


欧盟一般数据保护条例, 或GDPR (EU 2016/679), 有博天堂官方网页催收的规定吗, protection and processing of personal data provided by an individual ("data subject") while in a country that follows the 一般资料保护规例(GDPR), 不论国籍或居住地.  因此, the terms and conditions contained in the Regulation and detailed in this Notice only apply while an individual is physically present in one of the countries that follows the General 数据保护 Regulation.  完整的信息可在欧盟委员会网站上找到. 


大峡谷州立大学 continues to be committed to conducting the collection and processing of personal data with integrity and in compliance with applicable data protection laws. 本私隐声明, GDPR要求的, 介绍大学如何收集资料, 使用和保护您作为大学员工提供的个人资料.

1. 数据控制器联系信息
大峡谷州立大学 serves as the Data Controller and determines the purposes and means of processing your personal data. The individual below serves as the primary contact for GDPR compliance related to the employee information and is responsible for responding to questions about this Notice and requests to exercise a data subject's rights.

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

[90]詹姆斯·H. 尊伯格大厅(1090jhz)
艾伦代尔, MI, 49401

2. 收集及使用资料的目的
The University will keep a record of the details you provided on your application form and any supporting documents requested. We will maintain various administrative and financial records about your employment at Grand Valley, and about your use of the academic and non-academic facilities and services that we offer. Where relevant, we may supplement these records with personal data from the public domain (e.g. 您的出版物)或其他来源(例如.g.(如有需要,高等教育学院). 

您的个人信息被创建, stored and transmitted securely in a variety of paper and electronic formats. Access to your personal information is limited to staff who have a legitimate interest in it for the purpose of carrying out their contractual duties, 我们不会过度使用您的个人信息. 

除此之外, the University may process some information about you that is classified as 'sensitive' or 'special category' personal data, 这需要额外的保护. 这包括博天堂官方网页你的种族的信息, 性取向, 用于规划和监测目的的宗教信仰或健康/残疾, 或者是为了提供照顾, 帮助或适当的调整. 对于某些角色, 可能会处理其他敏感信息, 比如过去的犯罪记录. Access to, and the sharing of, your 'sensitive' personal data are controlled very carefully. You will normally be given further details about our use of any such data when we collect it from you.

The University will process your personal information for a range of contractual, 法定或公共利益目的, 包括以下内容: 

    •    To 评估 你是否适合某一特定角色或任务.
    •    To support you in implementing any health-related adjustments to allow you to carry out a particular role or task.
    •管理人力资源相关流程, 包括绩效/缺勤管理, 纪律问题和投诉/不满.
    •提供设施(e.g. IT、图书馆、服务(e.g. 住宿, 儿童保育)和员工福利, 并在适当的时候监控你对这些设施的使用
    •通过邮件与您进行有效沟通, 电子邮件和电话, 包括分发有关的通讯和通告.
    •    To support your training, health, safety, welfare and religious requirements.
    •    To fulfill and monitor our responsibilities under immigration and public safety legislation.
    •    To enable us to contact others in the event of an emergency (we will assume that you have checked with the individuals before you supply their contact details to us).

We consider the processing of your personal information for these purposes to be either necessary for the performance of our contractual obligations with you (e.g. to manage your employment contract), or necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (e.g. 机会均等监测}, or necessary for the performance of tasks we carry out in the public interest (e.g. 非法定报告或研究). We require you to provide us with any information we reasonably ask for to enable us to administer your contract. 如果我们需要您同意使用您的个人信息, we will collect it at the appropriate time and you can withdraw this at any time. We will not use your personal information to carry out any wholly automated decision-making that affects you.

3. 共享和传输数据
We will share data with the 工资 Department as well as with our third party benefits administrators.  

4. 数据保留
Data is retained in accordance with University policy and as required under applicable U.S. 法律法规. We store your personal information as part of your staff record for the duration of your employment (and it may be used as part of our 评估ment of any future application you make for further employment at Grand Valley). After you leave certain records pertaining to your employment are retained indefinitely so that the details of your employment can be confirmed and for statistical or historical research. 

5. 敏感数据
除此之外, the University may process some information about you that is classified as 'sensitive' or 'special category' personal data, 这需要额外的保护. 这包括博天堂官方网页你的种族的信息, 性取向, 用于规划和监测目的的宗教信仰或健康/残疾, 或者是为了提供照顾, 帮助或适当的调整. 对于某些角色, 可能会处理其他敏感信息, 比如过去的犯罪记录. Access to, and the sharing of, your 'sensitive' personal data are controlled very carefully. You will normally be given further details about our use of any such data when we collect it from you. 

6. 资料当事人的权利
While in the EU you will be able to exercise your rights as a data subject described in Article 15-22 of the GDPR: right of access to your personal data, 更正数据的权利, 删除数据的权利, 限制处理的权利, 数据可携权, 反对处理的权利, 撤回同意的权利, 不受自动决策支配的权利, and the right to lodge a GDPR-related complaint with an EU Supervisory Authority. Please note that the University is subject to federal and state laws that may require that we request, 处理、保留和报告某些类型的数据. These legal obligations may also affect actions we would be permitted to take in response to a request to exercise your GDPR data rights, 尤其是删除你的数据的权利. 

7. 数据的重要性
由于您没有提供所要求的信息, 人力资源部门无法通过工资单提供产品和服务, 福利或任何其他人力资源职能. 

8. 数据保护
大学已经建立了合理的物理, technical and administrative safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access to or use of information collected online.


阅读上述公告后, please review the request consent below and indicate your selection by checking the appropriate box. 

For the transfer of my personal data between the European Union and 大峡谷州立大学 and its representatives, 符合欧盟GDPR规定的条件和限制. 



日期  ______________________________________________________________

姓名(打印 ) _____________________________________________________

签名 ____________________________________________________________
