
如果你曾经和写作顾问合作过, you've probably been advised to "reserve outline" your 草案. This is the gold star of the writing center -- the old faithful strategy for trying to clear up your ideas, 组织你的论点, and really make sure your writing is saying what you want it to be saying.

但什么是反向轮廓呢? This page will help you understand what it is, how to use it, and ways you can make it your own.

The Difference Between an Outline and a Reverse Outline


picture of a cartoon person with spiraling thoughts above their head, and also of another person thinking of these ideas in a linear/structured way.

Hertzberb K. (2017). 如何 to write an outline: 4 ways to organize your thoughts. 从检索 http://www.语法.com/    


提纲是一种组织工具 之前 这些想法是以很长的形式起草的.

Writers use outlines to predict the organizational structure of their papers, 在他们研究的过程中组织他们的想法, 草案, and/or use it to practice following a specific order 之前 committing to the organization -- an order that may be predetermined by genre, 赋值, 或逻辑. 


相反的轮廓出现了 草稿已经写好了. Rather than working as a planning and prediction tool, it is used as a reflection tool -- a kind of reality check for your 草案. If you planned on writing an introduction that was catchy and informative, the reverse outline lets you check if that actually happened. 如何? The reverse outline distills your paper into it's main points, it's essence. What's left is a bullet point list or quick-reference description of what's actually in your paper. 

Another way to think of reverse outlining is as summary or note-taking of your own text. 它是个性化的, 长文本的简化表示:摘要, 一个标题, 简要描述. The key is that it represents what's really on the page -- not just what was intended to be there, 一定. 

问号的图片, 感叹号, 心, and checkmark inside a circle -- all editorial 符号 used to communicate quickly.

Pro-tip: you can use reverse outlining for reading other texts too! 这是一个很棒的记笔记工具.

What does a Reverse Outline Accomplish for a Writer?


  • Make sure your paper's doing what it's supposed to be doing -- meeting 赋值 guidelines, 涵盖所有预期的内容, 包括你的资料来源, 等.
  • Identify where there's missing information -- finding gaps in logic, topics, research, argument, 等.
  • Show places where there may be misunderstanding or confusion -- clarifying intent and reality

When papers get longer or cover more complex ideas, the reverse outline can assist you in making sure that everything is working out. If it's not, the reverse outline will show you where and why.

What does a Reverse Outline Accomplish for a Reader?

读者也可以使用反向提纲! ——尤其是在做同行评议时. Have you ever proofread a friend's paper and not known what to say? Well, a handy tool that never goes wrong is using a reverse outline when reading their work. If you provide your friend with a reverse outline, then they can learn the following...

  • 你从课文中学到了什么
  • 你对想法的解读
  • 误解:阅读或信息中的误解

除了校对或同行评议, using a reverse outline when reading anything will help you stay focused, 订婚了, and reflective of what you're learning from any text.


Here are the key ideas to keep in mind when creating a reverse outline:

  1. Make sure you're working with a 草案 rather than an outline or idea-map. Reverse outlines are most useful when the writer has moved beyond the planning phases and has attempted to represent their ideas in sentences, 段落, 和部分. "Chunking" your paper into manageable sections is the best way to use a reverse outline. 
  2. 编写自己的代码. When summarizing or representing the ideas in the 草案, you get to decide how you want to construct your reverse outline -- you can use a numbering system, 符号, 简短的短语, 问题, 你喜欢什么?. 
  3. Be sure you know the goal of the text -- and if you don't, you should ask. The reverse outline helps you meet goals; if you don't know what the goal is, 相反的轮廓不太有用. To do this, reference your 赋值 sheet or check the standards of the genre ("What is expected of me when I'm writing a Lab Report?"). 


If you're having a hard time figuring out how to begin using a reverse outline, you can reference these key 问题 that might help guide you!

  1. 想想你的论文. 每个段落是否都以应有的方式连接起来? 每一段都和我的论点有关吗?
  2. 想想你的订单. 这篇论文感觉“合乎逻辑”吗?? 我有开头、中间和结尾吗? 相似的想法是放在一起的吗?
  3. 想想说服. 我的论文有足够的支持吗? 这有说服力吗?? 我的论点有漏洞吗? 我有没有考虑过反驳?
  4. 想想清晰度. 读者可能会在哪里感到困惑? 我哪里糊涂了? 我有没有在一段话里写了太多的想法? 是否有段落重复了多余的观点? 
  5. 想想平衡. 有没有段落太长或太短? Do I spend too much time on some ideas and not enough on others?



The image below is of a sample student essay, found in the wrt150绿皮书. If you click the link, you can view or download the entire 反向轮廓样例.

The key takeaways from this sample are as follows:


  1. The reader uses the left column to summarize as they read -- to make notes
  2. The reader uses the right column to summarize the left column -- to refine their notes
  3. The reader is making assumptions based on the text
  4. The reader does not know the 赋值 guidelines, but does know that this paper was well-received by the WRT 150 community


this is a picture of a student sample essay with notes written on it by someone doing a reverse outline. you can click the link in the text box to download the full paper and all its notations.

Information used in the creation of this page can be found at "如何 to Write an Outline: 4 Ways to Organize Your Thoughts" 通过K. Hertzberg在语法blog和 "Reverse Outlines: A Writer's Technique for Examining Organization" by The Writing Center of University of Wisconsin -- Madison

还有其他问题吗?? 停下来参观一下! 或致电331-2922.

