Internship Overview

WRT 490写作实习是学生在潜在的职业兴趣领域发起的有监督的工作经验. 实习计划由实习协调员和现场主管共同制定. 除了每周一次的学术研讨会外,学生每学期还要花45个小时的时间来学习每个学分. The internship must be at least 50% writing/editing. 当学生,协调员和导师完成评估时,授予学分.

The curriculum requires that all writing majors complete a three-credit internship and enroll in WRT 490. WRT 490 is offered in the fall and winter semesters and meets for fifty minutes per week; it is offered online during the combined spring and summer session. 所有的写作实习必须在你注册这门课程的同一学期完成. [注:春夏季实习课程为期12周(5月至8月)].

每个学生都有责任找到实习机会,但系里会帮助他们. Since internships are learning experiences, they may be unpaid; but since the intern will do actual work, some organizations do offer stipends and other forms of reimbursement. An internship scholarship may also be available through the Career Center.  

By taking WRT 490, 在指导老师的指导下,你不仅可以在简历上写上工作经历,还可以在成绩单上获得学分,指导老师会帮助你反思这些经历,为未来的求职做准备.

What are Benefits of Taking WRT 490?

A writing internship helps students to:

  • Apply course concepts to workplace communication problems
  • Try out a career option
  • Gain practical work experience in a real-world workplace
  • Build self-confidence and gain a competitive edge
  • Network with professionals in your field
  • Build a professional portfolio
  • Obtain work references

You may work as an intern at a worksite without taking the academic internship course (WRT 490); however, 强烈推荐学术写作实习,因为它有以下附加价值:

  • Endorses your internship experience as one related to your major
  • 作为你专业的必修课程(从而减少你毕业所需的学分)
  • 为您在工作场所可能遇到的问题提供及时的建议和指导
  • 在一个培育和支持你的环境中,与其他写作实习生和指导老师一起工作,使你从学校过渡到工作场所的过程更加顺利
  • 提供职业咨询,并通过研讨会完善您的工作申请文件和面试技巧 
  • 帮助你发展作为一个新兴的职业作家的职业身份,准备在你未来的组织中发起变革并增加价值

What are Course Requirements?


Field Hour Requirements 50%

As a rough guide, 每学期你需要花45个小时在实习和支持学术工作中获得每一个学分. For a three-credit internship, it will be 135 hours a semester (e.g., 10 hrs/week x 14 weeks = 140 hrs). Credit is awarded only when the student, the internship coordinator, and the work supervisor have completed evaluations of the internship, including the organization’s evaluation administered by the Career Center.

Academic Requirements 50%

For a three-credit internship course, you need to attend a weekly 50-minute seminar and complete course work, including reading reflections, work reports, final report, internship digital portfolio, 以及其他能帮助你更好地了解实习经历的作业.


Final grades (A, B, C, D, F)是根据你的实地考察和你的学术参与质量的评估给出的. A sample WRT 490 syllabus is available in the Writing Department office.

How Do I Qualify for WRT 490?


  • Be a major in writing
  • Be at least a junior
  • Have a 2.累计GPA不低于75(或实习协调员和写作系主任批准)
  • 在完成实习的同一学期注册WRT 490
  • Have taken WRT 200, WRT 210, WRT 219, WRT 253


  • Your internship must be at least 50% writing or editing.
  • 你的现场导师应该能够在你的专业领域为实习项目提供专业指导.

How Do I Register for WRT 490?

在注册WRT 490之前,您需要获得实习协调员的批准. 请在获得实习职位后立即与实习协调员安排一次会议,讨论工作的性质, possible learning and training experiences you will obtain at the worksite, 以及你希望获得多少学分(三学分的实习要求你每周参加一次研讨会).

  1. 在得到实习协调员的口头批准后,你需要在网上填写一份申请表 internship agreement.
  2. Once your internship agreement form is approved, 写作系主任会给你注册这门课的许可.
  3. 在实习结束前不久,你和你的现场主管会收到一封电子邮件,要求你完成一份在线评估. 

小贴士:你应该尽早做好计划,因为完成来自各方的文书工作需要时间, and you don't want to miss the deadline of registering for the course.

What Are Some Tips for Finding a Writing Internship?

  • Plan early. The search for an internship may take months, so it is important to start looking and working on it in advance.
  • 与实习协调员安排一次会面,讨论你的背景和职业兴趣,并制定行动计划. 你应该试着在你希望实习的学期开始前至少三个月安排会面,以便有时间找到一个符合你需求和兴趣的网站.
  • 每学期参加一次写作系面向所有写作专业的实习之夜.
  • 报名参加由就业中心(206 STU)提供的职业咨询研讨会. You can find out the event information at this website:
  • 让实习协调员审阅你的简历和求职信, Writing Center, or Career Center.
  • Register an account with Handshake, GVSU's full-service web-based employment system. You will be able to find a lot of internship information there.
  • 通过参加每月的STC(技术交流协会)分会会议,与当地的专业作家建立联系. Two students will be sponsored every time. Event information can be found at this website:
  • Contact students who did internships before to ask for referrals for internship sites. A list of internship locations is available in the Writing Department office. 之前的一些实习地点包括密歇根州中西部的红十字会, Zondervan Publishing, the Humane Society of Kent County, and The Grand Rapids Children's Museum.
  • Read student success stories related to internships.
  • Read blog posts by students at writing

Where Else Can I Get Help?

Who Can Help?

Dauvan Mulally
Writing Internship Coordinator
LOH 310
[email protected]

Rachel Becklin
Assistant Director of Career Services
206 STU
[email protected]

Dawn Nagelkirk
Writing Department Coordinator
LOH 326
[email protected]

Lisa Knapp
Career Advisor
Career Services
206 STU
[email protected]


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Page last modified March 15, 2023