Business & Management Career Community

Business and management career community

考虑从事商业、创业或管理方面的职业? 如果是这样,欢迎来到商业和管理社区! 这个社区是一个很好的方式来探索广泛的工作,补充以下兴趣和技能, critical thinking, analytics, project management, working with numbers, event planning, business development, utilizing technology to solve business problems, process improvement, supervision…and much more! 使用下面的参考资料来探索各种选项, 不管你在商业道路上的位置.

Join Business & Management Community        Business Career Events

Explore Business Majors and Careers

许多学生有兴趣在GVSU从事商业,但不确定如何开始.  查看资源来帮助你更多地了解自己、GVSU专业和商业生涯.  

How to Get Involved and Gain Experience

参与职业机会可以帮助你建立必要的技能,成功地找到你的第一份工作或实习. Check out resources to get involved, expand your network, get prepared for your internship and job search, and connect with the business community.

Business-Adjacent Career Paths

并不是所有的商业职业都始于塞德曼商学院的工商管理学士学位. Check out additional options at GVSU.

Explore Business Majors and Careers

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许多学生有兴趣在GVSU从事商业,但不确定如何开始.  这里有一些工具可以帮助你更多地了解自己、GVSU专业和商业生涯.  

Career Guides by Major

点击各职业指南获取实习信息 & 与这些领域相关的志愿者地点、职位和技能.


到每个专业的院系网站去研究课程设置和课程指南, learning outcomes, more detailed career information, and much more!

Alumni Profiles


Business & Management Career Community

Heath Biller '11 Spotlight

Heath Biller '11

我不相信迷信,我会在蓝色下行走 transformational link backwards.

Natalia Vitale '09 Spotlight

Natalia Vitale '09

在GVSU的大三和大四期间,我与Troy密切合作 法利和就业中心帮助我的愿望和自然中心 inclinations toward business and marketing.

DaMar Boyd '10 & '16 Spotlight

DaMar Boyd '10 & '16

我在GVSU最美好的记忆就是我的大女儿能看见我 在毕业典礼上走过舞台是我在大峡谷最美好的回忆之一.

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Find more business & management alumni on LinkedIn!

Don't have a LinkedIn profile? Read these tips to learn more!

How to Get Involved and Gain Experience


参与职业机会可以帮助你建立必要的技能,成功地找到你的第一份工作或实习. 博天堂官方网页并不一定是可怕的或令人生畏的……你越努力去做, 你对职场的了解就越多. 请查看下面的资源,了解参与的方法, expand your network, get prepared for your internship and job search, and connect with the business community.

Get Involved On- and Off-Campus

有职业目标的校园学生组织是一种 探索你未来职业的绝佳方式,并参与到你的 field. 有关以下组织的更多信息,请使用 GVSU LakerLink.

  • Advertising Club
  • American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • Association for Operations Management (APICS)
  • Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting Honors organization)
  • 供应链管理专业人员委员会(CSCMP)
  • Collegiate Entrepreneur’s Organization (CEO)
  • 供应链管理专业人员委员会(CSCMP)
  • Enterprise Systems Student Union (ESSU)
  • Delta Sigma Pi(专业商业兄弟会)
  • Economics Club of Grand Valley
  • Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  • Institute of Managerial Accountants (IMA)
  • International Justice Mission Club
  • Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)
  • Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE)
  • Phi Chi Theta (PCT)
  • Professional Association for Design (AIGA)
  • 美国公共关系学生协会
  • Professional Sales Association (PSA)
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  • Seidman Leadership Development Program
  • Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)
  • 赛德曼供应链管理协会(SSCMA)
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  • 赛德曼供应链管理协会(SSCMA)
  • Sport Management Club

The Admiral Program is a professional development platform created 特别针对塞德曼商学院的学生,在那里你可以 跟踪出席和赚取奖品为您的活动和参与 提高你的专业准备能力的活动. 

Seidman College of Business mentorship program that fosters learning agility for GVSU students and mentors.

GVSU就业中心很高兴与Parker Dewey合作 offer Micro-Internships to Lakers!

微实习是一种短期的、有报酬的项目 在10-40小时内完成,通常在一周到一个月内完成. 这些项目不需要入职,可以由学院完成 student with minimal instruction. These are important but low-risk 可以在现场或远程完成的任务.

Learn More

Find 通过虚拟体验学习的机会 Candid Career+. These opportunities are a great way to validate 你对职业的兴趣,而不需要投入大量的时间 按照传统实习的要求去做.

这些经历可以被认为是虚拟的工作模拟. 每道题都需要几个小时,可以在线完成,也可以自己完成 ,并与真正的雇主合作开发,允许 you the opportunity to truly get a sense for a ‘day in the life’see what skills you need to develop, and gain authentic employer exposure to give you a leg up in the hiring process!

Sample Resumes


Business & Management Career Community Handshake Postings

7/2/24 AMS NOP合规官实习生(虚拟-华盛顿特区)2024年秋季 for job 9087070
USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Expires: 7/7/24

7/2/24 密歇根州保险和金融服务部部门分析师 for job 9086891
Expires: 7/16/24

7/2/24 ARS人力资源开发项目助理(虚拟-贝尔茨维尔,马里兰州)2024年秋季 for job 9086816
USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Expires: 7/7/24

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Career Community- Business & Management

Traveling Career Quiz

August 23, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

与就业中心的学生工作人员作为您的向导,在凯鹏华盈公地之外踏上自我发现的旅程. 大一新生,快来探索量身定制的无数职业测试吧...

View More Career Community- Business & Management

Business-Adjacent Career Paths

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Non-Business Majors to Consider

Minors and Certificates

未成年人和证书是向雇主展示你在特定领域或技能方面受过培训的好方法. 辅修课程和证书可以补充你的学位,通常从9到30学分不等.

要讨论专业/课程要求,请与学术顾问预约 Navigate.

Learn more by

Meet Your Business & Management Career Advisors

Lori Staggs photo

Lori Staggs

Office Address: 101B DeVos
Phone: (616) 331-6708
Email: [email protected]

Lori is a Career Advisor and works with students, faculty, and employers in the Seidman College of Business, as well as HTM and Sport Management.

katie cwiakala headshot

Katie Cwiakala


Office Address: 101B DEV
Phone: (616) 331-6708
Email: [email protected]

Katie is a Career Advisor and works with students, faculty, and employers in the Seidman College of Business, as well as HTM and Sport Management. 她还领导着就业中心的点对点职业联络人项目.

Page last modified June 25, 2024