
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录



网站: www.博天堂官方.edu/grad/msw


社会工作学院提供60学分 社会工作硕士 (M.S.W.全日制(两年)和兼职(三或四年)学位课程.


The School of Social Work recognizes strong academic 和 professional performance by students who have graduated from a CSWE-accredited undergraduate 社会 work program within five years prior to enrollment in the MSW program. Advanced st和ing students are exempt from the 19 hours of foundation courses 和 may accelerate their graduate study by completing the remaining 41 credit hours of MSW course requirements. 高级站M.S.W. 课程可以全日制(三个学期)或兼职(五个学期)完成。.


GVSU的使命.S.W. program is to prepare advanced generalist 社会 workers who enhance 和 sustain the welfare 和 wellbeing of the individuals, 家庭, 组, 西密歇根州的组织和社区, 国家, 这个国家, 和 the world; 和 who further the goals of the university 和 of the 社会 work profession in this 地区 和 beyond. 这是通过专业的领导来实现的, 通过研究和评估来推进社会工作领域的知识, 注重多样性, 社会正义和人权.


MSW program's goals are derived directly from its mission 状态ment 和 are designed to meet the 社会 service needs of its program locations 和 beyond. 该计划的目标是:

  • To provide a foundational MSW curriculum 和 an advanced generalist 社会 work curriculum that prepares MSW graduates for autonomous 社会 work practice that promotes 社会, 经济 和 environmental justice 和 endeavors to address poverty 和 other 社会 problems within individual, 内部的组织和社区环境, 但不限于, 西密歇根州和北密歇根州以及密歇根州.
  • To award the graduate 学位 to individuals who are skilled practitioners who adhere to the NASW Code of Ethics, incorporating diversity into their practice 和 are capable of assuming leadership 和 scholarly professional roles in the community, 地区, 状态, 国家和国际社会.
  • To contribute to the ongoing development of professional 社会 work knowledge 和 practice through research 和 scholarly inquiry that employ 状态-of-the-art technology.
  • To prepare students for continued professional development opportunities throughout their careers, 包括博士教育.


This Advanced Generalist model is built on a liberal education foundation that promotes critical thinking 和 the conscientious application of advanced practice 社会 work knowledge, 技能, 值, 道德, 认知和情感过程. 该模型的特点是:

  • 提高多方法实践的深度和广度, 多层次的, 以及基于理论的视角;
  • refine 和 shape advanced practitioners through acquisition of professional competencies to assess, 干预, 并在所有系统和所有实践环境中进行评估;
  • 肯定人类的问题源于心理因素的复杂相互作用, 社会, 文化, 经济, 政治, 生物和物理力量;
  • 准备学生有效地干预个人, 家庭, 组, 组织和社区;
  • 扩大, extend 和 enhance the foundation of generalist 社会 work core competencies with advanced knowledge 和 practice behaviors; 和
  • 推动先进知识的发展, 技能, 领导中的价值观、情感和认知过程, 协作, 政府, 宣传, 评估, 解决问题, 干预, 文化能力, 沟通, 协作, 社区建设, 项目评估, 组织管理, 政策分析, 以及科学探究.

The integration of professional practice 技能 within the advanced generalist curriculum model culminates in the mastery of 社会 work's core competencies, 使城市固体废物毕业生在各种环境中都能熟练运用, with a broad diversity of populations at all levels of professional practice in any geographic location.

认证: 社会工作硕士 课程由社会工作教育委员会(CSWE)认证。.

M.S.W. 和M.P.A. 学位课程

The School of Social Work 和 the School of Public 和 Nonprofit Administration offer prospective students the option to pursue both graduate 学位s offered by these units (M.S.W. 和M.P.A.). This entails taking coursework in both disciplines in order to be well prepared to seek middle- 和 upper-level management positions in either public or private human service organizations. 那些获得两个学位的人将获得知识, 技能, 值, 认知和情感过程 of the 社会 work profession with the advanced administrative 和 technical expertise developed through the study of public 政府 to become leaders in their organizations 和 communities.

For additional information about admission 和 curriculum regarding this combination of 学位s, 请访问我们的网站 http://www.伟谷州立Colleges.edu/ssw/msw-mpa-program-111.htm /.


M.S.W. 学位至少包括60个学分.


*见指导老师:CSWE认证的B级学生不需要.S.W. 本科学位或儿童福利补助金. 如果被豁免,学生可以选修SW课程 SW 601.












M.S.W. 和M.P.A. 学位课程

The Schools of Social Work 和 Public 和 Nonprofit Administration offer prospective students the option to pursue both graduate 学位s offered by these units (M.S.W和M.P.A). This entails taking coursework in both disciplines in order to be well prepared to seek middle 和 upper-level management positions in either public or private human service organizations. 那些获得两个学位的人将获得知识, 技能, 和 值 of the 社会 work profession with the advanced administrative 和 technical expertise developed through the study of public 政府 to become leaders in their organizations 和 communities. 目前,大峡谷州立大学的政策允许学生攻读硕士学位.S.第一个硕士学位是W学位,第一个硕士学位是M.P.完成硕士课程21个学分后,可获得第二个硕士学位.P.一个程序.

Applicants must submit the following items to the 大峡谷州立大学 博天堂官方 Office in Allendale, 密歇根大学:

  • 完成硕士研究生入学申请.S.W程序和M.P.一个程序
  • 申请费30元,不予退还
  • 所有参加过的高等教育机构的正式成绩单复印件, 除博天堂官方以外
  • Three recommendation forms from individuals able to attest to the c和idate's qualifications for graduate work 和 professional practice
  • 目前的简历详细说明工作和志愿者经历
  • 研究生录取声明回答了M.S.W. 博天堂官方包
  • 课程要求表格

No further action on c和idacy will be taken until all requested materials have been received by the 博天堂官方 Office. 申请可以通过大学或任何一个学院获得. 完成的申请文件将由M的成员审查.S.W程序和M.P.一个程序. 学生必须达到每个学院规定的研究生学习的基本要求. Either program may also request additional information from an applicant before granting full admissions status 和 a personal interview may be required.

M.S.W. 和M.P.A. 需求

对于不寻求或不符合高级课程资格的学生, 需要学习78个学分. 对于高级学生,需要59个学分. 学生必须愿意每学期至少选修两门课程, 包括春夏, 预计将在四个日历年内完成课程. A three-semester field education practice is required (two-semesters for advanced st和ing); students will spend a major portion of the time applying the knowledge learned in the classroom regarding macro practice. 学生 must complete a minimum of 21 credits of public 政府 courses along with the courses necessary to earn the M.S.W. 学位.


*See your Advisor - Not required for students with CSWE accredited BSW undergraduate 学位s or Child Welfare Grantees. 如果被豁免,学生可以选修SW课程 SW 601.


(SW 600、601、603、610等 SW 620 有修习成绩的学生可获豁免.)




(* SW 650SW 651 有修习成绩的学生可获豁免.)






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