
卫生与公众服务部(DHHS)已将对《博天堂官方》(a)的修改纳入其中.k.a. “经修订的共同规则”), 自2019年1月21日起生效,这将影响机构审查委员会(IRB)的协议. 


  • The new regulations do not impact IRB studies approved prior to January 21, 2019.
  • 这些变化要求研究合规和诚信办公室(ORCI)更新IRB申请表格. 表格已在OneAegis中更新. If you started to complete the previous version of the submission form before that date, 您可以在1月21日之后继续使用并提交, 2019; researchers will NOT be required to transfer 所有 of the application information to the new version of the form.




  • 继续复习 - 对于一些涉及最小风险的研究不再需要. 这包括仅剩下可识别数据/生物标本分析或临床数据随访活动的研究.
  • 豁免 - 有新的类别和对现有类别的澄清. “Limited IRB Review” is required for some categories; this review is a simplified version of the expedited review process.
  • 知情同意 - 有一个新的部分:“关键要素”. 重新安排知情同意书的内容是为了帮助受试者决定他们是否愿意参与.
  • 单IRB-of-Record (sIRB) -  IRB oversight for most feder所有y-funded collaborative research projects located in the U.S. 将被要求使用单一IRB(学术, 商业, 从1月20日开始, 2020.  




期望看到以下内容 2019年1月21日或之后的新研究:

  1. IRB申请表格的小改动.
    • A new version of the New Protocol Submission Form has been incorporated in OneAegis. If researchers are currently working on the old version of the form when the changes go into effect, the old version of the form may still be submitted; researchers will not need be required to transfer responses to a new version of the form.
  2. ​​​​​​​知情同意模板的更改
    • ​​​​​​​最新的知情同意指导文件将很快发布.
  3. IRB政策更新
  4. 合作研究, 在方案审查之前,ORCI与合作的内部审查委员会协商,以确定哪个机构将担任牵头的内部审查委员会.
    • 当与外部机构进行合作人类受试者研究时,请在填写申请表之前与ORCI联系.


研究合规和诚信办公室与机构审查委员会政策和程序委员会(IRBPPC)和大学领导层合作,解释新的共同规则元素并更新大学的政策, 业务流程, and protocol submission systems to accommodate the changes while continuing to protect its subjects.



  • 1月21日之前批准的研究, 2019, must comply with the existing ("pre-2018 Common Rule") regulations; studies 批准日期: 1月21日以后, 2019, 必须遵守修订后的共同规则条例.
  • The IRB may choose to transition non-exempt studies approved prior to January 21, 2019, to the revised Common Rule regulations in an effort to reduce administrative burden for the researchers. GVSU's decision whether or not to transition such eligible studies will be made at a later date, 一旦联邦人类研究保护办公室发布了额外的指导意见,对过渡研究的影响就可以完全理解.
  • 豁免: GVSU will not be implementing the optional self-determination of exempt review. 豁免决定仍然必须由ORCI/IRB做出.
  • Broad Consent: GVSU will not be implementing the "Broad Consent" option of the informed consent process. Exemption categories 7 and 8, which rely upon Broad Consent, will also not be implemented.
  • sIRB: ORCI/IRB将继续评估GVSU是否将作为合作研究的单一IRB,或者GVSU是否将审查权交给合作者的IRB.

Continuing Review Changes

1月21日或之后批准的课程有效, 2019, 继续复习 will no longer be required for most studies that are approved under expedited review. 研究必须不超过最小风险,并符合人类研究保护办公室快速审查类别之一,以便在快速审查下获得批准. 取消这一要求减少了研究人员和ORCI/IRB的管理负担,而不会影响人类受试者.

内部审查委员会仍然保留在必要时对加速研究执行持续审查要求的选项. Some reasons for choosing to enforce the requirement include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The project is regulated by a sponsor that requires continuing review
  • The project involves additional regulatory oversight, such as a conflict of interest management
  • An amendment or adverse event report reveals new findings that require additional oversight
  • 研究人员以前有过违规事件


不考虑持续审查的要求, 加急协议仍然需要提交以下内容:

  • 一份修改请求表,用于对协议进行任何修改
  • 协议偏差的可报告事件表, 未预料到的问题, 和/或严重的不良事件
  • 在研究结束时填写结束表格



1月21日生效, 2019, the feder所有y-defined exemption categories for human subjects research have been updated. 更改包括以下内容:

  • 修改大多数现有的豁免类别
  • 范围扩大到几个现有的类别
  • 增加新类别
  • 新的“有限IRB审查”类别将允许一些以前属于快速审查的研究现在属于豁免审查. 有限IRB审查是某些豁免研究所需的额外审查级别,以确保隐私/机密保护充分到位.


A complete description of exempt and expedited categories is available 在这里.





Exempt Category 2: Surveys, Interviews, Educational Tests, and Observation of Public Behavior

Change: The scope is expanded to include collection of sensitive and identifiable data, 包括视觉和听觉记录. This exemption still does not 所有ow for the following: interventions, 生物标本收集, 链接到其他个人身份数据, and research with minors (except for educational tests or some public observation). 某些二类研究需要有限的内部审查委员会审查.


Change: This category permits data collection via a benign interaction (e.g., survey, interview, audio/visual recording) from adult subjects with prospective agreement. “良性干预”被定义为持续时间较短的干预, 无害的, 非物理侵入性, 无痛, 不令人尴尬或冒犯, 而且不太可能产生持久的影响. This exemption cannot be used for the following: research with minors, 欺骗(除非事先获得同意), 生理数据收集方法(如.g., 脑电图, 可穿戴设备, 血压监测仪), 或链接到额外的个人身份数据. 某些第三类研究需要有限的内部审查委员会审查.

Exempt Category 4: Secondary Research (Identifiable Private Information/Biospecimens)

Change: The scope is expanded to include the following: prospective data review; maintenance of identifiers, if 所有 study data is protected health information (PHI); and research that is conducted by, 或代表, 联邦部门/机构或使用政府生成或政府收集的非研究活动获得的信息.

Exempt Category 5: Public Benefit/Service Program Research (Federal Demonstration Projects)

变更:为了适用此豁免, 该项目必须在联邦网站上公布.

豁免类别6:口味/食品质量评价 & 消费者接受


Exempt Categories 7 and 8: These new "Broad Consent" categories will not be utilized by GVSU. 



1月21日生效, 2019, the requirements for informed consent have changed as follows:

  • A "关键信息" section must be presented at the beginning of the consent form
  • New consent form elements must be included, depending on the nature of the study
  • 豁免标准和文件的变更
  • A "Broad Consent" option for unspecified future use of identifiable data/biospecimens (注:由于需要繁琐的跟踪要求,GVSU将不会实施修订后法规的这一可选功能.)


任何研究 批准日期: 1月21日以后, 2019, 必须纳入这些知情同意的变化吗, even if the protocol was under review (but not yet approved) prior to January 21, 2019.



The 关键信息 section should include the following, as applicable:

  • A statement that the study involves research and participant is voluntary
  • A summary of the research, including purpose, duration, and a list of procedures
  • 合理的可预见的风险或不适
  • 合理的预期收益
  • 如果有替代的治疗程序或疗程

The level of detail required for the "关键信息" section will depend on the complexity of the project. Note that many social/behavioral science projects already implement this information, 所以包含“关键信息”部分可能是多余的. 预计联邦政府将在晚些时候发布进一步的指导意见.



  • For projects involving the collection of identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens, the informed consent must include a statement indicating whether identifiers may be removed, and de-identified information or biospecimens may or may not be used or shared for future research.
  • 涉及使用生物标本的项目, 知情同意必须包括一份声明,说明生物标本是否可用于商业利益, 受试者将分享利润.
  • 涉及临床相关结果的项目, the informed consent must include a statement indicating whether the clinical results, 包括个人研究成果, 会回到主题上来吗, 如果是这样的话, 在什么条件下.
  • 涉及全基因组测序的项目, 知情同意必须包括一份声明,表明研究将或可能包括全基因组测序.



  • 放弃对二次使用可识别的私人信息/生物标本的知情同意必须证明为什么需要使用标识符来进行研究.
  • 在某些情况下,如果使用可识别信息/生物标本来识别潜在的研究参与者,则不需要知情同意.E、招聘筛选). (然而,HIPAA要求仍然适用.)
  • 联邦政府资助的临床试验, 同意书的副本必须张贴在“公开可用”的网站上, federal website" after recruitment and no later than 60 days after the last study visit by any participant. 用于这一过程的网站尚未公布. 

单IRB-of-Record (sIRB)

1月25日生效, 2018, 美国国立卫生研究院资助的涉及非豁免人类受试者的多地点研究需要使用单一的IRB-of-Record (sIRB)。. 此更改的目的是避免多个irb的重复审查. NIH的政策只适用于国内研究, 在研究的多个地点使用相同的方案. The sIRB will handle IRB review functions only; local review processes (such as conflict of interest monitoring, 培训要求, 等.) will continue to be under the oversight of the individual participating institutions. 本政策适用于NIH拨款申请(新), 更新, 修订, resubmission) received on or after 1/25/18 and NIH contract solicitations issued on or after 1/25/18.

决定哪个机构将担任牵头审查委员会将由ORCi与参与研究的其他站点的审查委员会共同决定. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and must be designated in the NIH grant application. T在这里fore, GVSU PIs involved in multi-site NIH-funded studies need to contact ORCI 在准备拨款期间. 影响决策的因素包括:

  • 研究的风险水平
  • 奖学金的主要获奖人
  • 涉及的站点数量
  • 参与招聘的地点


The sIRB requirement of the 经修订的通用规则 goes into effect on January 20, 2020. 这将适用于其他联邦机构根据共同规则资助的所有非豁免合作人类受试者研究. (Prior to January 20, 2020, only the NIH is imposing the sIRB requirement.)
