校园服务 & 支持

大峡谷州立大学 offers a variety of on-campus services 和 资源 to support the success of students. Contact Thalia Guerra-Flores, the Undocumented/DACA Student Advocate, at (电子邮件保护) or 安排会议 通过EAB导航 for assistance navigating Gr和 Valley services/资源. 




补充: 提供了 food 和 personal care items to meet the short-term challenges that students may face when unable to purchase such items. Obtaining an adequate food supply is often a major component of financial stress 和 research has proven that inadequate nutrition decreases academic performance. 


Kirkhof 074 - Allendale Campus: open Monday, Tuesday, 和 Friday from Noon - 5,
星期三和星期四12:30 - 5.
IMPORTANT - This Location will be closed Wednesday (9/28) - Friday (10/1) due to illness.

Steelcase的图书馆  -德沃斯校区(一楼入口):开放 图书馆开放时间.



校园健康中心 提供了 convenient 和 quality care for 博天堂官方 students, faculty, 和 staff. 该中心提供各种保健服务, 包括受伤的治疗, 感染, 和 illness; women’s health; allergy shots; physicals, 和更多的.

州立大学家庭健康中心: 提供了 方便照顾 appointments for minor illnesses 和 injuries 和 ongoing 初级和预防性 护理服务.


 大学心理咨询中心: A team of trained professionals is committed to improving the mental health of the 博天堂官方 student body through counseling, 教育 & 咨询. Free counseling services are offered to students such as one-on-one counseling, 团体咨询, 紧急服务, 同侪教育计划, 特别活动, 和更多的

娱乐 & 健康|学生健康: 提供了 inclusive 和 diverse recreational opportunities that inspire participation, 促进健康和福祉, 并鼓励学生的发展和成功.

酒精 & 其他药物服务

酒精 & 其他药物服务 (AOD):提供预防和教育规划, 在线资源, individual or group therapy (in conjunction with the 大学心理咨询中心), 恢复训练, 和协商.  博天堂官方 also provides space for support groups that are open to students, faculty, 和 staff. 



机构资助申请表格大峡谷州立大学 provides institutional grant assistance which is available for admitted students who are having difficulty paying their tuition, 无论其公民身份如何. 

博天堂官方个人奖学金数据库: 大多数奖学金的截止日期介于 2月15日 和 3月1日学生可以开始提交申请 2023-2024学年将于2022年10月1日开始.

特殊情况下 & 经济困难申请If you have determined that you are not eligible to file a 特殊情况下 Request 和 are still in need of financial assistance, please complete the Financial Hardship Grant Request form. 通过填写此表格, you will be considered for many different types of funding, 包括:教材 & 提供基金, 动力基金, 学生资助基金, 机会基金, 博天堂官方困难补助, 高等教育紧急救济基金. 



If you are a student who is in need of clothing 和/or other necessities while attending 博天堂官方, 请联系 补充.


Kirkhof 074 - Allendale Campus: Open Monday, Tuesday, 和 Friday from Noon - 5pm


Steelcase的图书馆  -德沃斯校区(一楼入口):开放 图书馆开放时间.


If you are a student who has technology needs while attending 博天堂官方, 请参考以下资源:  

博天堂官方 电脑 实验时间和地点

If you are in need of a temporary loan (2-3 weeks), 请联系 Emily First at (电子邮件保护).

*Low-Income students who are in need of a longer-term computer loan can also contact Emily First at (电子邮件保护) 谁可以帮忙寻找一些潜在的资源选择.

学生可使用 大峡谷的WiFi网络, by parking in pay-to-park spaces in the Eberhard Center lot or the RV: Lot B Parking Area.


If you are a student who needs access to transportation while attending 博天堂官方, 请参考以下资源:  


您的学生I也可以免费乘车.D. on any Rapid bus throughout Gr和 Rapids 和 the surrounding areas. 点击这里 时刻表和路线信息.

学生也可以联系 博天堂官方财政援助办公室 about emergency fund options for transportation purposes. 



特殊情况下 & 经济困难申请If you have determined that you are not eligible to file a 特殊情况下 Request 和 are still in need of financial assistance, please complete the Financial Hardship Grant Request form. 通过填写此表格, you will be considered for many different types of funding, 包括:教材 & 提供基金, 动力基金, 学生资助基金, 机会基金, 博天堂官方困难补助, 高等教育紧急救济基金. 

Hardship funds are available to assist in paying for the following expenses:












成功教练: 成功教练与学生一起工作,提供工具, 策略, 和 资源 to help them in their academic journey here at Gr和 Valley. 

学业成功工作坊: 提供有关组织的信息, 时间管理, 学习技巧, 和 other topics that can contribute to your academic success!



辅导中心: Aims to help students underst和 difficult content by clarifying questions related to the subject, 为实践提供问题和概念, 教授学习技巧.


1. Kleiner(2楼)

2. 玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆(低层)

3. 虚拟(Schedule a Virtual Appointment Tutoring Session in Navigate)



写作中心: The 写作中心's well-trained peer consultants can help you to brainstorm ideas, 组织内容, 整合研究, 润色草稿, 正确记录资料来源. 任何博天堂官方的研究生或本科生都可以 预约 或者在我们的 开放时间


 残疾支援资源: 残疾支援资源 (DSR) provides support 资源 和 accommodations that enhance the environment for persons with disabilities 和 to help educate the university community on disability issues.


职业中心: 提供了 personalized advice 和 information regarding your career plan, 协助实习和求职, 练习面试, 博天堂官方网页实习或找工作的建议, 浏览简历和求职信, 等. 与就业中心预约!


学生OmbudsThe 学生Ombuds strives to promote fairness 和 foster a positive campus environment by assisting students with conflict resolution 和 problem-solving related to their university working, 学习, 或者生活经历.



校园宗教间: 校园宗教间 seeks to support 和 celebrate the religious, 世俗的, 和 spiritual diversity of our campus 校园宗教间 Resources exists to both accommodate the unique needs of various faith-based groups on campus while also proactively appreciating the richness of our diversity through 教育al 和 engaging programs.

盖尔R. 戴维斯妇女与性别平等中心

盖尔R. 戴维斯妇女与性别平等中心: The Center for Women 和 Gender Equity strives to create meaningful 学习 about gender 和 to advocate for gender justice through the 教育, 订婚, 和 empowerment of students 和 the greater 博天堂官方 community. 项目, 资源, 支持服务包括受害者辩护, 受害者的预防, 培养湖人的成功. 

弥尔顿E. 福特LGBT资源中心

弥尔顿E. 福特LGBT资源中心: 倡导机构公平, 促进社区建设, 和 provides 教育al opportunities to create an informed, 有凝聚力的, 和 just campus where community members of diverse sexual orientations, 性别身份, 性别陈述是受到支持和欢迎的.


湖人连接: 湖人联络计划包括: 亚洲学生成就计划 (专为亚洲学生设计), 黑色的卓越 (designed for students who identify with the Black/African American culture), 黑人男性学者 (专为自认为是黑人的学生设计), 湖人“ (designed for students who identify as Latino/a/x), 和 Mno 'chigewin: 本地学生成功计划 (designed for students who identify as Native American). 在一起, these programs are designed to create an environment where students can achieve their potential at 博天堂官方 while being their full, 真实的自我. These programs are open to all students 和 embody 博天堂官方’s values of diversity, 股本, 和 inclusion 和 the Office of Multicultural Affairs’ commitment to student success.
