Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E) Program

Program Overview

Information about the program and how to apply

Program Plan

Suggested order of courses for a full-time student

Program Options

Combined, Accelerated, and Graduate Badges

Student Resources

MSE program policies. (IN PROGRESS)


Mission Statement: To prepare graduate students to become accomplished professionals; to contribute to our professions through active scholarship in all its forms; and to support society with expertise, leadership, and service

Questions may be directed to the Graduate Program Director for Engineering.

Why choose the MSE program at GVSU?

The US job market currently employs 1.6 million engineers. 近年来,工程类工作的平均增长率为7%. 拥有硕士学位的工程师的工资中位数比只有学士学位的工程师高15 - 20%. 除了职业生涯中收入潜力的显著增加, 拥有硕士学位的工程师有更大的博天堂官方网页机会.

GVSU的工程硕士(MSE)学位培养具有实践能力的工程师, hands-on, 研究生教育根植于强大的理论基础,我们的行业合作伙伴依赖于满足他们不断变化的需求.

我们的研究生课程是灵活的,旨在加深学生的专业知识-为两者提供机会, the student seeking a more traditional, full-time research-based experience, and the working professional choosing to attend part-time. 

MSE计划准备学生成为他们的专业技术领导者以及博士课程的有力候选人. 我们的毕业生继续在像通用电气这样的跨国公司工作, Stryker, and Ford, 以及像Dornerworks和Twisthink这样的小型本地公司. 越来越多的毕业生也在宾夕法尼亚州立大学等著名大学攻读博士学位, Northwestern, and University of Michigan.

MSE Program Overview

MSE要求至少33个学分的研究生课程,包括重点课程, electives, and a culminating experience. 全日制学生(9个研究生学分)通常在4个学期内完成他们的研究生课程. 

每个学生都与GPD一起计划适合他们需要的课程. For students with a non-engineering undergraduate degree, 本课程计划将包括本科必修课程,以填补任何知识空白.



  1. Biomedical Engineering (BME)
  2. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
  3. Manufacturing and Design Engineering (MDE)
  4. Mechanical Engineering (ME)


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IDC project

Located in the vibrant heart of downtown Grand Rapids, 我们的MSE项目成立于1998年,以满足西密歇根州对工程人才日益增长的需求, one of the fastest growing technical, manufacturing, and industrial regions of the state.

MSE Applicant Information

MSE项目的申请者必须拥有工程学士学位, engineering technology, or a closely related field like Physics, Mathematics, Biomedical Sciences etc. 申请者必须有至少3的累积本科GPA.0 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants must submit an essay, three letters of reference, their official transcripts, and a resume.

国际申请人还必须提交令人满意的GRE成绩(口头+量化≥300,≥2).通过托福(≥80分),雅思(≥6分)证明英语水平.5), Duolingo (≥ 110), or ME Lab. More information for international applicants can be found here.

GVSU是为数不多的通过研究生助教奖学金(全额或一半)提供硕士学位资助的大学之一。.  所有的资金决定都是与录取决定分开做出的,不需要单独填写申请来考虑资金问题. 资助决定是由委员会在审查了所有被录取的学生后根据成绩做出的. GAs通过在实验室工作来支持我们项目的教学任务, supporting the first-year engineering sequence, and helping our outreach efforts.

More information about the MSE program.

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MSE Program Plan




First Year

*EGR 600 Adv工程分析或EGR 670系统生理学工程师(3学分)

*EGR 604 Implementation and Measurement (3 cr)

*EGR 6xx/5xx Emphasis Area Course (3 or 4 cr)

*EGR 602 Ethics and Professionalism (3 cr)

*EGR 6xx/5xx Emphasis Area Course (3 or 4 cr)

*EGR 6xx/5xx Emphasis Area Course (3 or 4 cr)

Second Year

*EGR 6xx Emphasis Area Course (3 cr)

*EGR 6xx Emphasis/Elective Area Course (3 cr)

*EGR 695/693 Master's Thesis/Project (variable 1 - 6 cr)

*EGR 695/693 Master's Thesis/Project (variable 1 - 6 cr)


*EGR 686 Capstone Design Project (3 cr)

  • Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher each semester. 
  • MSE学位不可以申请超过三门EGR 5xx课程.
  • 学生可以选择在夏季完成EGR 685研究生实习(3学分).
  • 最终经验的三个选择:EGR 693硕士项目(6学分), EGR 695 Master's Thesis (6 cr), or EGR 686 Capstone Design Project (3 cr).
  • 我们的BSE项目的合并学生或毕业生不需要EGR 600和604. 


Catalog Information for the MSE Program

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Graduate Program Options for Engineering

Combined BSE/MSE Program

联合学位课程为学生提供完成本科和研究生学位的机会, meeting their unique personal, academic, and career goals. 攻读联合学位课程可以减少完成两个学位所需的成本和总时间, 由于在本科阶段最多12个学分和学费可以计入硕士学位.


Learn more about the Combined BSE/MSE Program

Current GVSU students in related majors such as BMS, Physics, and Math can explore combined BS/MSE degrees via the Student-Initiated Combined Degree Programs.

Accelerated MSE Program ("Faster Master") & Non-Degree Seeking

MSE项目可以在三个学期/一个学年内完成,通过12/12/9的课程学分格式完成所需的33个学分. 提前完成学位可以让学生更早开始赚钱,更快地收回他们的课程成本.

Learn more about the Accelerated MSE Program

拥有BSE学位但未参加MSE计划的申请人可以作为非学位学生参加GVSU的研究生工程课程. 最多12个学分的非学位可以应用于未来的MSE学位.


Learn more about the Non-Degree seeking Graduate Status

Graduate Badges

A digital badge, or badge, 成绩记录是对学生完成连贯而有意义的学术经历的认可吗.

Engineering offers graduate badges in two areas:

Electromagnetic Compatibility Badge


Embedded Systems Badge 


完成数字徽章的录取对攻读学位和非学位的国内学生开放, and degree seeking international students. 如果您目前不是GVSU的学生,请开始您的申请 here.

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Page last modified July 19, 2024