

Picture of the arch at the entrance to Grand Valley on Lake 密歇根 Drive.

On behalf of the 残疾支援资源 (DSR) office, we would like to welcome you to 大峡谷州立大学. There are a number of differences between the accommodation process in high school and college and these differences are due to the distinct intentions of the laws that govern the provision of these accommodations. In high school, accommodations are an entitlement, whereas in college, it is a civil rights mandate. Greater emphasis is on personal responsibility and self-advocacy in college. While this is an important part of the developmental process for college students, it can lead to some difficulties for students who are used to having many of the procedures related to accommodations handled for them by someone else on their behalf. We know that transitioning from high school to college life can be a little overwhelming, 但我们是来帮你的.



  • The difference between an IEP/504 plan and the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA).
    • When you graduate high school, your IEP/504 plan ends and you will now be covered under the ADA.  This means that accommodations may be a lot different in college than what you had in K-12.  Your disability advisor will explain in greater detail how this will affect you.
A picture of the clock-tower and library on a sunny fall day.


  • In order to receive accommodations for your disability in college, you will need to provide documentation of your disability to your disability advisor.
  • GVSU requests that the documentation you provide be five years old or newer. 
  • 文档示例:
    • Psychological examination completed by a qualified mental health professional. (your high school counselor can help you with this examination)
    • Letter from your doctor that is signed, and on the doctor’s letterhead.
      • 必须包括残疾的诊断吗
      • 用于诊断的测试
      • 你需要的住宿建议
  • 表单模板可从 DSR文档网页.


  • 大学 will be different than high school as to where your professors will need to know about any accommodations that you need and you will need to be the one to have that discussion with them.
  • 现在你是成年人了, your parents or other individuals you used in the past to help you will not always be able to do that.  Your DSR advisor can work with you to help you learn how to self-advocate for yourself.
  • DSR will provide you with an accommodation letter that has your approved accommodations listed on it. 你需要把这个打印出来, take to your professors and have a conversation with them to determine what will be the best way for you to receive them. 

高中vs. 大学





Schools provide and pays for testing for eligibility of services and prescribe accommodations.

学生自我鉴定, advocates for accommodations and seeks out services by registering with 残疾支援资源 (DSR). 学生必须提供相关文件.



The Family Right to 隐私 Act (FERPA) does not allow an institution to share information without student’s approval.


I.E.P. (个性化教育计划)和/或504计划.  文档 focuses on determining whether student is eligible for services based on specific disability categories in I.D.E.A. (《博天堂官方》).

文档 requirements vary from institution to institution. Student must contact the schools to determine requirements. 查看DSR对文件的具体要求: 域的网页.






Parental guidance is expected as parents/guardians/teachers are the primary advocates.

Only include parents/guardians in decisions regarding eligibility for services if you choose. Decisions regarding placement and accommodations are determined by disability.


Teachers are aware of your specific difficulties and requests for intervention.

Students must assume the responsibility of their own advocacy by meeting with the DSR office and meeting with 教师.





消除问题, 无限的时间, 额外的解释, 能够在资源室进行测试, 打开书本/打开笔记测试, 等.

Accommodations related to testing are often limited to extended time, 减少干扰的环境, and readers for tests who can read the test exactly as written.


Fewer questions to answer, alternate assignments, extra time to turn in homework, 等.

不能修改赋值的长度. DSR可以延长课堂作业的时间,但是, professor has the final say about extended time for homework submissions.



没有资源室. Referrals are made to individual offices for academic support through the Writing Center, 知识市场, 辅导, 咨询中心, 等.



Go to GVSU’s tutoring website to sign up for free tutoring.  辅导中心网页.


Parents/teachers remind for exam dates and assignment deadlines.

Student must keep track of exam dates and assignment deadlines by referring to course syllabus, 黑板上, 等.



教授建立自己的出勤政策.  DSR will discuss attendance as it pertains to conversations you will need to have with your professors about missing class.



运输 is not a service; however, some colleges provide as a courtesy on their campus or access to public transportation.


Personal aides may be provided in the classroom/academic or personal care issues.



Schools provide free alternative textbooks using a variety of ways, including BookShare.

学生需要购买或租用图书, 提供所有权或租赁证明, 然后要求另一种格式的书. 大学s may or may not use BookShare; they may just share files.
