Wellness Coaching

Your Wellness, Your Way

What is Wellness Coaching?

健康教练是为GVSU学生提供的免费服务. Working with your coach, 您将通过协作确定支持您的健康目标的策略, unbiased partnership. 你将和你的教练一起工作大约3个月.

Our coaches are here to empower you to…

  • Set and achieve goals
  • Initiate and sustain healthy behaviors
  • 解决变革的障碍,制定前进的战略
  • 与其他免费的健康资源建立联系

Our coaches do not...

  • Offer counseling
  • Administer therapy
  • Prescribe exercise programs
  • Diagnosis illness

Our coaches are ACE Health Coach certified.

Wellness Coaching Topic Areas

  • Stress / Burnout
  • Sleep
  • Housing / Living Environment
  • Nutrition
  • Anxiety
  • Communication
  • Maintaining Relationships
  • Body Image
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Learning Environments
  • Financial
  • Academic
  • Spiritual
  • And More!

What are our clients saying?

Client Areas of Improvement


  • Academics
  • Motivation
  • Physical Activity
  • Confidence
  • Energy
  • Sleeping Habits
  • Eating Habits
  • Stress Management
  • Overall Health and Wellness

“不要低估你在3个月内能完成的事情! 与我的健康教练会面帮助我认识到是谁 & 我想要达到的目标,以及如何将我的咆哮/想法转化为可实现的目标. 我正在继续我们已经开始的睡眠、学习和消费习惯的进步. Personally, 教练比UCC治疗更合适, so if you're still wandering, give RecWell coaching a try!"

- Michelle B. - Graduate of Wellness Coaching

“健康教练让我意识到,制定与学业或工作无关的目标是多么重要. 当有人说,制定一个目标,我的大脑从来没有去那里. 它给了我勇气,开始把自己放在第一位,这真的很酷!!!"

-Graduate of Wellness Coaching

“健康教练对我来说是一次很棒的经历, 我的教练和UFit专家帮助我从从来没有去过健身房变成了每周去两次,并且爱上了它! 我有很多问题,他们都愿意帮助我开始一个现实的健身计划. 我很感激大峡谷提供这项服务."

- Graduate of Wellness Coaching

“通过凯蒂的指导和鼓励的话,我有能力实现我的目标, 我成功地找到了做最好的自己的方法. Without wellness coaching, 我就没有资源和信心去实现我的个人目标."

- Ashley K., Graduate of Wellness Coaching

"Reaching out for support isn't a weakness. 这是一种失去了一些微调的力量,需要在别人的帮助下再润色一下. 这是一次很棒的经历,我会把它推荐给那些对自己某些方面不自信的人. "

- Graduate of Wellness Coaching

“健康教练真的帮助我度过了大学第一学期,当时我正与压力作斗争, homesickness, and a lack of academic motivation."

- Olivia M., Graduate of Wellness Coaching

“健康教练是帮助你回到正轨的好方法. 有人在你身边为你加油真是太好了。”

-Wellness Coaching Client

Refer a Student

你知道谁会从健康教练中受益吗? 还是你在注册Mindbody时遇到了麻烦? 请使用“健康教练注册”按钮来推荐您自己或其他学生. RecWell健康教练会联系他们,给他们更多博天堂官方网页这项服务的信息,并安排预约.

Wellness Coaching Sessions

Initial Consultation

You will:

  • Meet one-on-one with your coach
  • 了解一下健康教练的流程
  • Review your current habits
  • Identify your priorities
  • Create a realistic action plan for change

Approximate appointment length: 45-60 minutes

Follow-Up Appointments

You will:

  • Discuss progress towards goals
  • Celebrate successes
  • Create plans to overcome any barriers
  • Provide information about other resources
  • Meet in person or via phone or Zoom

Approximate appointment length: 15-30 minutes

Exiting the Program

You will:

  • Evaluate your progress
  • Celebrate successes
  • Discuss other areas of improvement
  • Receive further resources
  • Complete a satisfaction feedback survey

Approximate appointment length: 30 minutes

Getting Started

To begin Wellness Coaching, 从下面选择一个在你感兴趣的领域有专业知识的教练. 点击他们照片下的“日程安排”按钮,找到一个最适合你的约会时间!

You will need to create an account on Mindbody. 请注意,您将被要求输入信用卡信息,但您可以单击“忽略”." Wellness Coaching is FREE!

一旦你选择了一个适合你的日子和时间, 您将收到导航员的确认电子邮件,并在咨询前填写表格.

Meet the Coaches

找一个与你的健康目标一致的教练. 点击教练下方的“时间表”按钮,查看MindBody上的教练可用性. 你需要在“选择教练”下面选择教练的名字.

Having troubles signing up? If it's easier, you can use the Wellness Coaching Sign Up and Referral link 推荐你自己,健康教练就会联系你!

Amy Campbell

Pronouns: She/Her

Wellness philosophy: 我相信健康是一个动态变化的过程,探索如何平衡生活,学习如何在精神和身体上茁壮成长. 我很荣幸每个客户都是他们自己生活的专家,我的角色是支持他们以符合他们价值观的方式增强他们的个人健康.

Areas of interest and expertise: Stress / Burnout, Sleep, Housing / Living Environment, Nutrition, Anxiety, Communication, Body Image, Work-Life Balance, Learning Environments, Academic

Read Amy's Full Bio

Katie Jourdan

Pronouns: She/Her

Wellness philosophy: Wellness, to me, includes our whole-being. So I believe that we all have the power to be well; we just may need some tips and tools to help us along the way.

Areas of interest and expertise: Stress / Burnout, Sleep, Housing / Living Environment, Nutrition, Anxiety, Communication, Maintaining Relationships, Body Image, Work-Life Balance, Learning Environments

Read Katie's Full Bio

Don't have a preference on a coach? 在这里选择最适合您日程安排的约会!

Full Wellness Coaching Staff Schedule

*如果没有预约,您可以通过以下方式与我们的总部联系 [email protected] or (616) 331-3659.

Disclaimer: Recreation & 健康教练的目的不是诊断, treat, prevent, or cure any condition or disease, or offer personal medical advice. Wellness Coaching should NOT 代替有执照的医疗专业人员的建议、诊断和治疗. 您应该寻求您的医生或其他合格的医疗保健提供者的建议与您可能有任何问题,博天堂官方网页一个特定的医疗条件. 永远不要忽视专业医疗建议或拖延寻求它. As your wellness coach we CANNOT make a medical diagnosis or treatment plan. 在您发展愿景的过程中,我们的职责是通过持续的支持和问责与您合作, goals, 并计划通过持久的行为改变来改善你的整体健康状况,这将帮助你实现你的个人目标,过上最好的生活.

Page last modified February 8, 2024