
这个英语顶点课程的高潮活动要求学生公开展示一个项目,这个项目从开始到最终形成都是他们负责的. 演讲将具体化学生在研究过程中积累的专业知识,并允许他们以权威的身份谈论他们的主题. No matter what career our students enter, public speaking is an essential skill, 将复杂的知识提炼成一个紧凑但易于理解的包的行为也是如此. 因此,这门课程的最后作业可能是最清楚地将学生从专业过渡到他们生活的下一个阶段的作业. 我们将课程的这一方面看作是帮助学生认识到彼此的成就,并帮助他们在走向不同的未来时为自己感到自豪的一种方式.

Winter 2024 Capstone Conference Program


Fall 2023 Capstone Conference Program

Winter 2023 Capstone Conference Program

Fall 2022 Capstone Conference Program

Winter 2022 Capstone Conference Program

Fall 2021 Capstone Conference Program

Winter 2021 Capstone Conference Program

Fall 2020 Capstone Conference Program

Winter 2020 - there was no official conference this semester due to COVID-19

Fall 2019 Capstone Conference Program

Winter 2019 Capstone Conference Program

Fall 2018 Capstone Conference Program

Winter 2018 Capstone Conference Program

Winter 2017 Capstone Conference Program

Winter 2016 Capstone Conference Program

2023-2024: Capstone Faculty

Capstone Presentation Videos


Ellorie Kenyon, Winter 2018 Capstone Presentation

Ellorie Kenyon. 超越“思想和祈祷”:反乌托邦小说中的宗教、行动和生存.' Slide show.

Rex Curtis, Winter 2018 Capstone Presentation

Rex Curtis.  'Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as a Warning for Artificial Intelligence.'  Slide show.

Emilee Dubois Capstone Presentation

Emilee Dubois.  儿童文学中残疾人物的危险表现.' Slide show.

Heather Brinks, Capstone

Heather Brinks.  "Using Multicultural Literature to Combat the Opportunity Gap." Slide show.

Emmie Carr

Emmie Carr.  权力内部的权力斗争:将嘻哈教育作为一种批判教学法模式.'

Anna Gall

Anna Gall.  阅读教学与课堂运动之间的良好联系.'  Slide show

Capstone FAQ

Why did the English Department change the Capstone Course? 
As part of a larger curriculum revision, 英语系重新设计了顶点课程,让学生在一系列强调研究的项目中突出自己的学术成就, writing, and public engagement in a community of scholars. Previously, Capstone had a focus on literary theory. 新的Capstone课程允许学生自己设计一个项目,作为他们重点领域工作的高潮.

What kind of work will I do in Capstone?
顶点课程有三个主要的作业,所有部分都有:智力自传, the Thesis, and the Conference Presentation. In order to pass the course, you must complete all three assignments. In addition, each professor will assign other coursework at his or her discretion—examples of these minor assignments might include (but are not limited to) an annotated bibliography; graded pre-writing or rough draft material; and/or a participation grade.

Is there any difference between sections?
Yes and no. As stated above, 每个教授可能会要求不同类型的小作业,并可以自由地衡量这些作业的分数,因为他或她认为合适. However, each section of the class, no matter who is teaching it, will have in common the three major assignments, 这些作业的分数在各科之间会有大致相等的数值.

What does the Conference Presentation entail?
你将被要求在顶点会议上公开展示你论文的某些方面, which is normally held on the final Friday of the regular semester (i.e. before Finals Week). 你将被分配到一个小组与另外两个学生,他们的工作主题与你相似, and each of you will have 10 minutes to present. Your presentation will be evaluated by a panel of faculty members, 然后会有一段讨论时间,听众会问一些博天堂官方网页你的作品的后续问题.

What if my professor doesn't teach in my area?
因为我们有四个不同的兴趣领域,我们的学生可以专攻, it is likely that your instructor will not share your interest area. Since you will work independently on your thesis project, rather than being taught a particular area of study, this should not present a major problem. Although your professor my not share your emphasis area, he or she will be able to evaluate your argument, your writing, and the overall academic validity of your project. However, 我们确实鼓励学生在自己感兴趣的领域寻找教师导师,以便在各个阶段对他们的论文项目获得专业反馈. For example, 如果你对语言学感兴趣,而你的教授专门研究文学, you can (and should!就你提出的论点,向语言学教授咨询, on important resources in your field, or on a small section of writing. Do keep in mind, however, that while most faculty members are happy to serve in a mentoring role, students should be aware that faculty have many demands on their time. If you seek out a mentor, please be respectful of his or her limits.

If I want a faculty mentor, how do I find one?
Ideally, 你应该找一位你过去上过课的老师,他的工作与你想在论文中涵盖的主题有交集. Otherwise, 你可以浏览我们网站上的教师名单,看看是否有人在与你的主题相关的领域工作. 英语系网站的“我们提供什么”页面可以让你看到哪些教师在你感兴趣的领域工作.

What other resources are available to help me with this class?
如果你在项目上需要帮助,你可以找教授见面. If, however, 你需要在你的教授不在的时候见面,或者如果你只是更愿意和一个不给你评分的人见面, 顶点课程有一个研究生助理(GA),他可以在很多方面帮助你, including brainstorming topics and editing rough drafts. Anne Oxendine is the ENG 495 GA for the Fall 2023 semester. Additionally, you can make use of the services offered by the Writing Center, the Speech Lab, and the Peer Research Consultant service offered by the library. 最后,如果你在研究上有困难,你可以预约 Mary Ruge, the Library Liason for English.

What is the best way to prepare for Capstone?
顶点课程的目的是让你深入探索一些你作为英语专业学生感兴趣的话题. To prepare, you'll want to think carefully about each of your classes, about books you've read and papers you've written. Which of these has resonated with you the most? Is there is something you want to follow up on? 此外,当你回顾你的专业时,你可能会考虑你所发现的空白. 如果你从来没有机会写一本你喜欢的小说, 或者如果你想了解更多博天堂官方网页与特定学生群体合作的知识, for example, these are things you might end up investigating in your thesis project. 最好的项目的灵感来自于其作者对其主题的热情兴趣. What are you most passionate about?

Page last modified April 17, 2024