


A diverse group – typically age 25 and older – with a wide range of educational and cultural backgrounds, 成人的责任, 工作经历. 他们通常是兼职学习, taking one or two courses a term while maintaining work and family responsibilities (Southern Regional Education Board, 2021).


Working to make a positive difference in the life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, 技能, 值, 以及做出改变的动力. 另外, civic engagement encompasses actions where individuals participate in activities of personal and public concern that are both individually life-enriching and socially beneficial to the community.


学习活动, 项目, and experiences that reinforce the institution’s mission and 值 and complement the formal curriculum. 例子:出国留学, 学生和教师的研究经验, 服务学习, 专业俱乐部或组织, 体育运动, 荣誉的社会, 职业服务, 等. (高等教育委员会,2021年).


学生参与社区体验. A core assumption of 以社区为基础的学习 is that all partners bring rich knowledge, 技能, 以及解决问题的其他专业知识, 研究问题, 或者学习目标. Community-based learning extends beyond academic coursework and may include a field experience, 实习, 实习, 顶石, 研究项目, 临床, 合作社, 或者课外活动. The experience may be a direct service/activity that takes place on site or research or other off-site work that benefits the community partner. 社区合作伙伴可能包括营利性企业或行业, 教育机构, 卫生组织, 非营利组织, 政府机构, 专业协会, 和/或社区团体. 社区可以是地方的、地区的、州的、国家的或全球的.


Any postsecondary learning or 项目 that adults pursue after formal education. This can vary from seminars or one-time classes to online courses and entire degree 项目 (Western Governors University, 2021).




对复杂事物的批判性分析和参与, interdependent global systems and their implications for people's lives and the earth's sustainability. (AAC格式&《博天堂官方》,2014年)


帮助教育工作者为所有学生提供高质量的学习体验. It addresses theories of learning and illustrates how to translate theory into practice. The experience is designed to help participants use effective strategies and pedagogies as the means to advance equity and make excellence inclusive. 高影响力的经历包括第一年的经历, 共同的智力体验, 学习社区, writing-intensive课程, 协同作业, 和项目, 本科研究, 多样性/全球学习, 服务学习, 以社区为基础的学习, 实习, 顶点课程, 和项目或类似的活动. (ACC&U, Curricular Framework: 2015 Institute on High Impact Practices and Student Success)


Represents many different behaviors that can range from the simple and commonplace to the complex and original. During college-level study, integrative learning can involve the following:

  • Usefully blending knowledge and 技能 from different disciplinary areas, as in a learning community.
  • Putting theory into practice, as in a student-teaching semester or nursing 临床 practice.
  • 考虑多个角度,以促进合作解决问题, as in a senior 顶石 project completed by a team of students from different majors.
  • Adapting the 技能 learned in one situation to problems encountered in another, as when a business student conducts market research to help a community agency estimate the potential client load for a new branch office.
  • 反思随着时间的推移在学术之间建立的联系, 辅助课程的, 职业前经历, 就像一个学生在多年的作品集里写反思性文章一样.
  • Integrating 技能 "across-the-curriculum" with learning in disciplinary or interdisciplinary settings, as when writing and quantitative 技能 are used in history or women's studies.


实现预期结果的关键(关键)指标. Key performance indicators provide a focus for strategic and operational improvement, create an analytical basis for decision making and help focus attention on what matters most (kpi.组织,2021年). 此外,它们是

  • tools used to understand and measure success toward achieving goals; they are not goals unto themselves;
  • intended to be easily understood and directly connected to strategic goals; and are
  • 用来衡量效率和效果.


An approach to undergraduate education that promotes integration of learning across the curriculum and co-curriculum and between academic and experiential learning to develop specific learning outcomes that are essential for work, 公民身份, 和生活. (AAC格式&U, 2020)


The measure detailing the criteria by which a division or college will determine the extent to which it has achieved each objective. 每个目标至少需要一个度量标准.


对组织存在理由的简明说明. 它描述了组织的目的和总体意图. The mission statement supports the vision and serves to communicate purpose and direction to employees, 客户, 供应商, 以及其他利益相关者. 社团.org n.d.,第2段)


A statement of 要取得的具体成果 en route to the accomplishment of an outcome. 目标通常包括一个时间框架, 改变的目标, 要取得的具体成果, 以及成功成就的标准. 目标表示结果,而不是活动.


An educational process or program that develops individuals to acquire special competencies for professional practice (IGI Global, 2021). Professional education is a formal specialized training about a particular profession in which learners are taught the central concepts, 原则, 和技术, 以及这些在实际中是如何应用的. (IGI Global, 2021)


学校新生的百分比, first-year undergraduate students who continue at that school the next year. 例如, a student who studies full-time in the fall semester and keeps on studying in the program in the next fall semester is counted in this rate. (U.S. 教育部,2021)


Specific activities a college or division intends to engage in or perform to achieve each objective. Several strategies may be described for each objective or a single strategy or action is all that is required.

The core 原则 that guide and direct the organization and its culture. 这些价值观为组织及其员工创造了道德指南针. It guides decision-making and establishes a standard against which actions can be assessed. These core 值 are an internalized framework that is shared and acted on by university leaders. 社团.org n.d.,第3段)


Looks forward and creates a mental image of the ideal state that the organization wishes to achieve. A vision statement is inspirational and aspirational and should challenge employees. 社团.org n.d.,第2段)
