
GVSU will continuously monitor key local and regional health metrics ("指标") to quickly detect changes in the transmission of 新型冠状病毒肺炎, regionally and on our campuses.  A comprehensive view of the 指标 will determine the University posture ("警戒级别"), which provides specific guidance for university operations.

The current 警戒级别 will be displayed here, on the Current Status of 指标 page,并在 GVSU 新型冠状病毒肺炎数据仪表板 which gives a real-time view of some of the 指标. The CHAT will monitor the full suite of 指标 and continuously consider whether a change in 警戒级别 is warranted based on the 指标.

For details see the information below:

和我们的 Current Status of 指标 page

This guidance will be updated as needed.

Alert Levels: Descriptions and Operational Guidance

Alert Levels, Descriptions, and Key Operational Guidance

Cases are minimal, there are no clusters, and transmission controlled. 警惕继续.
  • Prevalence of the virus is minimal, and GVSU can safely operate within current recommended guidelines.
  • 开办课程:
    Classes are traditional, hybrid, or online, with no reduction of face-to-face instruction
  • 校园工作:
    No restrictions to on-campus work
  • 面罩的做法:
    不需要面罩. Faculty and staff can require in their private offices.
  • 住宅的限制:
    No restrictions within on-campus housing
  • 餐厅限制:
  • 获取校内资源:
    No restricted access to on-campus resources
  • 校园活动:
    Gatherings are allowed per GVSU policies, CDC guidelines and state/local rules
  • 测试邀请范围:
Manageable number of cases with most from known sources. Restrictions may be needed in isolated situations, or small, targeted interventions.
  • Prevalence of the virus is limited, and GVSU can safely operate within current recommended guidelines, except perhaps in isolated situations
  • 开办课程:
    Classes are traditional, hybrid, or online. Reduction of face-to-face instruction may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 校园工作:
    Flexible arrangements or work-from-home may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 面罩的做法:
    Face coverings required in all classrooms, and several other indoor spaces. 详情见 蒙面政策.
  • 住宅的限制:
    Residential restrictions may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 餐厅限制:
    Dining restrictions may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 获取校内资源:
    Restrictions may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 校园活动:
    Restrictions may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 测试邀请范围:
    可进行现场测试. Those who are not vaccinated are invited for testing.
温和的 number of cases with most from known sources; there may be clusters. Restrictions may be needed in isolated situations, or targeted interventions.
  • Prevalence of the virus is moderate, with some impact on GVSU systems and resources, 但是支持服务, testing and contact tracing capacities are capable to allow continued operations
  • 开办课程:
    Classes are traditional, hybrid, or online. Reduction of face-to-face instruction may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 校园工作:
    Increased flexible arrangements or work-from-home may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 面罩的做法:
    Face coverings required in all indoor spaces. 异常发布在 蒙面政策.
  • 住宅的限制:
    Residential restrictions may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 餐厅限制:
  • 获取校内资源:
    Restrictions may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 校园活动:
    Restrictions may be considered in isolated situations.
  • 测试邀请范围:
    可进行现场测试. Those who are not vaccinated are invited for testing.
Many cases, including community spread with some undetected cases. Broad, targeted interventions may be necessary. Some daily activities are limited.
  • Prevalence of the virus has increased to a high level, and operations must be limited
  • 开办课程:
    Classes are traditional, hybrid, or online. Reduction of face-to-face instruction may be considered in specific situations.
  • 校园工作:
    Expansion of flexible arrangements and work-from-home in specific situations.
  • 面罩的做法:
    Face coverings required in all indoor spaces. 异常发布在 蒙面政策.
  • 住宅的限制:
    Students living on campus and their guests must mask and social distance in public spaces. Should an outbreak occur in a specific residence hall, guests will not be permitted.
  • 餐厅限制:
    Limit dining services to grab-and-go
  • 获取校内资源:
    Significantly reduce access to on-campus resources
  • 校园活动:
    Significantly reduce campus activities and events
  • 测试邀请范围:
    可进行现场测试. Those who are not vaccinated are invited for testing.
Widespread uncontrolled outbreak with many undetected cases. Campus density to be reduced considerably, and strong limits on activities.
  • Prevalence of the virus is very high, and GVSU resources on campus to safely support its students, faculty and staff is not meeting demand. Nearly all courses offered remotely.
  • 开办课程:
    Nearly all courses offered remotely.
  • 校园工作:
  • 面罩的做法:
    Face coverings required on campus in all situations.
  • 住宅的限制:
    Consider measures to reduce residence hall population; no guests and limited movement of students
  • 餐厅限制:
  • 获取校内资源:
    Access to on-campus resources extremely limited
  • 校园活动:
  • 测试邀请范围:
    Testing available to all, but campus density should be low



Table of 感染指标 used to determine 警戒级别
指标 接近正常的 低警报 媒介警报 高度警惕 高度警戒
Governmental orders and regulations affecting our operations 很少或没有限制 小的限制 一些限制 重要的调节 高监管
CDC Level of Community Transmission -- 渥太华县 温和的 实质性的
CDC Level of Community Transmission -- 肯特郡 温和的 实质性的
GVSU trends monitored internally (e.g., students who live on-campus, athletics, employees, obvious clusters) 最小的发病率 有限的发病率 温和的发病率 高发病率 非常高的发病率
Conditions at other MI colleges and universities 最小的发病率 有限的发病率 温和的发病率 高发病率 非常高的发病率
州和区域病例趋势 最小的发病率 有限的发病率 温和的发病率 高发病率 非常高的发病率
Stress on state and regional hospitals 没有压力 足够的能力 提升需要 显示压力 产能不能满足需求


Table of vaccination 指标 used in determining 警戒级别
指标 接近正常的 低警报 媒介警报 高度警惕 高度警戒
博天堂官方社区 > 75% 65-75% 50-65% 25-50% < 25%
肯特郡 > 75% 65-75% 50-65% 25-50% < 25%
渥太华县 > 75% 65-75% 50-65% 25-50% < 25%

Page last modified March 14, 2024