How to Prepare

无论您是在浏览我们的网站还是已经预约了您的第一次预约, 浏览下面的信息,看看如何为你的约会做准备, what your consultation may look like, and what happens after you finish your session.

In-person Appointment

Two people working together on their laptops


To schedule your appointment, log into Book It and click "New Appointment". 你可以选择写作咨询, 以及你咨询的日期和时间. 从这个日程安排页面,您可以上传一个文档,如作业表或标题. 你可以附上你论文的草稿这样在咨询时就可以看了,但是 顾问不能事先阅读你的项目



When you arrive for your in-person consultation, 你可以选择通过谷歌文档与你的顾问合作, attachments from Book It, or two separate, individual paper copies of your project. 如果你愿意,你也可以选择在书写中心的时候戴上面罩.

有关我们写作中心空间的更多信息或任何问题, please email Patrick Johnson, Writing Center Director ([email protected]).

Virtual Consultations

A person working on their laptop

Virtual Appointments

To create a virtual appointment, log into Book It 选择“新预约”,然后选择我们的写作服务. You will be able to select the date, time, and consultant; however, 选择您的位置时,请确保选择“虚拟”. 

When it is time for your appointment, simply log back into Book It, 选择“我的约会”,然后点击蓝色的“签到”按钮. 你可以在会诊前15分钟登记, 一定要定期刷新你的网页,以便看到博天堂官方网页你的约会状态的最新更新. When your consultant is ready to work with you, 你的“Check In”按钮会变成“Enter Appointment”,并会引导你到一个谷歌会议室,在那里你的写作顾问会准备好和你一起工作!


Virtual Drop-Ins

“上门拜访”的形式与“预约”类似, 然而,你不需要预先设定拜访写作顾问的时间. This service is first come, first served, 我们的顾问也会尽最大的努力尽快与您一起为您提供咨询.

To have a virtual Drop-In, 登录Book It,只需在页面顶部选择“Virtual Drop-In”. 在选择您想要使用的服务并查看隐私协议之后, you will be able to enter the Drop-In queue. 回到“我的约会”页面,然后弹出一个蓝色的“输入约会”按钮, 你可以在谷歌会议室加入你的写作顾问,开始你的咨询!

Preparing Your Materials

Person writing on a stack of papers

Bring your assignment sheet with you

有了作业的指导方针和你的教授的期望,可以帮助顾问了解你需要做什么. 这也会让你们双方都专注于优先考虑的问题或目标.



咨询师是经过培训来支持你修改的——他们不会替你修改,也不会代替你写. So, 提前计划好你的预约会让你和你的顾问有机会以可控的速度完成修改. 



有时候很难知道为什么一篇文章不成功. And we get that. 带着特定的目标和问题来咨询, however, 是否能帮助咨询师更多地了解如何支持你. If you can, 在你进入公司之前,最好知道你在寻找什么——但顾问也可以帮助你弄清楚这部分!

What Happens During a Consultation?

The Consultant Will Ask You Questions

During your session, 顾问会问你博天堂官方网页写作任务的问题, goals for the project, and writing successes and struggles. 我们问了很多问题,以确保会议集中在你的作业和你的个性化需求.



You'll then read through the paper together. Along the way, and certainly after reading through the paper, the consultant will ask more questions to help you think about how you want the paper to develop; the consultant will also give you feedback on your writing. 在咨询过程中,你和咨询师可以利用资源来找到你问题的答案.

Reading Icon

The Consultant Will Help You Make A Plan

在课程结束时,咨询师会帮你设计一个复习计划. 毕竟,你来写作中心是为了让你的论文更有说服力!


What Happens After a Consultation?

Summary and Survey

At the very end of your writing consultation, 你和你的写作顾问将花一些时间填写一份会议总结——把它想象成你们在一起完成的所有艰苦工作的回顾. 这些会议记录包括论文或项目的课程等内容, the concerns you had, what you covered in the consultation, and a plan for your next steps. 此摘要将通过电子邮件发送到您的GVSU学生电子邮件帐户,并存储在您的Book It帐户中.

您的顾问还会要求您完成一份简短的调查. This survey acts as a way for the consultant and the Writing Center to receive feedback on our services; we appreciate you taking the time to let us know how we are doing!

Edit and Revise

在你有你的写作咨询,你准备开始你的项目的下一个阶段. During this editing and revising stage, we have a variety of resources to help you with any quick questions or explanations; visit our writing resources 提供讲义、插图、视频等内容!

Come Back for a Second Opinion!

你可以随时预约,带着一份新的草稿回来. 多次修改和编辑/校对你的论文是写作过程中很正常的一部分. 我们很乐意帮助你继续重新思考论文,直到你觉得自己做对了为止!

We hope you'll drop in and see us soon.




Have other questions? Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Page last modified May 22, 2023