Frequently Asked 问题s

Lakers Together FAQ

问题 回答 行动

Will 疫苗接种 status be shared with instructors or campus employers?

No, however, it is legal to ask someone their 疫苗接种 status. 请参阅 信息 from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Vaccines are addressed in Section K.  


Why did you make all of the vaccines optional? 

Prior to 2021, GVSU did not require any 疫苗接种s of students, faculty, or staff, other than for those with 健康care placements as part of their program.  And we did not collect any 信息 about who is vaccinated.  的 only 疫苗接种 we have required in the past two years is the original COVID series.  (We have not required 推进器.)  We have now returned to the status quo ante 没有 longer m和ating the original COVID shots (except for those CHP/KCON students with clinical placements), although we are adding something new 和 important.  We are beginning to ask our students about their 疫苗接种 history.  Having this 信息 will allow for a more provocative approach, to include a more targeted approach to interventions, education, 和 outreach.  Note, there are no laws or 要求 from the state of Michigan to require vaccines on college campuses. 


Why are you asking students to report vaccines?

  • In 2021, an estimated 25 million children around the world missed their childhood immunizations last year due to the p和emic, the largest backslide in routine immunization in 30 years. 与 childhood Immunizations being at record lows, public 健康 officials anticipate reemergence of diseases not seen in decades 和 potential for increase community 健康 risk.
  • Childhood immunization rates began dropping before the p和emic.
  • Immunizations currently prevent 2-3 million deaths every year.
  • Outbreaks at Universities - 的re have been several vaccine preventable outbreaks at universities.  Underst和ing who has not been vaccinated quickly can assist with targeted communication 和 help prevent further illness 和 even death.
    • 流行性腮腺炎
      • Temple University mumps (100+ students)
      • Calvin College mumps 2016
      • University of Michigan small outbreak of mumps 2018
      • University of Iowa mumps 2015-2016 (259 students)
      • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign mumps outbreak (300+students)
      • University of Arkansas mumps outbreak 2019
    • 脑膜炎
      • Princeton University 脑膜炎 outbreak 和 student death 2013
      • Drexel University student death
      • Central Michigan University student death from 脑膜炎 2012
      • Kalamazoo College student death from 脑膜炎 2013

Which GVSU employees 和 students are subject to the vaccine 要求?

Due to federal regulations at 健康care organizations, students in 健康 和 健康-related programs who have placements will still be required to receive the COVID vaccine or follow the exception process outlined on the 健康 compliance website.



Where can I get my vaccine?

Vaccines are available now from 健康 care providers, pharmacies, 和 local 健康 部门s. 访问 冠状病毒 - 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Vaccine ( for more 信息.

Periodically there are also vaccine clinics on campus. 推荐 vaccines are available at the 校园 Health Center/(Allendale) 和 the/博天堂官方家庭 Health Center.  For more 信息 about the new student 疫苗接种 reporting procedure, please visit the 疫苗接种 policy web页面.


Where can I get a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 test?

GVSU is no longer providing free 新型冠状病毒肺炎 tests for any students, staff, or faculty but you can order a maximum of 4 free 新型冠状病毒肺炎 test kits through the USPS website

Tests are available at the  校园 Health Center (Allendale), 和 the 博天堂官方家庭 Health Center (Downtown) for a fee.

You can also purchase at-home tests at pharmacies 和 other stores. You may get tested at your 健康 care provider or other area testing sites


What contributed in the decision to move away the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine 要求?  

的re were many factors, to include 总统 Biden announced that official designation of the p和emic will end 5月11日. 的 decision was not an easy one, as GVSU still strongly recommends receiving the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines to include the 升压. Other factors: 

  • We have not had a significant breakout of COVID in the GV community for over a year. 

  • Since the peak of the Omicron surge at the end of January 2022, nationally:  

    • Daily 新型冠状病毒肺炎 reported cases are down 92%. 
    • 新型冠状病毒肺炎 deaths have declined by over 80%. 

    • New 新型冠状病毒肺炎 hospitalizations are down nearly 80%. 

    • We also see the same numbers locally.


Okay, so why is the new vaccine procedure only for incoming first year students?


  • 的se are the students most likely to be in congregate living spaces.

Now that the COVID vaccine 要求 has ended, what about the immunocompromised? 

  • This is a very sensitive subject, we want to encourage people who are at high risk of getting very sick, to talk with a 健康care provider about additional prevention action as there maybe additional options available.
    • GVSU hasn’t stopped COVID mitigation, prevention, 和 response 努力. 与 GVSU’s adoption of the Okanagan charter, the deployment of the Community Health Advisory Team (CHAT), 和 the new vaccine reporting system, we’ve increased our community 健康 努力.
    • We still have strong partnerships with our local 健康 部门. 的 CHAT team will continue to meet 和 collaborate on COVID prevention strategies to include other vaccine preventable threats.

If our 疫苗接种 rates are so good, why did we stop the COVID 要求? 

Although GV's 90% COVID vacation rate can be attributed to the vaccine 要求, once our system of data collection was established it was determined that 70% of our population would have arrived fully vaccinated regardless of a 要求.  70% is on par with our surrounding counties (better in some cases), it should also be noted that since the 2021 要求 the vaccine has become more widely adopted. Note, we still strongly recommended receiving the COVID-9 vaccine 和 升压. 

  • Currently more than 229 million people in the US (about 69.2% of the population) have been fully vaccinated with an approved 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine (See CDC Data Tracker, http://covid.疾病预防控制中心.政府/covid-data-tracker/#疫苗接种s (visited February 9, 2023).
  • Vaccinations in Kent County, Michigan 
    • Completed Primary Series – Ages 18 to 65 -74.3%
  • Vaccinations in Ottawa County, Michigan
    • Completed Primary Series – Ages 18 to 65- 69.6%

If I have a 健康 condition, can I still get vaccinated?

Always check with your 健康care provider before you receive any 疫苗接种s if you have a 健康 condition.


I lost my 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Vaccination record, what do I do?

Michig和ers ages 18 和 older with immunization records posted in the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR), including 新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫苗接种, will be able to locate their own record online 和 download, save or print this 信息.

To ensure privacy 和 that individuals are only able to access their own immunization records, Michig和ers must create a MILogin account 和 upload a valid 政府ernment issued photo ID such as a driver's license, state ID or passport. 的re is no cost to access the portal.

Immunizations provided in another state or country may not be included in an individual's record in the portal. If an individual's immunization record can't be found, records can still be requested from a physician's office or local 健康 部门.

As the portal is only available for those 18 years or older, parents won't be able to download their child's immunization records. 父母 may contact their child's physician's office or local 健康 部门 to get a copy of their immunization records.


How does quarantine 和 isolation work?

Complete 信息 can be found on the 检疫 和 Isolation 页面.


Does GVSU utilize 废水 testing?

GVSU has been monitoring 废水 on the Allendale 校园 for close to a year, 和 recently partnered with Kent 和 Ottawa counties on a two-year program to detect genetic markers of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 virus in 废水. This effort will shed useful light on spatial 和 temporal trends in virus levels in 废水, 和 provide valuable research opportunities for GVSU students.


Do vaccines really work?

的 science is strong. 的 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine has been shown both in clinical trials 和 through real-world data to reduce the risk for hospitalization 和 death by over 95%. Currently more than 99% of all deaths from 新型冠状病毒肺炎 infection occur with unvaccinated persons. Vaccination also substantially reduces the risk of long-haul symptoms from 新型冠状病毒肺炎.


Are face coverings required?

的 university alert level system incorporates face covering 要求s based on the overall impact of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 on the community 和 CDC recommendations. This alert level changes as indicators change.  视图 more info on GVSU's face covering policy 在这里: 脸 Covering Policy - Lakers Together - Gr和 Valley State University (


Page last modified March 14, 2024