
The 学生暑期学者 (S3 and MS3) programs provide funds for a student and faculty mentor to devote time to a research and/or creative project during the spring/summer semester. Generally, S3/MS3 grants provide a student stipend, faculty stipend, and a small budget for supplies. 通过这些资助和一位教员的指导, the program offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to do hands-on, 在自己选择的领域进行专业研究和创造性实践. 结合学者, 现场工作, and a reflection component provides students with a meaningful learning experience that helps to prepare them for graduate school and future careers.




The 学生暑期学者 (S3) program provides funds for a student and faculty mentor to devote time to a research and/or creative project during the spring/summer semester. Generally, S3 grants provide a student stipend, faculty stipend, and a small budget for supplies.


  • 5000美元的学生津贴
  • $3,000 Faculty Stipend (any or all can be transferred to project supplies)
  • 750美元项目耗材


The program is available to undergraduate students at GVSU who have not yet completed the requirements for graduation. It is expected that the student will be enrolled at GVSU as a full-time undergraduate for at least one full semester of study beyond the period of the award (i.e. 下一个秋季学期).

 All tenured, tenure-track, visiting, and affiliate GVSU faculty are eligible to mentor S3 students. Faculty will commit an appropriate portion of their time to effectively and actively mentor a student; they will be expected to have a limited teaching load for Spring/Summer semester.

*教职员工应披露任何信息, 待定或成功, intra- and extramural grant applications for additional funding during the Spring/Summer Semester.


The Modified 学生暑期学者 (MS3) program provides the same benefits of the traditional summer scholar but on a part-time schedule. 


  • 2500美元的学生津贴
  • $1,500 Faculty Stipend (any or all can be transferred to project supplies)
  • $500项目耗材


The program is available to undergraduate students at GVSU who have not yet completed the requirements for graduation. It is expected that the student will be enrolled at GVSU for at least one full semester of study beyond the period of the award. 如果您对您的资格有疑问,请博天堂官方.

All tenured, tenure-track, visiting, and affiliate GVSU faculty are eligible to mentor MS3 students. Faculty will commit an appropriate portion of their time to effectively and actively mentor a student; they will be expected to have a limited teaching load for Spring/Summer semester.

*教职员工应披露任何信息, 待定或成功, intra- and extramural grant applications for additional funding during the Spring/Summer Semester.




1. 项目目标/范围
2. 学生的准备和动机
3. 指导/学徒计划
4. 项目可行性
5. 对项目的承诺
6. 传播计划

如何准备一份成功的提案? 我们鼓励您:

  • 检查 评分标准 自然资源保护委员会将会评估这些建议.
  • 检查 常见问题
  • 审查 例子 以往成功申请的资料.
  • 联系 us about getting feedback from previous URC members on your draft proposal.
    • Drafts 必须 be submitted no later than three weeks from the submission deadline in order to receive feedback.




1. 项目目标/可行性
2. 学生的准备和动机
3. 指导/学徒计划
4. 对项目的承诺

如何准备一份成功的提案? 我们鼓励您:

  • 检查 评分标准 自然资源保护委员会将会评估这些建议.
  • 检查 常见问题
  • 审查 例子 以往成功申请的资料.
  • 联系 us about getting feedback from previous URC members on your draft proposal.
    • Drafts 必须 be submitted no later than three weeks from the submission deadline in order to receive feedback.


Click here to see application 例子 for both the 学生暑期学者 Application and the Modified 学生暑期学者 Application: 


Step One: Prepare your proposal using the Proposal Requirements (linked above based on type).

第二步:提交你的提案 在线. You will be asked to complete an 在线 form, then you will upload your proposal. The proposal needs to be one complete PDF document that you will submit 在线. 在那里 is only one upload button, so please be sure your document is complete.

The application is a collaborative effort between the potential student scholar and faculty mentor. A student may propose a research or creative project to a faculty member, or a faculty member may actively recruit a student for full-time work to devote about twelve weeks/400 hours to a research and/or creative project during the spring/summer semester.

We will be accepting 2024 S3/MS3 Applications beginning on November 1, 2024. 请 在线申请 by 2024年2月2日. The 在线 application system opens November 1, 2023 and closes at 11:59 p.m.2024年2月2日. 会有 no 下午5点后的行政支持.m. PLEASE NOTE: Your application is incomplete if you have not uploaded your application document. 不完整的申请将不予考虑截止日期不予延期. You should receive an email confirming your application submission. If you do not receive an email, then your submission has not been made. 请 contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your submission.

提案由委员会审查并决定奖项 本科生研究委员会(URC). 通知函将于三月中派发. 教师和学生将收到电子邮件通知.

S3 / MS3常见问题解答

No. 在线申请主要包括一般信息 问题,它不会挽救你的进步. 一定要做好准备 to upload your proposal when you begin the 在线 application, as the 系统不允许您分步骤申请. 你的提交必须是 一次制作完成. 你需要按顺序提交一份完整的提案 for it to be considered by the 本科生研究委员会(URC).

学生暑期学者(S3)项目大约运行12年 几周内 春季/夏季学期,5月6日开始 2024年至2024年7月26日结束.

The Modified 学生暑期学者 (MS3) program runs over twelve weeks (part-time), or full-time over the six weeks of the Spring or 暑期班.

也就是说,兼职结束 春季/夏季学期,五月开始 2024年7月26日结束,全职 春季,从2024年5月6日开始到6月14日结束, 2024,或者全职工作 夏天从6月17日开始, 2024年至2024年7月26日结束.


  • 迎新会- 2024年5月6日
  • 每周学者研讨会-周一,上午9点.m.-11 a.m.
  • 教师导师研讨会-周一,更多信息
  • 写作静修- 7月22日 & 23, 2024 
  • 展示会- 2024年7月26日 
  • 最终报告和学生反思- 2024年9月6日 
  • 学生学者日 - 2024年4月9日 

不,研究生没有资格参加学生暑期活动 学者计划.

不,学生暑期学者项目是在 课堂经验. 不能作为课程学分,也不能 用来写荣誉论文.

如果你的建议被URC考虑,但没有获得资助,你将获得资助 receive general feedback and an indication of how the proposal could 已经得到了改进.

Here are some common reasons that can contribute to an proposal not 资助:

  1. 学生的背景和准备工作不被认为是 足以实现项目的既定目标.
  2. 这个项目的叙述不是为非专业人士写的.
  3. 这个项目被认为过于雄心勃勃,无法成功完成 在给定的时间内.
  4. 对学生的辅导体验质量进行评估 在拟议的活动中不足.
  5. 该教员没有适当地记录承诺 其他对项目成功至关重要的机构.
  6. The student was not sufficiently involved in the project either in 不管是时间还是责任.
  7. 那位教员没有表示有足够的时间投入 to the project; or the other commitments of the faculty member were 被认为要求太高,无法成功指导 经验或成功的创造性活动.
  8. 这个学生并没有表明他们会做出足够的承诺 给项目时间,让它成功或其他 commitments of the student were deemed to be too demanding to allow 成功的指导经验或成功的创造性活动. (一般来说,学生在学习期间唯一的其他承诺 Spring/Summer semester should be taking, at most, one 3 credit class (在6周的课程中)或(但不是同时)工作少于15周 一周几个小时.)

建议 必须 用12点Times New写的 罗马字体,双倍行距,边距1英寸. 建议 必须 封面上要有标题, 学生学者姓名和教师导师姓名. 建议 必须 包括章节标题和页码.

不,两个全日制学生暑期学者的提案将不被接受 接受. 这个项目被设计成一对一的强化课程 与教员共事的经验. 有两个项目,即使 相关的,会分散对这个目标的注意力.

However, there have been cases where an S3 faculty member has served 与MS3学者或McNair学者同时担任导师. 在那里 这涉及到限制吗. 请致电616-331-8100与我们联系 or (电子邮件保护) 为澄清.

一旦你听说你的提案得到了资助,你就应该 开始流程以确保适当的批准. 你不能开始 在获得批准之前的任何研究.

学生和教员的津贴将通过 大学工资办公室. 你应该期望适当的税收 从这些收入中征收和扣除. 购买物资的钱 部分预算将通过部门调拨报销. With the implementation of WorkDay information will be available later. 
