问您的湖人门户(链接如下). 在那里, 你会找到分配给你的用户名和g号(学生证号码), as well as instructions to activate your GVSU network account. 
Undergraduate Applicant Laker Portal
Graduate Applicant Portal


When should I apply for housing?

一旦被录取,建议你尽快申请住房.  想要住在学校的国际学生必须申请住宿 7月1日 (fall start) or 11月1日 (winter start) and there is a $150 required housing deposit.  你可以从你的学生门户网站开始申请住房 住房 and Residence Life website.  When completing the application, 你需要你的网络ID和密码,这些可以在你的学生门户网站上找到. 你可以在网站上找到更多博天堂官方网页不同住房风格的信息 住房 website.

Who will I live with at Grand Valley?

在你到达校园之前,你将通过电子邮件通知你的住房和室友分配. 室友和住房风格的选择可以在住房申请中要求, but there are no guarantees that you top choice will be selected.

Do I need to live on campus?

First year students (freshmen) are required to live on campus.  转学生和研究生不需要住在校园里.

Orientation and Course Registration

Freshman Students:
Freshman students will need to schedule an Orientation session. At this session, 您将与学术顾问会面,讨论您的项目并选择课程. Virtual Orientation sessions are available, 然而, 目前在美国的学生可以选择面对面的课程. 在那里 is no cost for the course registration session. 如果您对入学培训和课程注册有任何疑问,请与我们联系 [email protected]

Transfer Students:
Transfer students will need to schedule an Orientation session. At this session, 您将与学术顾问会面,讨论您的项目并选择课程. Virtual Orientation sessions are available, 然而, 目前在美国的学生可以选择面对面的课程. 在那里 is no cost for the course registration session. 如果您对入学培训和课程注册有任何疑问,请与我们联系 [email protected]. In order to give transfer credit for your previous coursework, GVSU will need your most recent official transcript, course descriptions or course syllabi (translated into English). The documents can be emailed to [email protected].

Graduate Students:
研究生将需要联系他们的项目主任,以获得有关项目课程和课程注册过程的更多信息. The name of the program director is in your Graduate Applicant Portal and on your acceptance letter. 如果您无法找到您的项目主任,您可以通过以下方式与我们联系 [email protected].  

International Students Services

国际空间站团队在大山谷倡导国际学生在校园,并作为主要资源的法律, 文化, and social matters for international students. We work closely with many offices across campus, 以及社区组织,帮助国际学生有宾至如归的感觉,并与社区保持联系.  We look forward to working with as you continue your journey.

Arrival Information

所有的国际学生都应该乘坐杰拉德R号航班飞往密歇根州的大急流城. Ford International Airport – airport code GRR. 您将收到一个紧急联系号码,如果您在旅行期间有任何紧急情况,您可以拨打这个号码. 我们强烈建议您不要尝试乘坐从芝加哥到大急流城的火车. Please book connecting flights that will bring you to the Gerald R. Ford International airport. 访问 嗯…….org for more information about the airport. 

International Student Events

参加我们的活动是一个很好的方式来获得信息,成为一名国际学生在大峡谷. Whether you want general information, details pertaining to a specific program, or just want to see what Grand Valley has to offer, explore these options and choose which is right for you. 我们有小组会议、个人预约或虚拟办公时间. 

Sign Up for an Event

Page last modified July 2, 2024