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踢足球可能不是脑部手术,而是儿科手术 neurosurgeon Dr. Kaine Onwuzulike said the two have more in common than people may think.

Onwuzulike is uniquely qualified to make the comparison. The 1998 我的毕业生是湖人队的球员,当时布莱恩·凯利还是队长 教练,他是成功完成手术小组的一员 脊柱裂出生缺陷的首次子宫内矫正 renowned Cleveland Clinic in northern Ohio.

“My first love was football. I lived and breathed anything to do with football,” Onwuzulike said. “When I realized I wasn’t going to play professionally, I focused on medicine. That’s where I found unity, a 团队精神,团队准备,朝着共同的目标努力. 

“I find that there are many parallels in neurosurgery.”

Surgeons in the middle of operating
Dr. Kaine Onwuzulike(右)正在修复一名23周大婴儿的脊柱 在克利夫兰诊所进行了一项开创性的手术. Onwuzulike 1998年获得格兰德谷大学生物学学士学位.
Dr. Kaine Onwuzulike

Onwuzulike说他在子宫内手术中的作用,这是第一次 克利夫兰诊所的同类手术,是为了修复一名 23-week-old fetus. The procedure was intended to restore normal brain structure. Prior to fetal repair surgery, the back of the brain 脊柱向下突出,导致脑脊液倒流 根据一项研究,上升和增加压力会导致脑损伤 description from the clinic.

“这是你要同时照顾两个病人的为数不多的几次之一 mother and the fetus,” Onwuzulike said. “For decades we’ve been 产后治疗,这是一个相当持久的治疗方法,但是 很多时候病人需要分流来缓解体液压力. They 通常需要进一步的手术,许多患者下肢功能较差.”

Onwuzulike说,在子宫内治疗这种情况具有重要意义 benefits, including improved neurologic function. Nationally, 1,600 babies are born with spina bifida each year. 

他说手术在两个方面是成功的:正常的大脑 结构恢复,婴儿通过剖宫产分娩 at nearly 37 weeks. Both the mother and baby girl are doing well, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

“我们能够缝合缺陷,把孩子放回 uterus, and later the baby was delivered via C-section. She has been doing remarkably well,” Onwuzulike said. “Just like athletes, the surgical team set out to do something and wanted to excel. They want to be the best at their craft.”


“这是一个很好的机会,在一个有点 like the New England Patriots of medicine. Cleveland Clinic is a place 这已经习惯了胜利和成为潮流的引领者,”他说. “You 想要在最好的地方,和最好的人在一起. It’s 一个美妙的交叉,没有身体上的惩罚 professional football.”

手术成功的回报是终生的训练 对于Onwuzulike,包括在儿科工作的专业培训和 在凯斯西大学获得医学学位后从事神经外科手术. 

“The work I get to do is going to improve people’s lives. Not only 胎儿,还有那个孩子的亲人的生命 caregivers,” Onwuzulike said. “It’s huge! Being able to contribute in that regard is phenomenal to me.”

“有无限的东西有待发现,而寻找它们就是。 part of who I am.”

Dr. Kaine Onwuzulike, a 1998 graduate of Grand Valley

Onwuzulike说,这次手术的准备工作类似于 on a practice field. He said he spent time envisioning his physical moves, and was prepared to handle unexpected situations. It’s 对于前防守后卫来说,这是自然而然的事情.

“当你遇到一个大案子时,你会设想一个成功的案子 outcome. You already have a plan B and plan C.

比赛前的计划是一样的,看电影和做笔记。” Onwuzulike said. “You always have some nerves, but just like athletes, 最好的准备方法是为复杂情况或改变计划做好准备.”

Onwuzulike说他一直对科学、自然和科学充满热情 math. 他说,大自然与生俱来的美激发了他的好奇心 questions that explore how the world works.

“有无限的东西有待发现,而寻找它们就是。 part of who I am,” he said.

他说他在医学院之前在大峡谷的经历是 他自我发现的基础,很大程度上是因为他找到了一个核心 group of professors who cared about his success.

Rick Rediske是Annis Water的教授和生态研究员 资源研究所回忆说,Onwuzulike在他身边闲逛研究 课间去实验室学习,听他讲足球 他的梦想是从事医学事业,指导医学 research in Africa. He called Onwuzulike’s story inspiring.

“教育的真正回报是看到以前的博天堂官方和进步 make an outstanding contribution,” Rediske said.

Onwuzulike说Grand Valley很适合他,他对此表示赞赏 his undergraduate experience for helping shape his future.

“这是一个非常特别的地方,一个我将永远珍爱的地方。” Onwuzulike said. “Grand Valley is a big part of why I’m here. I’m a Grand Valley fan for life.”

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