
寻找有才能、有动力的人加入您的团队? 考虑到在美国学习的大量合格候选人.S. 持有F-1签证! 国际学生带来了丰富多样的视角, 全球经验, 以及强大的学术背景. This site will equip you with the knowledge and steps needed to navigate the process of hiring F-1 students, 从了解工作授权到寻找顶尖人才. 




课程实践训练(CPT) is a form of work authorization that allows qualifying F-1 students to 在校外为一家美国公司打工.S. 在指定期间内以全职或兼职方式工作的雇主. CPT必须是既定课程的组成部分.

雇主的角色申请CPT是学生自己的责任. 取决于学校, 雇主 may be required to provide a simple offer letter on letterhead including details on the offered job, 工作职责, 工作地点, 雇佣开始和结束日期, 每周的工作时间.

学生的角色: Request CPT with DSO and complete required forms and discuss with academic advisor. Enroll in the relevant internship/co-op/other course and receive updated immigration documentation (i.e.(更新I-20表格).

成本 & 处理时间:学生和雇主均可免费使用. CPT requests can take up to 2 weeks if requested during a high demand time. CPT is authorized based on the semester a student is registered 为 related course. CPT authorization dates are approximately the same as the semester and cannot exceed 4.每次授权5个月. International students cannot begin work until they have their new CPT I-20. Work prior to the start date on this I-20 is in violation of their status.


完成学位课程后, students are eligible to apply for a form of work authorization called 选择性实习训练(OPT), 允许他们为雇主工作1年, STEM OPT候选人可额外获得2年, 总共长达3年的工作授权. 允许从事与研究相关的工作. 学生可以在毕业前90天申请.

雇主的角色申请OPT是学生自己的责任. For the first initial 1-year OPT period immediately following graduation, 雇主不需要采取任何行动. 在OPT的第一年后雇佣或继续雇佣学生, 学生可以申请为期2年的STEM OPT延期, 哪些工作需要雇主登记“电子核实”, a free web-based system hosted by USCIS that allows 雇主 to verify the 就业 eligibility of new hires.

学生的角色在最后一个学期, 学生与DSO讨论OPT申请, 获取更新的I-20表格, 并将OPT申请寄给USCIS. 学生 cannot work on OPT until USCIS has approved the application and the student has received the actual OPT 工作授权文件(EAD) card from USCIS.

成本 & 处理时间:雇主免费,学生最低申请费. 申请被发送到USCIS处理中心 & 通常需要3-4个月的审批时间. 申请被发送到USCIS处理中心 & 通常需要3-4个月的审批时间. USCIS的加急处理费可以由学生支付, 如果需要, which guarantees USCIS takes action on the application within 30 calendar days of receipt.


The H-1B is a work visas status granted for 3 years (renewal for 3+ yrs thereafter) that authorizes an employee to work for a 特定的雇主. 65,000 H-1B visas are available annually for candidates who completed U.S. bachelor 学位s or the equivalent, and an additional 20,000 H-1Bs for those who completed a U.S. 硕士及以上学历. H-1Bs can be approved for full- or part-time 就业 in a “specialty occupation”, a position that requires the minimum of a bachelor’s 学位 or equivalent in a specific field or fields of 研究.

雇主的角色: The 雇主 is responsible for registering 为 H-1B lottery 为 available 85,000签证和递交H-1B申请. Many 雇主 utilize experienced immigration attorneys/law firms to facilitate the process.

成本 & 处理时间总成本在5-8千美元之间, 包括律师和所需的USCIS申请费(注), the $5-8k is not incurred unless and until selection in the lottery occurs). The earliest available start date on H-1B status for a selected and approved H-1B application is
每年的10月1日. 申请通常需要2-4个月的时间由USCIS决定. Premium Processing is available but typically unnecessary due to the earliest start date being October 1.

提供的资料 IMLaw.


F-1 visas allow foreign/international students to pursue a qualifying 在美国学习或语言培训的学术项目.S. 学生 必须被认可的美国大学录取并全日制注册.S. 学术机构或语言培训项目. 该机构 还必须得到学生交流和访问学者计划的批准 (SEVP),由移民局管理 & 海关执法局(ICE). 学生必须精通英语或已注册课程 working toward proficiency, demonstrate sufficient funds 为ir 整个学习过程的生活和教育费用,以及 在国外保持住所. F-1学生可以在美国工作.S. 下 某些情况下.

CPT is a form of 就业 authorization that allows F-1 students to 在校外为一家美国公司打工.S. 雇主在全职或兼职的基础上 指定的时间段. 雇佣可以采取实习的形式, work-研究, co-op, training, or other practical work experience with a 特定的雇主. 为了符合CPT的资格,雇佣必须是直接的 与学生的主要研究领域相关,是大学的组成部分 项目/课程. 被授权参加CPT的F-1学生仍然必须 在指定的CPT期间保持完整的课程负荷. 学生 that receive CPT authorization for an aggregate of 364 or less days a 一年的全日制课程仍然有资格参加可选课程 实习训练(OPT).

OPT is a form of 就业 authorization that allows F-1 students to 在校外为一家美国公司打工.S. 雇主在全职或兼职的基础上 an initial 12-month period, with an addttional 24 months of 就业 authorization for qualifying STEM OPT students (for a total of three 工作许可年限). OPT就业必须与 F-1学生的主要学习领域.


  • 预完成OPT:已注册的F-1学生 持F-1签证或持其他签证的学生 临时/非移民签证身份每人可工作20小时或更少 week while school is in session and 40 hours per week when school is 未开会. 完成前OPT最多可提供12个月.
  • 完成后OPT: F-1学生可以在完成后申请 OPT up to 90 days before completing their 学位, and no later than 毕业后60天. 不及格的学生必须申请 完成后OPT在DSO进入后30天内完成 建议OPT加入SEVIS. 毕业后OPT的有效期为 最多12个月. 已经获得12个F-1的学生 完成前几个月的全日制OPT不符合资格 post-completion选择.
  • STEM OPT: STEM OPT提供24个月的就业许可 除了最初完成后12个月的OPT工作之外 授权给F-1学生,并获得a 在sevp指定的STEM领域工作的学生.S. 雇主 注册了美国公民及移民服务局的免费电子验证计划. F-1学生可以申请 在完成STEM OPT课程前90天内申请 他们最初的一年OPT期. 不及格的学生必须申请 完成后STEM OPT在DSO进入后30天内完成 SEVIS的建议.

The H-1B is a temporary work visa which allows foreign nationals to 为某一特定的美国公司全职或兼职工作.S. 雇主 “专业的职业.“专业职业” 指的是一个提供给你的职位,这个职位至少需要一个美国人.S. 学士学位或同等学历在特定领域或领域 研究. 对于受上限限制的H-1B签证,有年度限制或 H-lBs签证的“上限”是6.5万个,外加2万个 持有美国公民身份的个人可获得的签证.S. 硕士或以上学历 学位. 目前,美国公民及移民服务局进行申请前注册和 computer-generated, random lottery process annually in the month of 3月选出85,000个H-18签证. 一旦被选中,U.S. 雇主 can submit H-18 applications and supporting documents 为 foreign national in question within a 90-day period beginning April 1st of 每年. 雇主必须支付H-1B员工两者中较高者的工资 actual wage paid to employees in the same position possessing similar experience and qualifications OR the prevailing wage as determined by 美国.S. 部门. 劳工(DOL). H-1B工作签证身份可以被批准 for up to three years at a time, for a maximum of six years, although many H-1B workers obtain extensions beyond the six-year limit through 雇主绿卡赞助.

Certain 雇主 are exempt from the annual H-1B cap altogether, 包括高等教育机构(一).e.、大学及 1965年《博天堂官方》规定的大学; 高等教育附属或与高等教育有关的非营利性实体 institutions; nonprofit research 组织 primarily engaged in basic research and/or applied research; and governmental research 组织. 此外,某些以营利为目的的雇主也可以 cap-exempt if the H-1B worker will physically work at the institution of higher education or affiliated or related nonprofit entity, and 所做的工作与正常工作有密切的联系 非营利性实体的目的. U.S. 雇主可以申请免上限 H-1B applications at any time of the year with no limit or cap on the 可以被批准的申请数量. 专业职业 and wage requirements discussed above also apply to H-1B cap-exempt cases.

指定学校官员(DSO)是学校的个人 SEVP-certified college, university, or seminary who is responsible for reviewing and approving F-1 student requests for Curricular Practical 培训(CPT),选择性实践培训(OPT)和校园实习 就业. DSO还负责输入和更新 required information and documentation in SEVIS, a web-based system 跟踪和监控F-1学生在美国.S. 和维护 所需学生资料. 民政事务处亦负责发出 F-1学生需要1-20表格. 1-20的形式决定了关键 terms and conditions 为 particular program of 研究 including the 学生姓名、学校名称、等级和学位类型 program, program start date and end date, and anticipated tuition and costs 为 academic school year or language training program in question.

当F-1学生申请OPT或STEM OPT时,一旦获得批准,他们 获得EAD卡,授权他们在美国工作.S. 为 在EAD上指定时间段. EAD有资格作为List a文档 表格1-9,U.S. 雇主须为每一份新表格填写 雇佣员工.

