Inclusion Advocates Program

Two people walking by Zumberge Pond on GVSU Allendale Campus

What Are Inclusion Advocates?

The Inclusion Advocate (“IA”) is a specialized role to search 委员会的教师,AP工作人员和PSS/MGS/DPS就业搜索. IA旨在促进围绕包容性人才的对话 acquisition and ensure that faculty and AP staff searches are conducted in an equitable manner.

公平和包容对大峡谷州立大学至关重要 使命是教育学生塑造他们的生活和职业, and their societies. We do this by creating an inclusive environment where differences are valued, allowing individuals to reach their highest plateaus of professional success. In this environment, social 公正、公平、多元化和包容是制度价值 that are woven into the fabric of the University. 

Why do we have inclusion advocates?

全球格局的巨大变化正在改变我们工作、互动和学习的方式. Economic forces, changing talent needs, evolving demographic trends, increased competition, 对服务的需求正从根本上影响着世界上几乎所有行业的组织行为方式.

  • 到2020年,5代人将在组织中并肩工作
  • 到2025年,千禧一代和X一代将占美国就业人口的64%左右.S. workforce
  • 到2025年,预计不到60%的人可能会自我认同为“非西班牙裔白人”。

随着劳动力的不断发展,它反映了全球一体化, so too must our approach to talent acquisition. In creating an inclusively diverse faculty and staff community, 我们可以确保我们的学生接受世界一流的教育,使他们成为世界公民.


Virtual Inclusion Advocate Annual Convening

Thank you for joining us in October 2022 for our last meeting!

Please check back here in fall 2023 for our next session.

Learn more about the past session here

Please Note:

包容与公平司修订了包容倡导者和搜索委员会博天堂官方网页使用包容倡导者的要求和责任. Updated information has been posted (as of November 1, 2016). Please contact [email protected] if you have questions.

Inclusion Advocates Program Criteria

View Flowchart Here

Criteria for participation and requirements for orientation and on-going learning have been developed for faculty and staff. At a minimum, Inclusion Advocates must:

  1. Attain tenure (faculty) or complete probationary status and 12 months of service (staff).
  2. Apply to be an Inclusion Advocate here. “共融倡导者”申请一经提交并获批准, you will be notified via email.
  3. Complete the Inclusion & Equity: Inclusion Advocates module via Blackboard, if you have not already.
      1. Inform the Affirmative Action Office via email once you have completed the module:  [email protected]
  4. Each year, you will be required to attend the synchronous “共融提倡”周年会议“共融招聘”将继续举行 有资格成为包容性倡导者并收到GVSU的最新消息 requirements for Affirmative Action/EEO.
  5. After steps 1-4 have been completed, you are officially an Inclusion Advocate! You will be given a certificate via intercampus mail, and added to the IA Directory.

To maintain membership, you also must: 

  1. Participate in the evaluation of the program.
  2. Annually attend the update meeting & training.

包容性倡导者在搜索委员会中担任正式角色, with specific responsibilities to help ensure inclusive hiring practices. At a minimum and in consultation with the search committee chair, Human Resources, and the Affirmative Action/EEO Office as appropriate, an Inclusion Advocate will:

  1. Serve on search committees for all positions.
  2. In most cases, be selected from outside the hiring department. A closely related department, even if within the same school or division, is encouraged. See for a list of Inclusion Advocates.
  3. Review and approve recruitment plans and job advertisements prior to the beginning of a search.
  4. Review availability and application pool data and, if necessary, suggest additional recruitment options and/or changes to the recruitment plan and/or search timeline.
  5. Provide a statement reviewing the search process, and assuring 在搜索过程中实施了全面的包容性实践,和/或 在最终聘用之前,承认与搜索相关的担忧 is approved.

委任人员可要求豁免“共融倡议” 和/或搜索委员会的职责和员工可要求 入选标准和要求的例外情况 Advocate by contacting the Division of Inclusion and Equity. See

  • 部门/单位没有充分利用或利用不足 没有积极的平权行动计划与安置相关的目标 和促销,可以要求豁免的要求和使用 alternative/expedited process. Written justification for the exemption and requested exemption(s) must be submitted to the Division of Inclusion and Equity.
  • Individuals with demonstrated expertise, education, and/or 具有包容性招聘实践、平权行动、社交方面的经验 司法教育、就业法、人力资源等领域 may request exceptions to all or individual criteria. A resume/CV, 其他有关材料、例外理由的书面说明; and requested exception(s) must be submitted to the Division of Inclusion and Equity.
  • Appeals to requests that are denied may be submitted to the Assistant Vice President for Equity, Planning and Compliance then the Vice President of Inclusion and Equity, or designee. See
  • Requests for exemptions or exceptions made by hiring managers or 包容与公平部的员工将获得批准 by the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, or designee.

包容性倡导者在确保公平和公正方面发挥着重要作用 inclusive recruitment and hiring practices at GVSU. Work as an Inclusion Advocate should be recognized as vital service to the University in both personnel committees and staff evaluations. The 包容与公平司将正式承认这些努力 and service of those who participate in the program.

The Division of Inclusion and Equity continues to implement 机制,以评估纳入的影响和成效 Advocate Program. Inclusion Advocates, hiring committee chairs, and 招聘经理/任命人员被要求参与 evaluation process. Feedback, suggestions and lessons-learned will be 文件通过基于网络的调查工具,汇报访谈和 focus groups. Following the closing of each search, the Inclusion Advocate will receive an email with link to the evaluation form.  The 获得的投入将作为所需信息的重要来源 不断改进“共融倡导者计划”. On-going feedback is always welcomed by contacting [email protected] or at the form below.

Visit the Inclusion Advocates Directory 浏览所有当前倡导者,并按部门或员工类型搜索倡导者.

经校董会通过,博天堂官方州立大学是 致力于包容和公平,并努力建立一种氛围 that welcomes and affirms the contributions of all students and employees. The University is guided by values for inclusiveness and 社区是我们教育学生的使命中不可或缺的一部分 shape their lives, their professions, and their societies, and to 通过优秀的教学,活跃的学术研究, and public service. The University strives to provide all members of 它的社区具有包容性的环境和公平的成功机会.

大学也致力于维持一个有利的环境 一个自由的教育、生活和就业环境 免受非法骚扰和歧视,以及那些 defined by this policy. All members of the community are expected to 以不侵犯权利的方式行事 of others. It is neither the purpose nor intent of this policy to 违反宪法第一修正案或大学规定的学术自由.

The University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution, consistent with its obligations as a federal contractor. It encourages diversity and provides equal opportunity in education, employment, all of its programs, and the use of its facilities. It is committed to protecting the constitutional and statutory civil rights of persons connected with the University.

大学社区的成员,包括学生,员工, 教职员工、管理人员、董事会成员、顾问、供应商、 其他从事与大学做生意的人,候选人为 就业或入场,并有访客或客人的权利 free from acts of harassment and discrimination, including sexual misconduct, as defined by this policy. In accordance with applicable federal and state law and this policy, acts of discrimination or 校园社区成员骚扰是被禁止的,如果他们 discriminate or harass on the basis of age, color, disability, 家庭状况,身高,婚姻状况,国籍,政治 所属团体、种族、宗教、性/性别(包括性别认同) 和表情),性取向,退伍军人或现役军人 status or weight. This includes inappropriate limitation 教育、就业、体育、 social, cultural, or other university programs and activities. The University will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. Limitations are lawful if they are: directly related to a legitimate university purpose, 由法律规定的,或由双方之间的赠与或合同规定的 the university and the state or federal government. For the purposes of this policy, sex-/gender-based harassment includes sexual 不当行为,性侵犯,人际或关系暴力, and stalking

Page last modified April 29, 2024