
能力是可观察知识和可测量知识的结合, 技能, 能力, 个人属性 that contribute to enhanced employee performance and ultimately result in organizational success. 

在GVSU, 8个员工核心能力旨在:

  1. 引导组织文化并使员工适应这种文化. 他们为所有员工设定了期望标准.
  2. 为绩效管理奠定基础, 员工的发展, 领导力发展, 补偿, 团队建设, 人才收购, 订婚, 和更多的.
  3. 有抱负的.
8个GVSU核心竞争力与图标:授权, 促进包容和公平的社区, 为人正直, 情商, 幸福的, 资产的心态, 合作的团队精神, 以及创新的心态.








从三个方面解决:通过个人行动赋予自我权力, 人际间的相互授权, 以及我们行为结果中的社会赋权.


Observable and measurable 知识, 技能, 能力, 个人属性:

  • 与队友建立关系, 这样教练的努力就会被积极地接受, 发展方式.
  • 认可并确认团队成员的贡献.
  • 管理上下,在你的影响范围内.
  • Encourages colleagues to take initiative on a project that they have interest or expertise in.
  • Invites colleagues into conversations and/or to be a part of projects based on their strengths.
  • Provides coaching to others regardless of performance level and work relationship to ensure team success.
  • 通过对自己的表现负责来管理自己的表现. 从经理和其他与他们在工作中有互动的人那里寻求反馈. 
    • 设定具体的、可衡量的目标和截止日期


有直接下属的领导应该达到这些目标, 技能, 能力, 知识, 个人属性. 我们鼓励所有员工,不论职位高低,都为达到这一水平而奋斗.

  • Delegates significant responsibility and authority and allows employees the freedom to decide how they will accomplish their goals and resolve issues.
  • 邀请员工参与有意义的决策.
  • Provides coaching oriented feedback that enables direct reports to grow and succeed through timely, 一致和建设性的反馈, 指令, 和鼓励.
  • 发现并利用员工的长处.
  • 以大学为目标, cascades them down and relates them to the department and an individual’s day to day role.
  • Authorizes individuals and groups to set their own goals, consistent with business goals.
  • Permits groups to resolve problems on their own; avoids prescribing solutions.
  • Manages performance of others by setting clear expectations about what needs to be done.

促进包容性 & 公平的社会



营造一个肯定和促进多样性的工作环境, 促进夹杂物, 并致力于公平. Individuals intentionally and actively work to identify and remove barriers for the full participation of historically underrepresented and minoritized individuals and communities.


Observable and measurable 知识, 技能, 能力, 个人属性:

  • 认可所有团队成员的贡献和生活经验, particularly those from identity groups historically underrepresented in higher education.
  • 支持所有人通过我们的 包容和公平的框架.
  • Displays self-awareness by understanding one’s own identity and relationship to others.
  • Demonstrates a desire for continuous learning and seeks out experiences that motivate learning and cultural exchange (i.e.,讲座,阅读小组,艺术和音乐,以及旅行).


有直接下属的领导应该达到这些目标, 技能, 能力, 知识, 个人属性. 我们鼓励所有员工,不论职位高低,都为达到这一水平而奋斗.

  • 客观地倾听, 保持好奇, 显示谦卑, 创造反馈的机会, 在群体过程和决策中包含不同的观点.
  • 通过考虑政策如何消除公平的障碍, 程序, 流程, 文化规范可能对某些人有利.
  • Demonstrates courage by challenging systems and attitudes that are misaligned with our 包容和公平的框架.
  • Holds others accountable for inclusion and equity commitments and addresses non-inclusive behaviors.
  • 积极寻找机会投资多元化人才发展.
  • 确保每个人的声音都被听到.g.(会议期间、项目计划期间).




驱使我们对自己和他人负责 并且言行一致.


Observable and measurable 知识, 技能, 能力, 个人属性:

  • 以尊严和尊重对待每个人.
  • 为自己的错误负责.
  • Is performance driven; holds oneself accountable for delivering on services.
  • Builds capacity by closing the gap between where you are and where you need to be to achieve strategic goals.
  • 对他们的工作和承诺负责吗. 
  • Truthful and transparent in their communications/actions, whether or not it is comfortable to do so.
  • 保护敏感信息并保持适当的边界. 
  • 在他们所有的决策中坚持相同的原则和价值观.
  • 倾听并鼓励他人的意见.
  • 避免不专业的行为, 比如八卦, 在会议期间垄断讨论, 或者先把错误归咎于别人.
  • 遵守组织的政策和程序.


有直接下属的领导应该达到这些目标, 技能, 能力, 知识, 个人属性. 我们鼓励所有员工,不论职位高低,都为达到这一水平而奋斗.

  • Is performance driven; establishes measures, process reviews, and timelines.
  • 要求他人对提供服务负责.
  • Builds capacity by helping to develop others to close the gap between where they are and where they need to be to achieve strategic goals.
  • 我们所做的一切都是为了保护我们的资源,并着眼于可持续发展.
  • 是认识我们的人吗, time, 财政责任, and perpetuation of all of those to continue to rise and meet the needs of our students.




Ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions of oneself and others.


Observable and measurable 知识, 技能, 能力, 个人属性:

  • Perceives one’s own emotions in the moment and understands their tendencies across situations.
  • Ability to hear critical feedback and a willingness to tolerate the discomfort of focusing on feelings that may be negative.
  • 通过主动改善自己来回应反馈. 
  • 认识到自己的情绪以及它们如何影响思想和行为, 以健康和建设性的方式回应他们.
  • 表现出积极的倾听、理解和学习他人所说的话.


有直接下属的领导应该达到这些目标, 技能, 能力, 知识, 个人属性. 我们鼓励所有员工,不论职位高低,都为达到这一水平而奋斗.

  • Able to see things from another person’s perspective (shows empathy) and consider their thoughts and feelings about a situation.
  • Builds constructive working relationships characterized by a high level of acceptance, 合作, 相互尊重.
    • Maintains an open, approachable manner, and treats others fairly and respectfully. Preserves others’ self-confidence and dignity and shows regard for their opinions.
  • Helps to prevent and resolve conflict that arises amongst oneself and/or team members.






Observable and measurable 知识, 技能, 能力, 个人属性:

  • 参与大学提供的健康活动、事件和资源.
  • Seeks to support colleagues in ways that are culturally specific to motivate self-care and retention.
  • 积极寻求提高身体素质 & 心理健康.
  • 利用所有的休假时间,包括假期,病假,续薪.
  • Has a basic understanding of the wellness resources and programs that are available to GVSU employees and household members.
  • 积极参与个人和博天堂官方网页机会, 校园内外(职业福利).


有直接下属的领导应该达到这些目标, 技能, 能力, 知识, 个人属性. 我们鼓励所有员工,不论职位高低,都为达到这一水平而奋斗.

  • 为员工的成长定下基调.
  • 努力从更广泛的角度看待包容和公平问题, 认识到个人的幸福, 群体和生态系统在当地很重要, 在全国范围内, 在全球范围内,所有这些都是相互联系和相互依存的.
  • 支持参与和使用大学提供的健康活动, 事件, 和资源.
  • 帮助设定工作时间的界限,并坚持下去.




基于资产的方法侧重于优势. 它将思想、文化和性格的多样性视为积极的资产. 教职员工和学生都因为他们给GVSU带来的东西而受到重视.


Observable and measurable 知识, 技能, 能力, 个人属性:

  • 接受他人独特的思想、想法和观点.
  • 用有效的眼光看待自己和世界, 有哪些优势?, 势能是多少.
  • 认识并寻找自己和同事的长处.
  • 在问题中发现机会,并将可能性变为现实.


有直接下属的领导应该达到这些目标, 技能, 能力, 知识, 个人属性. 我们鼓励所有员工,不论职位高低,都为达到这一水平而奋斗.

  • 鼓励基于个人优势的个人成长和发展.
  • Capitalizes on employee strengths when working towards accomplishing a project/task; delegates tasks based on employee strengths.
  • Appreciates the differences individuals innately possess from their lived experiences and makes space for the voices of all to be heard and valued.






Observable and measurable 知识, 技能, 能力, 个人属性:

  • Understands the mission and strategic goals of the university and how their department and individual work contributes to it.
  • Builds partnerships among different entities/persons throughout the organization to reduce silos and share expertise.
  • Outwardly recognizes the work of teammates and their contributions to a project/initiative and celebrates the achievements of teammates.


有直接下属的领导应该达到这些目标, 技能, 能力, 知识, 个人属性. 我们鼓励所有员工,不论职位高低,都为达到这一水平而奋斗.

  • 将跨学科的观点带入对话或项目.
  • 营造一个每个人都受到尊重和尊重的工作环境.
  • 确保信息传递给其他需要被告知的人.
    • 使用多种渠道或手段向受众传达重要信息(如.g. 时事通讯、会议、电子邮件和社交媒体).




有远见的方法, 超越显而易见的东西,寻求新的解决方案和想法, 同时积极地接受改变来实现目标.


Observable and measurable 知识, 技能, 能力, 个人属性:

  • 适应不断变化的业务需求、条件和工作职责.
  • Responds positively to change and embraces/uses new practices to accomplish goals and solve problems.
  • 天生好奇, always seeking to learn more about their specific work or industry; always looking for learning opportunities.
  • 需要主动.
  • Looks beyond the obvious, thinks “outside the box”, and doesn’t stop with the first answer/solution.
  • Recovers quickly from setbacks and finds alternative ways to reach goals or targets.
  • 容忍歧义, 对不确定性感到自在, 不可预知性, 冲突的方向, 多种需求.
  • 提出问题,挑战假设.
  • 考虑多种选择和视角.


有直接下属的领导应该达到这些目标, 技能, 能力, 知识, 个人属性. 我们鼓励所有员工,不论职位高低,都为达到这一水平而奋斗.
