
Attainment goals f或者是 nation’s future language learners

Attainment goals f或者是 nations future language learners pie chart

Infograph来源: America's Languages: Investing in Language Education f或者是 21st Century (Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts & 科学, 
2017),可访问 http://www.amacad.org/multimedia/pdfs/publications/researchpapersmonographs/language/Commission-on-Language-Learning_Americas-Languages.pdf

Language is considered a critical part of a liberal arts education. Part of 大峡谷州立大学's vision and strategic priorities are to "inspire and equip students to be active life-long learners and global citizens" and to require global learning of all undergraduate 专业. This does not mean that we expect all students to become fluent, but instead to have exposure to a second language and culture, which in turn leads to practical language skills. The 现代语言文学 Department's 语言课程 offer not just the chance to study a language, but to actively engage with another culture on its own terms. 

Multiple studies link the benefits of language learning to: 

  • enhanced cognitive ability and flexibility
  • 延缓衰老对精神的影响
  • empathy and effective interpersonal skills
  • improved learning outcomes in other subjects

The following professions are seeing an increased need for language skills:

  • 业务
  • 护理
  • Engineering and other STEM fields
  • National Security and other government positions

查看我们的 专业, 未成年人,及其他 语言课程. 探索更多的阅读 importance of learning a foreign language.


What Foreign Languages Mean for U.S. 雇主

"A 2018 survey conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs f或者是 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) brings this reality to light in unequivocal terms: nine out of 10 U.S. 雇主 report a reliance on U.S.-based employees with language skills other than English, with one-third (32 percent) reporting a high dependency.阅读更多 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 2019 Executive Summary.

Studying a foreign language (or two!) develops cognitive, organizational, and interpersonal skills; all of which U.S. 雇主寻求. Vistawide provides free information and resources for foreign language learners, such as marketable skills of foreign language 专业. 来看看! 

需要更多的证据? 谷歌这样的公司 are looking for soft skills such as: "being a good coach; communicating and listening well; possessing insights into others (including others different values and points of view); having empathy toward and being supportive of one’s colleagues; being a good critical thinker and problem solver; and being able to make connections across complex ideas." All of these skills can be acquired through foreign language study. Additionally, research showed that demand for bilingual workers in the United States 翻了一倍 2010年- 2015年.

What foreign languages mean for U.S. 雇主

Infograph来源: Making Languages Our 业务: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. 雇主 (Alexandria, VA, 2019, page 8), accessible at http://www.leadwithlanguages.org/wp-content/uploads/MakingLanguagesOurBusiness_FullReport.pdf



There are many reasons why it's a good idea to take language early in your college career! 

  1. Take advantage of your language experience from high school or your transfer institution:
    • Most students who have previously studied a language can use that experience to start higher than the 101-level. 了解更多博天堂官方网页 语言安置评估.
    • Skipping ahead in your language study saves you not just time, but thousands of dollars in tuition (and books!).
  2.  By waiting until your junior/senior year to fulfill your language requirement, you put yourself in jeopardy of delaying your graduation:
    • The first four semesters of 语言课程 are four credit hours each, which make it difficult to schedule around your junior/senior major and minor requirements.
    • It is a three-semester progression to complete the Bachelor of Arts language requirement if you start at the 101-level and not all courses are offered during the spring/summer semester.


学生 with no previous language experience enroll in the 101-level of any of the 10 languages offered through the 现代语言文学 Department 或者是 经部门. If you studied a language in high school or at your transfer institution, take the 语言安置评估 正确放置. 

Even if you have some previous experience but need to review or don't think you can place into a higher level, four of our languages have a 150-level course option (French, 德国, 日本, 和西班牙语). The 150-level course covers the same material as 101 and 102 at an accelerated pace; designed for you to complete those two courses in one semester! This moves you into the 201-level one semester sooner, which saves you time and money! 
