
More than math


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书呆子,整天一个人坐在办公桌前,做着重复的工作 hope of promotion. Yikes!

That is how some high school students describe accountants.

怀俄明高中的高年级学生考特尼·雷邦(Courtnee Raybon)相信这个神话 直到她参加了大峡谷的会计职业意识训练营.

“我以为会计师只是整天坐在那里计算数字 必须非常擅长高级数学,”雷邦说 start her own business someday. “The camp opened my eyes to what a degree in accounting can do for me.”

来自当地8所高中的15名学生住进了公寓 在6月为期五天的夏令营期间, 由赛德曼商学院会计学院主办.

会计学助理教授兼夏令营主任大卫·坎农 格兰德山谷的第一个此类营地专注于 现实生活中会计的职责和服务方式 local business leaders to coach and develop young talent.

他说,格兰德谷是企业和企业的强大渠道 全国各地的会计师事务所,和营地帮助支持他们 recruiting strategies.

People sitting at tables in an office
在为期五天的夏令营中,学生们参观了当地的公司并参与其中 in mock interviews.

学生们被教导说,会计也是一种交流 discipline as it is a measurement discipline.

“会计师需要善于沟通和写作,”坎农说. “And, accounting is numbers — not math. I tell high school students they already know the necessary math, which is algebra 1. You won’t 参见本科阶段的会计学中的三角学或微积分.”

维克多·马丁内斯,他毕业于格兰德河预备高中 他说,在他的营地经历之后,他决定去大急流城 pursue a degree in accounting at Grand Valley.

“我最喜欢的部分是参观当地的公司,了解所有这些 is involved with an accounting career,” said Martinez. “I thought accountants worked alone in cubicles. I didn’t realize how much teamwork is involved.”

马丁内斯说,他看到了会计的一个重要角色: 将公司产生的信息放入表格中 这对投资者、贷款人和银行家等决策者很有用.

坎农经常说,学生们没有意识到会计的付出 insight to managers and executives.

“会计师可以判断减产1美元是否有利可图 在一个特定的时间内,或者更多 在某个时间点购买材料是有利可图的。. “他们可以决定你在某项工作中可以加班多少时间 department without losing money.”

Correcting misperceptions was just one goal of the camp. Cannon said 有必要增加行业内的多样性 教育学生大学学位的终身价值.

该营地是基于全国黑人会计师协会的 会计职业意识计划模式,帮助指导 underrepresented groups to accounting and business careers.

这次夏令营对学生免费开放,并得到了几个地区的支持 businesses. Business leaders and alumni served as counselors to help 学生们制作简历,规划职业生涯,练习适当的午餐礼仪 and learn how to dress for success.

学生们还参加了模拟面试和实地考察 地区会计事务所和企业包括普朗特莫兰、戈登 Food Service, and Crowe LLP. Other sponsors were BDO, Dan Carter 顾问,全国黑人会计师协会,安永,普华永道和惠而浦.

博天堂官方地区的几个部门都支持这个营地,包括德克萨斯 就业中心,博天堂官方,经济援助,学生生活和塞德曼 Undergraduate Advising Center.

Danica DeWaha is a senior associate at PwC; she earned both a 工商管理学士学位,工商管理硕士学位 accounting from Grand Valley in 2016.

德瓦哈担任营地志愿者,主持模拟面试 helping students craft a resume. She said PwC has a strong Grand Valley alumni staff, ranging from intern to partner.

“I thought accountants worked alone in cubicles. I didn’t realize how much teamwork is involved.”

Victor Martinez, first-year student majoring in accounting

“这个夏令营对我们来说很棒,因为我们一直在寻找新的东西 ways to engage with Grand Valley,” said DeWaha. “Students learned 他们未来需要的重要技能,比如如何代表 themselves in an interview and maintain eye contact. Their resumes 都经过了三位专业人士的审核,所以最后都是一流的.”

DeWaha教授学生新的工具、技术和软件(比如 他们可能认为不会在会计和审计中使用的bot和alteryx).

凯蒂·哈里斯,10岁,11岁,底特律普华永道风险保险经理, 她说,她的公司从格兰德山谷招聘员工,而像这个项目 accounting awareness camp help sustain a strong pipeline.

“有了这些类型的经验,学生们可以更好地理解 对实习和就业的期望,”哈里斯说. “This 舞台不是要把它做好,而是要练习和得到 real-time feedback. Students get to see what their career path might look like.”

雷邦的职业道路可能包括开自己的公司, perhaps a medical spa. She said the camp gave her the knowledge and confidence to apply to colleges and follow her dreams.

马丁内斯现在是大峡谷大学的一年级学生,很快就会 complete his first semester of classes.

“大峡谷有一所声誉良好的商学院 programs,” he said. “Learning about accounting and college from the 夏令营辅导员和拜访当地公司让我相信我能做到.”

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