LewerMark Health Insurance

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GVSU对所有F-1和J-1国际学生都有强制性的健康保险政策. This mandate started in Fall 2023. The policy is brokered by the company LewerMark. 请在下面了解有关此任务、成本、覆盖范围和注意事项的更多信息.

美国的医疗保险是非常昂贵的,而且可能非常令人困惑. 为国际学生提供最好的支持, 我们与LewerMark合作,为所有国际学生提供优质的医疗保险. This page details many aspects of the policy and the LewerMark website 专门为GVSU的国际学生提供博天堂官方网页政策和其他细节的全面信息.

LewerMark代理GVSU国际学生的健康保险计划并管理所有供应商的账单, questions, and waivers. LewerMark has a webpage 致力于GVSU国际学生健康保险信息. 学生应该熟悉网站,并确保 login and learn about the many resources available to them. 

Cost & Coverage Dates

GVSU国际学生(F-1和J-1) 2024-2025政策年度的费用为 $1,896. This covers the dates of August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025. LewerMark在政策正式开始之前为新生提供免费的30天延长保险. 因此,秋季入学的学生将从2024年7月2日开始享受医疗保险. 冬季入学的学生将从2024年12月2日开始投保. 这给学生增加了安全,如果在美国境内,需要医疗照顾. Students can consider this as a month of free coverage!

学生一年的一半费用为 $948 for Fall 2024 semester and $948 for Winter 2025 semester. 2024年秋季学期和2025年冬季学期的学生账户分别在7月和11月结算. 

A summary of the policy is available on the LewerMark website. Some highlights are:

  • Annual Deductible: $0
  • Max per policy year: $300,000
  • Max per Injury/Sickness:  $300,000
  • Student Health Center visit or CVS Walk-in Clinic: $0
  • Office Visit: 100% coverage in-network with $20 copay
  • Hospital visit: 100% coverage in-network with $100 copay
  • Wellness care: 100% up to $300 per policy year
  • COVID vaccine is covered up to $100 per policy year
  • Emergency Ambulance Service is covered up to Policy maximum of $300,000 per year
  • Prescription Drugs 住院病人100%报销,门诊病人50%报销,每个保单年度最高2500美元
  • Medical Treatment of Mental Health Condition covered max of 30 days inpatient and 30 visits outpatient
  • Physiotherapy when prescribed covers max 20 visits per policy year
  • and Free Ancillary Services

Students should visit the LewerMark student login page 访问其帐户的全部详细信息并下载其保险卡.  All GVSU students will use their GVSU G# for their Student ID (ex. G01234567). For the first time logging in, the student's password is the student's birthdate in the US format: mmddyyyy. Students can then update the password for future login.

学生应下载健康保险卡,并在所有就诊时携带. 虽然不是所有的医疗服务提供者都知道LewerMark这个名字, 他们将熟悉AETNA网络,所以学生应该告诉他们的医疗保健提供者,他们被AETNA覆盖.

在进行医疗访问或订购处方之前, students should use the LewerMark website's "Find a Doctor or Hospital用于搜索网络内的供应商,因此受保单覆盖的工具. 

For your convenience, here are a list of urgent cares and hospitals that are in-network.

Waiver Form

Click here to view & save fillable Waiver Form

符合以下两项条件的学生,可以将豁免表格提交给LewerMark进行审核. If approved, 该学生在2024-2025学年不会被收取费用,并且需要在本学年期间保持他们在GVSU以外购买的保险.

  • 2 conditions
    • 学生的父母或配偶有涵盖学生的ACA合规计划
    • Student is in the USA on a Sponsored Program (ex. SACM)

If you meet 1 of the 2 conditions above, 您需要填写附件中的弃权书,并将其发送至LewerMark [email protected] including:

  • A full copy of the Health Insurance Policy in English
  • Proof of coverage


  • Students starting in Fall 2024 semester – August 9, 2024
  • Students starting in Winter 2025 semester – December 6, 2024


LewerMark为GVSU国际学生提供独立保险. You can learn more on their site here

LewerMark为OPT/STEM OPT的学生提供单独的计划 LewerGlobal company. The different plan options are here.

Ancillary (FREE) Services

LewerMark政策的另一个原因是我们的学生受益匪浅, 所有参加LewerMark政策的学生都能获得许多免费服务吗! They are:

  • Teladoc – telehealth
    • $0 copay, $0 deductible
    • 24/7
    • Translation Services available
    • 1-800-835-2362
  • TELUS – mental health student support
    • Connects students with virtual counselors 24/7
    • 提供英语、西班牙语、法语、粤语、普通话、 & other languages upon request
    • All languages with 24 hour notice
    • Licensed Counselors & Therapists
    • No limit, no cost
    • 1-866-743-7732
  • Togetherall – mental health forum
    • Monitored by professionals
    • 学生可以匿名发表他们的想法或感受
    • Join chat groups
    • Find useful resources
    • Quick video about its features
  • Scholastic Emergency Services (SES)
    • 5+ days in hospital
    • 学生可以有亲戚来帮助或学生可以去医院或国外葬礼探望亲戚(同情关怀)
    • Help book flights for self, family
    • Repatriation services
    • NO REIMBURSEMENT, they need to book themselves
    • Toll free numbers to share with family & friends in case of emergencies
    • 1-877-488-9833


索赔是医疗保健提供者向您的保险公司发送的账单,要求支付他们提供的服务. LewerMark通常需要7-10个工作日来处理索赔,并直接发送给学生访问的供应商.

In the case where there is a complex claim, LewerMark将与学生联系,并要求学生填写索赔问卷. 如果您是这种情况,请回复LewerMark的请求. 如果没有提交文件,LewerMark将无法支付索赔. 

如果学生直接向供应商支付完整的服务费用,学生应该发送LewerMark [email protected] 服务结束后提供的文件以及账单和付款证明.

Key Health Insurance Terms

Allowed Charge -供应商网络与医生协商的折扣费用, hospitals, and other health care providers in the Network.

Claim -医疗保健提供者向您的保险公司发送的账单,要求支付他们提供的服务. 

Coinsurance -计划负责的承保费用的百分比. 共同保险独立于共同保险,但不是共同保险的一部分.

Copay -在支付任何剩余部分的福利之前,被保险人需要自掏腰包支付该部分的承保费用. 共同支付与共同保险是分开的,而不是共同保险的一部分.

Covered Accident - An unexpected occurrence directly caused by external, visible means and which: occurs while coverage is in force under the Policy for the Covered Person; and results in a Covered Injury to a Covered Person.

Covered Expense - An expense actually incurred by a Covered Person for Medically Necessary Medical Treatment which is: prescribed by a Physician for therapeutic management of a Covered Injury or Covered Sickness; not excluded by any provisions contained in the Policy; and not more than the Reasonable and Customary charges.

Covered Injury - Bodily harm resulting, directly and independently of any sickness, and which is caused by, arises out of, or results from, 承保的意外事故或投保人突然遭受的身体创伤. All injuries sustained in a single Covered Accident, including related conditions and recurring symptoms, will be considered as one Covered Injury.

Covered Person - A Covered Student. If the participating School's application, approved by the Program Manager, includes dependent coverage, 受保人员包括受保学生的受保家属.

Covered Sickness - An illness, disease, 或损害被保险人身心正常功能的状况,且不是由伤害或事故直接导致的. 相同或类似疾病的所有相关疾病和复发症状, disease, 或疾病将被视为相同的承保疾病. 

Covered Student - An Eligible Student of a Participating School where: the Participating School submitted an application to sponsor coverage; the Program Manager accepted the Participating School's application; all Premium for the Eligible Student has been paid when due; and by virtue of all three conditions above, 符合条件的学生成为下层国际学生信托(“信托”)的参与者。.

Deductible -投保人在本保单项下可支付福利前必须自付的金额.

Diagnostic Examinations -实验室、x光、诊断成像和其他诊断性诊断检查.

Intensive Care Unit -医院特别指定的病房,专门为需要经常进行视听观察的危重病人或受伤病人保留, as prescribed by the attending Physician; provides room and board, 训练有素的合格人员,其职责主要限于该单位, and special equipment or supplies immediately available on a stand-by basis; and is segregated from the rest of the Hospital's facilities.

Medical Treatment - All medical care, treatment, services, supplies, procedures, 或被保险人用于治疗疾病或受伤的药物. 

Medically Necessary -根据提供医疗时美国普遍接受的医疗实践标准,由医生或医院为诊断或管理承保疾病或承保伤害提供或规定的必要和适当的医疗治疗.

Network - A compilation of health care providers, such as Physicians and Hospitals, 已同意接受向受保人提供的医疗费用的减少付款. 投保人有权自行决定是否访问任何医疗保健提供者, 无论该提供者是否包括在网络中(In-Network) or does not participate in the Network (Out-of-Network). 无论受保人选择使用网络内或网络外医疗保健提供商, 受保人仍可能产生自付费用.

Participating Provider - A health care provider, such as a Physician or a Hospital, 已纳入该网络并已同意按规定费率提供医疗必要医疗.

Physician -指在其医师执照范围内执业并执行本保单所涵盖的特定服务的合法执业的治疗艺术从业者. 为清楚起见,医师包括执业护士和注册营养师. 医师不包括:脊椎指压治疗医师, naturopathic, naprapathic, or alternative medicine; an athletic trainer; a nutritionist who is not also a Registered Dietician; any Covered Person; a Close Relative of a Covered Person; or an individual residing at the same legal residence of the Covered Person.

Policy -根据投保人选择接受医疗服务的地点或是否使用参与供应商的服务,提供不同级别的福利和共付额. 

Policyholder - The entity to which the Policy is issued. The Policyholder is shown on the first page of the Policy. 

Reasonable and Customary -收费地区内同类医疗服务的最常见收费. The most common charge means the lesser of: up to 200% of the Medicare published rate for the same or similar service or any of the following (the actual amount charged by the provider; the negotiated rate, if any; the fee often charged in the Area where the service was performed).

Student Health Center -附属或与参与学校签约的流动护理设施, at a minimum, 维持由护士长/执业护士组成的员工队伍, staff Nurses, 以及一名专职医生或与一名医生安排进行办公室访问或与中级提供者进行合作实践安排. 

Urgent Care - Care received in an urgent care center or facility.

Walk-In Pharmacy Clinic - A clinic set-up inside a larger retail operation, such as a pharmacy or retail store, 它为轻微的伤害和疾病提供基本的护理, and may provide vaccinations, immunizations, annual physicals, health screenings, and diagnostic tests.

Source: LewerMark Grand Valley Brochure 23-24

Customer Service

LewerMark Customer Service


  • Toll Free: 1 (800) 821-7710 (Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Time)
  • Chat with us at: www.lewermark.com
  • Email us at: [email protected]
  • Your school's dedicated LewerMark webpage: www.lewermark.com/gvsu
  • Physical Address:
    The Lewer Agency, Inc.
    Student Insurance
    9900 W 109th St. Suite 200
    Overland Park, KS 66210

LewerMark's Make Your Mark Scholarship Contest

LewerMark的“留下你的印记”国际奖学金竞赛- 2024年春季


Get creative with your submission: Make it funny! Make it dramatic! Are you artistic? Create a cartoon!

Scholarship Amounts:

Six prizes of $2,000 each

Application Deadline:


Apply today at: www.lewermark.com/international-scholarship-spring-2024/

Page last modified June 27, 2024