


来看看2023年返校节皇室法庭吧! These individuals are learners who represent the Grand Valley community and emulate what it means to be a Laker.

名称: 修道院Baetz

代词: 她/她/她的

类站: 三年级

主要: Elementary Educational Studies and Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Teaching

小: 社会研究

责任人: Vice President of Programming and Enrichment and Director of Ritual Education for Alpha Omicron Pi, 泛希腊协会执行副会长, 欧米茄希腊领袖荣誉协会会长, 正式的泛希腊招募Rho Gamma辅导员, 2024年冬季留学学生, GRPS学生志愿者, 2023年冬季AFLV大会, 前泛希腊关系主任和多样性主任, 股本, 和Alpha Omicron Pi的内含物

成为返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着什么? It is an honor to be a member on Grand Valley's 返校节皇室法庭 this school year, 这是我不会轻易接受的. Being on the 返校节皇室法庭 to me means representing Grand Valley as an ambassador and leader to others through my involvement in both the community and on campus. This acknowledgement is indication that I have made a mark on 大峡谷州立大学, 给人积极的印象. 作为今年返校节皇室法庭的成员, it empowers me to continue to embody and represent the Laker Effect with shaping the future and being a force for positive change.

名称: 索菲娅贝茨

代词: 她/她/她的

类站: 四年级的 

专业: 法律研究

证书: 律师助理证书

责任人: 学生就业办公室的学生雇员, GVSU学生会的参议员, 西格玛西格玛姐妹会成员, 弗雷德里克·梅杰荣誉学院的成员, 欧米茄荣誉协会的成员

成为返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着什么? I am incredibly honored to be a member of the 返校节皇室法庭. 我对湖人的骄傲是无与伦比的, and I spend every day trying to make GVSU a better place through my intense involvement on campus. 例如, I was a part of the Student Senate's Student Wages Task Force with VP Jenny Hall-Jones and helped create a proposal to raise student wages on behalf of student employees and the Student Employment Office. 在很多方面, GVSU让其他大学望尘莫及, yet I never stop making efforts to improve this campus because I know just how much GVSU is capable of. 我一生都是湖人队的一员, and cannot wait to reach higher and make GVSU the best it can be for future Lakers... 锚定了!!

名称: 玛丽·乔·比奇勒

代词: 她/她/她的

类站: 四年级的

主要: 供应链管理

证书: 项目管理

责任人: 专业销售协会(市场总监), 赛德曼供应链管理协会(市场总监), 赛德曼导师计划, 湖人加速人才连接计划, 住宿助理员(霍尔顿胡克), 艾伦代尔参考, GVSU商界女性

成为返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着什么? GVSU 返校节皇室法庭 is an honor to be nominated and to represent the Laker Community. To be a candidate for 返校节皇室法庭 it means that I am able to show my amazing Laker Spirit and how I have grown as a leader over the past four years. 我迫不及待地想看到大家的GVSU精神和往常一样,锚定!

名称: Devin Elenbaas

代词: 他/他/他的

类站: 第五年+

专业: 网络安全

责任人: Campus Ministry Mission Trip Leader, Campus Ministry Lifegroup Leader, and GVSU HAT Club Member

成为返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着什么? Becoming a member of the GVSU 返校节皇室法庭 means I’ve hopefully succeeded in one of my biggest goals when I came to college: connecting with others on a level that’s deeper than just a wave in the hallway. I believe relationships build communities, and communities are what drives the world forward. 无论是在项目上一起工作, 向教授学习, 或者在湖人线见人, 在这个校园的每个角落都可以建立一种关系, and I think that’s what the GVSU Royal Court best represents: students with that goal in mind. It’s an honor to be recognized by the GVSU community as somebody who strives for this. 去湖人!

名称: 伊丽莎白Kalakut

代词: 她/她/她的

类站: 四年级的

主要: 临床营养学协调硕士项目

责任人: 高级住宿助理, 校园联络导师, 临床营养学学生协会(CDSA)第八组联合主席, College of Health Professions (CHP) Student Empowerment and Success Council, GVSU补充实习生, Event and Desk Staff for GV RecWell TA for 2023 Water in the West Study Away Program, 弗雷德里克·梅杰荣誉学院荣誉导师.

成为返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着什么? 从我第一次参观校园开始, I knew Grand Valley was the place for me- so much so that it was the only university I applied to. In my time here I have been able to transform as a young adult through the diverse activities, 支持教授, and hands-on learning experiences which led me to discover my true career passion and reach my personal and academic goals. I also treasure that I have been able to take advantage of many other opportunities like TAing a Study Away for the Honors College, 为我们湖人队的运动员加油, attending on and off-campus events like the Haunted Arboretum and Science on Tap, 作为奖励, 美丽的校园让我追求我的另一个爱好, 运行. I have so enjoyed my time here at GV and being an RA has given me the chance to mentor and help incoming Lakers find their place and experience the excitement of being a freshman every fall. I am honored to represent GVSU on the 同学会 Court and know that I will be a Laker for a Lifetime.

名称: 何塞·梅迪纳

代词: 他/他/他的

类站: 四年级的

主要: 政治科学

责任人: 拉丁裔学生会-受托人, 亚洲学生会成员, 越南学生协会成员, 菲律宾裔美国学生协会会员, 皇家芭蕾舞民间舞蹈-成员, 湖人Familia-member, GV TRIO Upward Bound Wyoming Math and Science Teacher Assistant/Tutor

成为返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着什么? Being a member of the 返校节皇室法庭 means I get to be a representation for the Hispanic community but people of color as well. 在格兰德谷的短暂时光里, I was able to branch out to different communities and make an impact to those around me creating lifetime friendships and memories. 我相信这是多么有弹性, 富有同情心的, and energetic I can be in different communities makes other feel welcomed when they never experienced equality and diversity. 我很感激我能展现湖人的本色. 一如既往,锚起来!

名称: 阿什利·派瑞

类站: 四年级的

专业: 联合健康科学和公共卫生

责任人: 田径队, 短跑运动员, Sprints Leadership Committee; You Beautiful Black Woman, Chaplain; Campus Ministry, 生活组长, Celevitationality Leader; Cook Leadership Academy

成为返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着什么? I believe that it is a great honor to be a member of the 返校节皇室法庭. It is an opportunity to be a representation of the organizations that I am involved in across campus as well as Grand Valley as a whole. Being a member of this court is a chance to emulate what it means to be a Laker, which to me means being an active and positive member of the Grand Valley community.

名称: 布赖迪击发弹

代词: 她/她/她的

类站: 三年级

主要: 广告及公共关系

小: 数字的研究

责任人: 校园活动委员会(主席), 电话外展计划(组长), 校内体育(排球队长)

成为返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着什么? Being in the 返校节皇室法庭 means I get to show the campus community what it means to be a Laker. Being able to recognize all that Grand Valley has given me and has to offer to other students is so amazing and I am so proud to be able to celebrate that. I am happy that I get to be a friendly face to my peers and exude a welcoming energy to our GVSU family. Being on this court allows me to showcase how appreciating what Grand Valley creates for students is so important.
