Seidman Internship FAQs

Do I need to pursue my internship for academic credit?

Do I pay tuition for the internship course?

Is an internship an “internship” if I do not pursue academic credit?

Am I eligible to pursue academic credit for my internship?

Is my internship eligible for academic credit?

How do I get my internship approved for academic credit?

What do I do after my internship is approved for academic credit?


I’ve submitted my completed internship agreement, what do I do next?

What do I need to do to fulfill internship course requirements?


Do I need to pursue my internship for academic credit?
一般商务专业的学生需要通过实习来获得学分,以达到学位要求. For all other Seidman majors an internship for credit is an elective option. 在决定进行实习学分之前,请与学术顾问确认实习可以算在您剩余学位要求的某个地方.

Do I pay tuition for the internship course?
Yes. 如果你决定通过实习来获得学分,你需要参加实习课程,并为该课程支付学费, as you would any other course at GVSU. 你将被要求按照实习协调员的教学大纲和指导完成作业和课程要求.

Is an internship an “internship” if I do not pursue academic credit?
Absolutely! 最终,我们希望你拥有的是经验,这是你未来雇主所关心的. 如果实习课程符合学位要求,并且在经济上是你的正确选择, factoring in timing and tuition costs, then great! If the internship course credit doesn’t work for you, 我们鼓励你继续从事实习工作,以获得经验和简历. 你仍然可以在简历上把这段经历列为实习,而不管学分是多少.

Am I eligible to pursue academic credit for my internship?
To be eligible to pursue credit for a Seidman College of Business internship, 你必须完成塞德曼成功标准(完成55学分,2分).5 GPA, and completed ACC 212, BUS 201, ECO 210, ECO 211, STA 215, and MGT 268 which can be completed in the same semester as the internship).


如果你在上一门490/690分的实习课程中获得“无学分”,你就没有资格获得实习学分, if you are seeking to do an internship to fulfill a Seidman minor degree, but your major is in a different college, or if your internship is within the marijuana/cannabis industry. 虽然大麻在密歇根州是合法的,但在联邦政府中仍然是非法的. GVSU是联邦资助的机构,必须遵守联邦法律法规.

Is my internship eligible for academic credit?
Internship eligibility requirements are as follows:
1. 你的实习必须是一次新的学习经历(意思是你在这个职位上不超过2个月). 如果实习在我们的分类中不是一个新的经历,那么由相应的学术部门主席决定实习是否仍然可以计入学分. Please check with your appropriate Internship Coordinator first.
2. If you’ve previously pursued internship credit with a specific organization, you cannot pursue additional internship credit at that same organization.
3. To avoid potential conflict of interest, a student cannot intern for family members (father, mother, uncle, aunt, cousin, sibling, etc.)
4. 实习雇主必须是总部设在办公室的多名员工,而不是居住地点. The intern must be working from the location of the employer's office. 
5. You are reporting to a professional working in your field of study. 市场实习生必须向在市场营销领域有背景和经验的市场营销专家汇报工作.
6. 如果实习职位是1099税表独立承包商的职位,它没有资格获得实习学分.
7. An internship has to be a current learning experience. 学生不能因为实习已经完成(或接近完成)而获得学分.

How do I get my internship approved for academic credit?
你需要寻求你的实习协调员的批准,以追求实习学分. 请您的雇主通过电子邮件将您的实习职位描述发送给相应的实习协调员
Internship Coordinators:
Professor Dori Danko, d[email protected] – Accounting Internships
Gerry Cooke, [email protected] – All other business internships

  • If you are planning on participating in an international internship, see Seidman International Business Programs (3137 L. William Seidman Center) for details specific to this option. For U.S. 国际学生(F1签证学生)国际实习是指在美国以外的实习.S. and, if applicable, F1 visa students’ home countries.


What do I do after my internship is approved for academic credit?
Your next step in the internship process will be to complete and submit the Seidman Internship Agreement form. 在开始在线协议表格之前,请先查看Seidman实习协议教程视频. 只有填写了所有必需的字段,您才能提交完整的塞德曼实习协议表格. Please be sure to have all the required information as this form cannot be saved and returned to at a later date/time.

Fall Deadline - August 20th by 5 p.m. 
Winter Deadline- December 15th by 5 p.m.
Spring/Summer Deadline- April 20th by 5 p.m.


  • 你的塞德曼协议表格将由实习协调员和部门教员审查批准. You can follow your internship agreement form status throughout the process here.
  • Once approved, 必要的许可/撤销将由塞德曼本科课程办公室处理.
  • 当你的塞德曼实习协议表格被处理后,你将收到一封电子邮件到你的GVSU电子邮件地址, 届时,您将被要求登录Banner并注册实习课程.
  • The course is structured as an online course. 课程信息将张贴在黑板上,在那里你可以找到实习教学大纲, information on internship assignments, grading policies, etc.
  • 请在实习期间定期检查您的GVSU电子邮件地址. 你将从实习协调员那里收到非常重要的信息!


What do I need to do to fulfill internship course requirements?
The internship course is graded credit/no credit. 你可以在黑板上看到实习教学大纲,了解点的结构, how many points you need to earn credit in the course, assignment due dates, etc.
Minimally, 你必须在雇主那里完成50个小时的工作,才能获得实习所需的每一个学分. 一个3学分的实习课程相当于为你的雇主工作150小时. 在一个标准的15周的学期中,每周工作10小时将使你的总工作时间达到最低.
*Your internship employer retains hiring and dismissal authority. 被解雇的实习生的实习课程将被记为“无学分”.
*你需要完成实习教学大纲中列出的课程要求! This includes the following assignments: Log sheets, performance evaluation forms and the final report.


Internship Coordinators

Accounting Internships
Professor Dori Danko
(616) 331-7190
d[email protected]

Other Business Internships
Gerry Cooke MBA
(616) 331-7500
[email protected]



Gerry Cooke
(616) 331-7500
[email protected]

Page last modified May 2, 2023